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  1. #1
    bass's Avatar
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    Jackpot, then the rug was pulled from under me!

    so my doctor ordered for 4 vials at first pickup, then 6 refills. my eyes almost fell out of my face, i was like aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaokay. so i flew to the pharmacy on my Harley and there it was, 4 vials in a bag, so i get home and open the bag like a little child on Christmas Eve, opened one box and............ wasn't sure to laugh or cry, there were 4 vials of 1ml test, 200 mgs each vial!

  2. #2
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    LOL, I have head that happening a lot lately. I'm sticking to leaving good enough alone. I know someone who was getting 10 ml a month for a while but then same thing happened to him. I have been getting 5ml a month for a few years and it adds up quick enough for me.

  3. #3
    HRTstudent's Avatar
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    i would be upset if I got those little vials. right now I use the 5mL vial and there is "waste" at the end that I cant suck up. I imagine if you did that every time with a 1mL that you would be getting a lot more waste, thus slightly less dosage. It doesnt seem like the vials account for the waste from the end of the vial plus the waste that is left in the tip of the syringe!

  4. #4
    APIs's Avatar
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    Bass it probably has something to do with the Controlled Substances law in your state and how such prescriptions can be filled. Do a google search for the laws in your State. Some states like mine only allow a 30 day supply on Class III substances, but there is an exception made in the law for men on TRT. I literally had to show my Pharmacust the law and then they began filling it correctly. I'd bring the 1ml's back and ask them to give you at least a 10ml vial. Anything smaller is just a PITA. FYI - here's a thread I did on it awhile back;
    Last edited by APIs; 07-01-2012 at 03:37 PM.

  5. #5
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HRTstudent View Post
    i would be upset if I got those little vials. right now I use the 5mL vial and there is "waste" at the end that I cant suck up. I imagine if you did that every time with a 1mL that you would be getting a lot more waste, thus slightly less dosage. It doesnt seem like the vials account for the waste from the end of the vial plus the waste that is left in the tip of the syringe!
    Really? I may have a drop or two left sometimes but with a 22g needle and a little practice of pulling the needle in/out a little at a time while it's upside down so everything is on the stopper I manage to get mine pretty dry.

  6. #6
    bass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    LOL, I have head that happening a lot lately. I'm sticking to leaving good enough alone. I know someone who was getting 10 ml a month for a while but then same thing happened to him. I have been getting 5ml a month for a few years and it adds up quick enough for me.
    it doesn't make sense, we are on TRT for life, why do we have to pickup a prescription once a month?! others who are on life time medications get years worth! of course i understand why for testosterone , but still, why not one vial of 10ml every pickup?!

    Quote Originally Posted by HRTstudent View Post
    i would be upset if I got those little vials. right now I use the 5mL vial and there is "waste" at the end that I cant suck up. I imagine if you did that every time with a 1mL that you would be getting a lot more waste, thus slightly less dosage. It doesnt seem like the vials account for the waste from the end of the vial plus the waste that is left in the tip of the syringe!
    exactly HRT, that what i am upset about, we lose quite a bit if you combine what you can't get out of the vial one year worth. its a shame, i mean we are older guys here not teenagers who wants to cycle!

    Quote Originally Posted by APIs View Post
    Bass it probably has something to do with the Controlled Substances law in your state and how such prescriptions can be filled. Do a google search for the laws in your State. Some states like mine only allow a 30 day supply on Class III substances, but there is an exception made in the law for men on TRT. I literally had to show my Pharmacust the law and then they began filling it correctly. I'd bring the 1ml's back and ask them to give you at least a 10ml vial. Anything smaller is just a PITA. FYI - here's a thread I did on it awhile back;
    i been getting one vial of 10ml for the last 3-4 times, i got pissed of at saveon and went to Walgreen hoping they can get it right, i guess back to saveon! thanks for the link!

  7. #7
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    I dont know anyone who gets years worth or even 1 years of meds at a time. I do get some meds 3 months supply at a time. I have no problem getting it monthly. I like Walgreens because I have it on auto refill so it is ready the same time every month. Now if you mean a prescription with refills for 6 months or a year I get that. My doc does that for me. I think my last one was 6 months and with only a call I got it for another 6 months or maybe it was for 12.

    Now I have other meds it's the stupid doctor who wants to EVALUATE me ever 3 months? WTF OK is my ADD going to go away? I think not.... Just give me the damn script for 6 mo or 1 year and go away. tired of making car payment for her $30 at a time...

  8. #8
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    so my doctor ordered for 4 vials at first pickup, then 6 refills. my eyes almost fell out of my face, i was like aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaokay. so i flew to the pharmacy on my Harley and there it was, 4 vials in a bag, so i get home and open the bag like a little child on Christmas Eve, opened one box and............ wasn't sure to laugh or cry, there were 4 vials of 1ml test, 200 mgs each vial!
    hahahahhahaha, that sucks, and i bet it cost a ton too.

    My first script was for 1ml, so dang expensive, and when i got it i was like wtf am i supposed to do with this.

    my new nurse that called in my script gave me something like 5 refills of 10 ml, and 6 months to fill them, hahahahahaha.

  9. #9
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    Funny Bass, not laughing at you but with you! API is right, good advice, I get (per florida law) up to 6 months at once. I always have 2 10ml vials and when I finish one I re-order another, not gonna get caught high and dry!

  10. #10
    bass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I dont know anyone who gets years worth or even 1 years of meds at a time. I do get some meds 3 months supply at a time. I have no problem getting it monthly. I like Walgreens because I have it on auto refill so it is ready the same time every month. Now if you mean a prescription with refills for 6 months or a year I get that. My doc does that for me. I think my last one was 6 months and with only a call I got it for another 6 months or maybe it was for 12.

    Now I have other meds it's the stupid doctor who wants to EVALUATE me ever 3 months? WTF OK is my ADD going to go away? I think not.... Just give me the damn script for 6 mo or 1 year and go away. tired of making car payment for her $30 at a time...
    exactly the point regarding the condition not going away. yes i meant refills.

  11. #11
    bass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SEOINAGE View Post
    hahahahhahaha, that sucks, and i bet it cost a ton too.

    My first script was for 1ml, so dang expensive, and when i got it i was like wtf am i supposed to do with this.

    my new nurse that called in my script gave me something like 5 refills of 10 ml, and 6 months to fill them, hahahahahaha.
    yea same reaction when i saw the mini vial! thats what the nurse said, she ordered the 10 ml vials! i am following up with here today to get this straighten out.

    Quote Originally Posted by bullshark99 View Post
    Funny Bass, not laughing at you but with you! API is right, good advice, I get (per florida law) up to 6 months at once. I always have 2 10ml vials and when I finish one I re-order another, not gonna get caught high and dry!
    again thats what the nurse said she ordered, but for some reason the pharmacy can't get it right, or maybe they are!

  12. #12
    jdw999's Avatar
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    I've been getting a 10ml vial a month for the past few months. Script that I have says 3 more refills before 9-11-2012, so if I can work it out I'll get all 3 refills before the script expires. Should have a pretty good stockpile by then.


  13. #13
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    Bass if your trt is covered through insurance that may be the problem. My insurance would only cover one month at a time so the 4 1ml vials was all I could get at once. Even with the 10ml vial off insurance walgreens will only let me refill every 10 weeks due to it being a scheduled drug. However my 1ml vials actually had somewhere between 1.25 and 1.5 ml per vial so more than enough to cover any loss in the pin or what you can't pull from the vial.

  14. #14
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    Dpyle, thats good to know about the little vials, and yes i go through my insurance. but another rug just got pulled from under me, as i was going back and forth with the nurse and the pharmacy the doc said he won't be prescribing it anymore, said i have to go trough an endo. the endo really sucks because she is the one who told me i don't need AI! looks like i I'll be looking for a new doc/clinic.

  15. #15
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    man bass that sucks. at least you know what good TRT can do for you so there is a clear light at the end of the tunnel. but good luck finding a good doc who knows about this. that was the hardest part for me... and I am by no means seeing a Dr Crisler caliber doctor.

  16. #16
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    most insurance companies will only pay for a 30 day supply at a time. Nothing to do with the pharmacy.
    and that little bit you loose is nothing. Not worth even thinking about. After a year you arent even loosing an 1ml
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  17. #17
    grilla is offline Junior Member
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    Insurance here would only pay for a month at a time. Rx was written for 10ml vials. Pharmacist wanted to give me two 1ml vials.

    I told him that I'd pay out of pocket and take the 10ml. It was $70...I would have paid $11 for 2ml with insurance ($55 for 10ml). I'd rather pay the extra $15 and have the 10ml vial...just more comfortable with more on hand in case there are Dr problems down the road.

    Also, good luck with your search!


  18. #18
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    My insurance only pays for one month at a time as well. I pay cash just so I can get the 10ml vial which lasts me 10 weeks.

    I guess I am just too lazy to go to the pharmacy every four weeks.

  19. #19
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    I too pay cash for the 10 ml vial but that's because the 4 1ml vials are about 1.5 times the price of a 10ml vial when paying cash. So who knows what they are charging the insurance company for those? I refuse to be a part of the rising cost of healthcare in this situation. Things like that are the reason insurance costs go up every year.

    And sorry to hear about the loss of the script Bass. Worst case scenario is to go the end route and supply your own ai. That's what I had to do with my doc. I mentioned my e2 levels and she gave me the over the counter dim supplement they sell. That didn't work for me so I had to provide my own.
    Last edited by Dpyle; 07-02-2012 at 02:58 PM.

  20. #20
    bass's Avatar
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    thanks for the suggestions guys, based on my insurance i think i will have to pay out of pocket, the hassle is not worth going to the pharmacy every 4 weeks! i too like to have extra on hand in case stupid doctors like mine decides to cut me off just because hes not comfortable with it. right now i am hunting for TRT endo, hard to find in California unless they are with a clinic.

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