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Thread: adding in hCG

  1. #1
    funkymonk is offline Associate Member
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    adding in hCG

    So I'm finally adding in hCG after 1.5 years of not having it. I'll be doing 250iu x2 a week.

    I'm currently on 100mg/wk of Cyp, and .5mg x2 a week of Adex. That keeps my serum T in the upper range of normal for most of the week, and my e2 midrange-ish. I'm not getting BW for another 3 months.

    1) How soon should I notice changes due to the hCG (notably, testicle size)
    2) Should I add another .5mg Adex EW right off the bat, wait a few weeks, or wait til BW?

    I understand this is a grey area, which is why I'm asking for opinions and personal experience when you all added hCG.

  2. #2
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    Hold off on the Adex IMO until BW dictates, you may not need more. I didnt use HcG for the first 8 months of my protocol, once I started using testicles came back to normal rather quickly 7-10 days, but I'm sure everyone is different.

  3. #3
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    i was on TRT for 6 months, my boys were almost gone, about 3 after that doing hCG i started to notice the difference, it'll take a while so be patient. i agree with Bull on the AI.

  4. #4
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    After 1.5 years of shrinkage, you may experience come discomfort as your testicles grow back. The surrounding membrane has to expand again, and it isn't as flexible as one may wish. The discomfort is minor, not like a kick in the groin.

  5. #5
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Hey I am not on HCG but I was jsut wondering what made you decide to finally get on after 1.5 years?

    Also, did any of you guys notice an increase in your seminal load once you started HCG?

  6. #6
    funkymonk is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks everyone. I'll just play it by ear for the AI, although I am somewhat gyno/e2 prone in my experience.

    Quote Originally Posted by HRTstudent View Post
    Hey I am not on HCG but I was jsut wondering what made you decide to finally get on after 1.5 years?

    Also, did any of you guys notice an increase in your seminal load once you started HCG?
    Finally found a doc who knew what an AI was a few months back. Now that we've got test/AI taken care of to a T, I've convinced him to add in a small dose of hCG.

  7. #7
    go2failure is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by funkymonk View Post
    Thanks everyone. I'll just play it by ear for the AI, although I am somewhat gyno/e2 prone in my experience.

    Finally found a doc who knew what an AI was a few months back. Now that we've got test/AI taken care of to a T, I've convinced him to add in a small dose of hCG.
    Hey, I know how you feel. I too just recently found me a dr who knows what an ai is. Im waiting on blood test results so we know where my levels are at. We are both sure my E2 is high, but im willing to bet mine is very high. He is a little cautious about hcg , mainly because of the state board coming down on dr's writing scripts for hcg weight loss. But he understands my goals and we will look into once my bloodwork is stable

  8. #8
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    Funky - How old are you?

    100mg of T Cyp for as long as you been taking it puts you into HPTA suppression for arguing that.

    Younger guys generally won't see testicular atrophy for the same shorter period of time "older" guys do...some think it has to do with the amount of active receptors on the leydig cell relative to age...but who knows?

    At any rate, if you haven't, read the sticky on the need for hCG at the top of the forum it will give you a basic understanding.

  9. #9
    funkymonk is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    Funky - How old are you?

    100mg of T Cyp for as long as you been taking it puts you into HPTA suppression for arguing that.

    Younger guys generally won't see testicular atrophy for the same shorter period of time "older" guys do...some think it has to do with the amount of active receptors on the leydig cell relative to age...but who knows?

    At any rate, if you haven't, read the sticky on the need for hCG at the top of the forum it will give you a basic understanding.
    22 years old. Been on hCG since right after my 21st, never cycled before. I've ready the sticky a few times over and the importance of pregnenolone is what made me push for it even harder. Plus, I would like to have the chance to have kids some day w/o banking sperm. We'll see how that goes.

  10. #10
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    funky - I don't see a more complete description of your medical diagnosis...can you provide that?

    At your age I can only surmise your are primary hyopgonadal but would like to hear the official diagnosis.

    Once we know that we can help a bit more in providing guidence.

    Sorry to see a young dude like you in this situation.

  11. #11
    funkymonk is offline Associate Member
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    Was planning to run a prohormone cycle at age 21 exactly. Got BW done for pre-cycle, and noticed my LH and serum T were bottom of normal (like literally as close as I could be w/o being clinically low). Subsequent blood tests (doctor managed), and my own research landed me on TRT several months later. Unfortunately I had to play the Androgel game for a few months before getting Cyp at a proper dose a year ago. I felt "alive" once the therapy started. By the time I had been on for ~6 months, I actually got a somewhat informed doctor who knew what free/BA T was, and a dosing schedule's impact on hormone levels. Low and behold he didn't have a clue about hCG or AIs though, even though my e2 was mid-high on my "trough" day. He requested an MRI and it came back clean. About 9 months later I was with another doc and he didn't hesitate to Rx Adex when I complained of increasing breast size. 3 months later (now) he finally agreed to give the 250iu x2 weekly a go -- the hCG is in the mail from a specialty pharmacy.

    The MRI came back clean by the endo's eyes, but according to the GP I had a small tumor. I trust the endo more since there weren't any signs of a pituitary tumor (IE: high prolactin). I have had my thyroid hormones pulled once and they too were just BARELY (and I mean BARELY) above clinically low. I haven't pursued that issue since I need to get my TRT regimen on lock first, and since I really don't have any hypothyroidism symptoms (with low T I had everything in the book). I suspect my pituitary gland got damaged when I was younger. I jumped down stairs, out of truck beds, of hi-chairs, etc. all the time and landed on my head as toddler.

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