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  1. #1
    HealthyMan's Avatar
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    Test Results - Questions/Concerns

    I wanted to see where my Testosterone level was at. So I scheduled some BW and today I got the results. Not what I expected. I am a healthy 35 year old man, I do work out 5 times a week. I do have muscle development, healthy sex drive and all my hair! 5'9" 180. No known diseases past or current.

    Here were my results:

    The Testosterone, Serum was 205 flagged as low. The reference interval is 348-1197.

    The Free Testosterone was 5.9 flagged as low. The reference interval is 8.7 - 25.1.

    So now what is my biggest question? I am a bit concerned as to WHY my Testosterone is so low. I assume that my doctor will start me on some TRT but what path do I take. I want to go into my appointment with some ammo as to the proper direction with these results.
    Last edited by HealthyMan; 07-12-2012 at 11:47 AM.

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Definitely low. You need to have/post full bloodwork before you jump into TRT. Find the reason your low before you band-aid the problem. Bloodwork is in the Finding a TRT Physician Sticky or go to and look at the male hormone panel. LH/FSH are very important, do you have them now by chance? Make sure you get vit D tested as most all are low and it's proven to raise your free Test. Also DHT and a full thyroid panel. Hypothyroid causes hypogonadism.

    Post up all you have with ranges and let us look. Right now we're just throwing darts without complete BW. Keep in mind most doctors do not really understand TRT as they are not trained in it. Take some time and read the stickies above and self-educate. It's your health and vitally important you understand how all this functions.

    Welcome to the forum!

  3. #3
    HealthyMan's Avatar
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    Hi Kelkel,

    I have been doing some research on this forums, even before my BW came back, I did not get the LH/FSH levels for some reason even though my Physician requested a full and total Testosterone test. I imagine my Physician will order a full panel of BW. Which hopefully will shed some light to the situation. It's really bothering me to no end but time will only tell.

  4. #4
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Make sure he does get full panel before giving you any HRT. LH/FSH, E2, thryroid, DHT, liver, psa, and probably a bunch others I am forgetting.

  5. #5
    HealthyMan's Avatar
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    I'l suggest if the Physician doesn't imply it. I am more concerned about figuring out why its so low versus the treatment process.

  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    That is the correct path to take. With the bloodwork it's good to establish baselines for future use.

  7. #7
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Welcome here HNH! i agree with the guys, however being that low i am pretty sure you're going to end up on TRT given that you have no pre-existing conditions which prohibit you from getting treatment with TRT. i look forward to your complete BW.

  8. #8
    HRTstudent's Avatar
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    Its best to get a second blood work done, in the early AM and... I cant remember with or without food, but it seems to make a difference.

    Making sure you are going on HRT when you should be is crucial IMO. You seem to exhibit no symptoms either... so I must ask, why even consider TRT?

    Please keep in mind, many men function perfectly fine with lower testosterone numbers. Also, recent life events might have resulted in a transiently lower score.

  9. #9
    ZenFitness is offline Associate Member
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    Hi HealthyinNH, as you posted in a different thread, you and I share much in common with our age and situation. I look forward to following what happens - keep us posted!

  10. #10
    HealthyMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HRTstudent View Post
    Its best to get a second blood work done, in the early AM and... I cant remember with or without food, but it seems to make a difference.

    Making sure you are going on HRT when you should be is crucial IMO. You seem to exhibit no symptoms either... so I must ask, why even consider TRT?

    Please keep in mind, many men function perfectly fine with lower testosterone numbers. Also, recent life events might have resulted in a transiently lower score.
    I went back to the gym a few months ago and have seen some decent muscle development. I was curious what my Testosterone level was as my body has always been receptive to lifting. So when I got the results I was floored. Makes me wonder how long my body has had this level.

    I fully expect to have more BW and will post when those results come back.

    A small update, my Doctor did say that they normally prescribe a compound steroid but wanted to talk with me first. She did say that until that conversation happens that there is nothing that can be done in the meantime, safely.

    That kind of concerns me.

  11. #11
    ZenFitness is offline Associate Member
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    FWIW, according to my urologist, it is becoming less uncommon for men in their 30s to have low testosterone for no other reason than just having it. In fact, low test overall in the 30s is becoming much less uncommon (according to my docs) - doctors just never tested for it before about 10 years ago, and it's only in the past 5 - 6 that it is becoming more routine to look for.

    I think mine is hereditary (I'm 36 yrs old) as I ran a full panel of tests and no cause was determined, and my dad has perpetually been somewhat sluggish, he always falls asleep in his chair after work around 7 PM watching TV (despite not being very active), and he doesn't sleep well during the night. I've never asked him directly, but my mom did state "maybe that's what your father has" when I explained to her that I was low test.

  12. #12
    HealthyMan's Avatar
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    So my Doctor and I met again and we discussed the protocol. The Doctor feels the BW I have so far is adequate to get started on TRT. We will have follow up BW in 3 months. The protocol is as follows:

    Testosterone Cypionate , 1ml (weekly) 100mg/ml
    HCG , 250 IU twice a week


  13. #13
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    Tomorrow I start my protocol. First dose of HCG , Sunday HCG and Monday Test Cyp. I'm both nervous and excited at the same time.

  14. #14
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    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Good for you Healthy! Glad to see HCG in the picture. Make sure you retest in about 6 weeks and adjust from there. Watch your E2. Have you started vit D yet?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Good for you Healthy! Glad to see HCG in the picture. Make sure you retest in about 6 weeks and adjust from there. Watch your E2. Have you started vit D yet?
    I will insist on BW be at 6 weeks KelKel. Should I be asking for a certain type of vit D?

  16. #16
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    If your doc will write it go for Drisdol. It's a prescription D that you only take once a week. It's 50k IU. Brought me up from where you are to 80 at my next BW in 3 months. If not, any cheap D at walmart is fine. D3 will be all over and dominate the shelves.

  17. #17
    bass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HealthyinNH View Post
    Tomorrow I start my protocol. First dose of HCG, Sunday HCG and Monday Test Cyp. I'm both nervous and excited at the same time.
    congratulations! keep us posted.

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