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  1. #1
    Scottish-Muscle is offline Junior Member
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    Nebido not working well....

    Had 2 shots of nebido so far. First one was back in April I had blood tests in May 25th that stated my testosterone was still v low at 8.2

    Thing is my second shot was June 4th. Now during the whole month of june my sex drive was awesome very high libido, lots of morning glory and constant sex. It was great, high energy levels to. Now I had blood test done roughly a week ago as I was feeling very crap the last 2 weeks very low sex drive back to non existant basically and terrible energy can't stop sleeping. My test shows at 8.6 :S?

    Anyway phoned my endo it was weird how something meant for 12 weeks only lasts for max of 4 for me :S. Endo won't give me another shot and my next appointment with him is the 16th of August which is over a month away ffs. Im not waiting that long as I've suffered this problem for 2 years and last month was only time I felt normal again!

    So is there anything I can do in the mean time, I have testogel sachets but they are sh1t do nothing. I can get some test e/p or some sust, ideally looking for something that's going to work and get me back to how I felt in June? I can't live with low libido! So if I was to pin 250mg every 10/14 days of sust would this be optimal?

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Did you do the loading phase at the beginning? One injection followed by another 4-6 wks apart? This gets your blood levels up a lot quicker and is adviced when taking Nebido. If you don't do the loading protocol it will take a few injections before your running at full speed. Nebido is the finest therapy around imho but with such a long ester the loading phase nerd to be implemented from the start.

  3. #3
    Scottish-Muscle is offline Junior Member
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    Yes mate loading phase was done. And to be honest I felt good, but after 4 weeks feel totally rubbish again and my bloods are so low in terms of testosterone they aren't really sure why but he won't see me until august 16th which is a waste of time. I need my libido up and running asap this is horrendous. He was thinking of switching me to sust as the nebido seems to only work for around that 4 week mark and it's not like they are going to give me a shot every month of it. But im not waiting another month like this.... Im taking some proviron @ 50mg but even that isn't providing anything, but that makes sense due to test being low....

    Not really sure what to do. Im not really a fan of pinning pt-141 all the time gives me the shakes as well so I'd rather use sust/test-e or if need be a short ester like prop low dosed mainly for libido gains, don't get me wrong muscle gains are always welcome but at the moment the priority is purely libido feel like 110 year old man here.

  4. #4
    tboney's Avatar
    tboney is offline Anabolic Member
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    Has he tested your estro?

  5. #5
    Scottish-Muscle is offline Junior Member
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    Well in all honesty last time I saw him was Feburary don't really see him, just get blood tests at doctor for testosterone , but doubt estro related as taking prov. Getting a lot of water retention but that's mainly down to constipation issues I think.

  6. #6
    Renholder is offline Associate Member
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    So, are you saying that you started feeling like shit 2 weeks after your last Nebido shot?

    What was your BW prior to starting Nebido and have you taken any other BW while on Nebido?

    Other tests is also important for a complete picture, but with testosterone at 8,2 something is wrong there.

    Any chance it have not been injected properly?

    I have heard people who take a lot of time to get up to speed with Nebido since it a is a slow acting ester. Maybe you need more frequent shots in the beginning?

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Stop taking proviron , get your estrogen levels checked because it sounds like your body may have spiked them when you had the injections. You also need to give it time say another injection and get your levels up there but in the mean time get your estrogen checked. You also need to ask your doctor for 10 week shots to see if that helps.

  8. #8
    tboney's Avatar
    tboney is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scottish-Muscle View Post
    Well in all honesty last time I saw him was Feburary don't really see him, just get blood tests at doctor for testosterone, but doubt estro related as taking prov. Getting a lot of water retention but that's mainly down to constipation issues I think.
    Proviron will not due the job if your estro has spiked..... Like marcus said, go get it checked.

  9. #9
    Scottish-Muscle is offline Junior Member
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    Thx for replies.

    Basically I had the first shot then another one 6 weeks later (this was about June 4th) in which time I was feeling pretty damn good very good libido etc this lasted for around 4 weeks up until the start of this month this is when things have really went down hill I feel awful. I had testosterone checked and it was 8.2 I don't think they did a full panel but I will ask, they are pretty annoying when it comes to things like that they never really check everything but I will ask for estro to be checked but the DR won't do that I will have to wait until I am at the endo in August.

    Why to stop taking proviron out of interest? mainly was using it for libido + get rid of any water ret etc.

    Would elevated estro kill my libido?

  10. #10
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scottish-Muscle View Post
    Thx for replies.

    Basically I had the first shot then another one 6 weeks later (this was about June 4th) in which time I was feeling pretty damn good very good libido etc this lasted for around 4 weeks up until the start of this month this is when things have really went down hill I feel awful. I had testosterone checked and it was 8.2 I don't think they did a full panel but I will ask, they are pretty annoying when it comes to things like that they never really check everything but I will ask for estro to be checked but the DR won't do that I will have to wait until I am at the endo in August.

    Why to stop taking proviron out of interest? mainly was using it for libido + get rid of any water ret etc.

    Would elevated estro kill my libido?
    You need to have a full blood panel taken total/free test, estrogen, SHGB etc.
    You need to start trt/hrt on a clean slate and go by blood work if you need to add anything, the proviron could be causing you problems because you are having issues and you never know how its reacting, so I would stop it.
    Nebido starts working slowly but from the sounds of it you have spiked your estrogen which absolutely kills your lebido

  11. #11
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yep when I read first post I thought must check estradiol. And then everyone else responded the same way. Get it checked out buddy, could very well be the problem, and more test will only complicate things at this point.

  12. #12
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Elevated estrogen can definitely kill your libido... just like too low estradiol can.

    If you are starting testosterone replacement , you need to monitor estradiol for the start-up phase - no questions about this. Estradiol will be impacted... to what degree we dont know. Thats why we get blood work and dont play games.

  13. #13
    Renholder is offline Associate Member
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    Why is everyone assuming estradiol is the problem when his testosterone is at 8,2 nmol/l or 236 ng/dl?

    I agree that full BW is needed and that it is probably a smart thing to stay off other medicaments for a while and see how things turn out on Nebido alone. If you want to use HCG , probably start using that as well from the start, but nothing else.

    I have heard people reporting similar things on Nebido after just starting to use it, so you may simply need some more time since it is a slow acting steroid and takes time to build up in the body. I know it sucks to be in the state you are in right now, but if I were you, I would get complete blood work done and just remain patient for now.

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