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  1. #1
    beeasy1689 is offline Junior Member
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    TRT, felt great for first week, now not so much

    Hello, I have just started the TRT process. I take one tube of the 50mg Testim a day (in the morning), and for the first week to 10 days i felt great and i was really excited for the next few months to come because i heard it just gets better. Even on days i didnt go to the gym i would have a mild pump-like feeling all day and when i would flex, i would get this good feeling like my muscle was kindof splitting (not really splitting i cant think of the right words to describe the feeling) or growing because i was flexing so hard. Anyways now that im going into my third week just about, ive been noticing the feeling disappearing and my strength not only slowing down but going away a bit, same with my energy. Has anyone had similar things happen? or is this probably just mental and my body is just getting used to the test this early on? I mean i still feel a little bit better than i did before i started taking it but my weights have gone down a few lbs. The first week of TRT my doctor just gave me a 7 day sample pack from his office and when that ran out, i got a month supply of Testim (same dosage) from CVS, now i dont think there could be anything different about the prescriptions i got but ive just been really trying to figure out what this is...maybe im just having a bad week, but if anyone could jump in and give any insight id be thankful. Age:23 Weight:187-190lbs Height:6'2'' BF:somewhere in the range of 10-12% Years training: 4 years solid w/ paying attn. to dieting and good training routine and supplementation but ive been working out since i was a kid but not as serious. No other cycle experience

  2. #2
    rfarns01 is offline New Member
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    What's happening to you is very common, first week or so is awesome and your like yes this was my problem I feel great, then you crash and back to where you started or worse. Go get BW ASAP, and see if Doc. may raise your dose, to 7.5 g per day, then maybe to 10g. Testim does generally absorb better that androgel , so that may also fix your issue, but get tested to be sure, research this site so you can ask for all the appropriate test. TRT is for life so be patient it will take time to get dialed in.

  3. #3
    rfarns01 is offline New Member
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    Before you go any further though, and I just noticed your AGE maybe you should find out why you are low. If I was 23 I sure would be wondering why I need to take TRT the rest of my life.

  4. #4
    beeasy1689 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rfarns01 View Post
    What's happening to you is very common, first week or so is awesome and your like yes this was my problem I feel great, then you crash and back to where you started or worse. Go get BW ASAP, and see if Doc. may raise your dose, to 7.5 g per day, then maybe to 10g. Testim does generally absorb better that androgel, so that may also fix your issue, but get tested to be sure, research this site so you can ask for all the appropriate test. TRT is for life so be patient it will take time to get dialed in.
    ok, so the next step would be to get more BW? and then take it from there, maybe let my doc know whats going on

  5. #5
    rfarns01 is offline New Member
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    Dude believe me you do not want to be on TRT unless you really need it, you may need a new doc. to figure out your problems.

    Why were you put on Testim? The guys on this forum will want to see your original BW, so post that and more experts will chime in.

    Good Luck!!

  6. #6
    beeasy1689 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rfarns01 View Post
    Before you go any further though, and I just noticed your AGE maybe you should find out why you are low. If I was 23 I sure would be wondering why I need to take TRT the rest of my life.
    as far as finding out why TRT...good first they checked my pituitary gland but they said the tests came back fine so i guess it would havto do with my junk (medical term) but whats going on with my junk i do not know, nor did he give me any hints. so yeah i dont know how id go about finding out

  7. #7
    Brohim's Avatar
    Brohim is offline Senior Member
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    what were your test levels? You might have to bump the pump to feel better.

  8. #8
    beeasy1689 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brohim View Post
    what were your test levels? You might have to bump the pump to feel better.
    before the Testim my levels were 224, but i had the BW done at like 2:30pm. After 3 days of the Testim, I had BW done at 9:00am and it came out to 460. and what do you mean "bump the pump"? haha is this a TRT term im supposed to know?

  9. #9
    HRTstudent's Avatar
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    be patient with TRT! We all start out wanting results ASAP, but hormones and TRT typically dont work that way. At the very most take a daily journal, but dont write off somethng as great or a failure until you give it a fair run, say 4-6 weeks.

    Get continuous bloodwork to make sure you are getting into the good range ASAP. That you can control. And if its not working, dont give it 12 more weeks if you are fine switching, say to injections or another gel. I spent too long on a therapy that was too poor. Mainly because I had a typical doctor who knew jack shit about TRT! Thats why finding the right doctor, an expert in male hrt, is more than half the battle.

  10. #10
    beeasy1689 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by HRTstudent View Post
    be patient with TRT! We all start out wanting results ASAP, but hormones and TRT typically dont work that way. At the very most take a daily journal, but dont write off somethng as great or a failure until you give it a fair run, say 4-6 weeks.

    Get continuous bloodwork to make sure you are getting into the good range ASAP. That you can control. And if its not working, dont give it 12 more weeks if you are fine switching, say to injections or another gel. I spent too long on a therapy that was too poor. Mainly because I had a typical doctor who knew jack shit about TRT! Thats why finding the right doctor, an expert in male hrt, is more than half the battle.
    my doctor does not seem like he knows his sh*t at all. Then again, ive probably talked to him for 15 minutes collectively with my visit and phone calls so i dont really know him that well. he just shews me out of his office as soon as he can. but you think i should give it more time till i ask my doctor if there is an issue? i mean i think i should probably increase my dosage by a small portion but i dont know enough about this to make a proper assumption. what do you think i should say when i do end up calling him? just tell him my honest symptoms or do you think i should ask about an increase in my dose, or maybe injections eventually? i am being very impatient, i realize this, but i just felt what i havnt felt like in so long...then it went away, so i am eager to get it back. any tips on what i should ask for in my next BW session would be helpful. thank you

  11. #11
    beeasy1689 is offline Junior Member
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    and i would love to switch to injections but i dont want to scare the doctor away by asking for syringes right away. the gel sucks...its messy, smelly, takes about 15-20 minutes to apply everyday cause you godda squeeze the sh*t out of the thing to get all of it out (ive graduated to using pliers). but i am grateful that i am being treated for this...i could be shit out of luck with no script at all. i couldnt treat myself if i wanted to ive never been able to find any gear. people say its so easy to find but i havnt seen/heard anything in years. its sad though cause if i wanted to, i could find heroin or crack. ugh oh well stange world we live in

  12. #12
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    You need to post your pre-TRT blood work here with ranges and let us take a look. You said they checked your pituitary gland? So I assume you were sent for an MRI, yes? If not, then they really didn't check it. If your pituitary is clear then we need to find out if it's a testical issue (primary hypogonadal) or something else. We also really need to see a full thyroid panel as hypothyroid will cause hypogonadism.

    We're throwing darts here unless you post up. Your way too young to be on TRT unless absolutely medically necessary.

  13. #13
    Brazensol's Avatar
    Brazensol is offline Productive Member~ Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Androgel took my low Testosterone all the way to the basement! Went from bad to worse. Took me three doctors to find one who would do injections. I am only on my second injection so have a long way to go towards getting it dialed in. Can hardly wait to brooch the subject of HCG ... I also have thyroid issues (just started on armour thyroid) to work on so it may take awhile to get it all right but I think I am feeling a bit better but it could just be a placebo affect going on. Being patient sucks but hang in there!
    Last edited by Brazensol; 07-15-2012 at 08:16 AM.

  14. #14
    beeasy1689 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    You need to post your pre-TRT blood work here with ranges and let us take a look. You said they checked your pituitary gland? So I assume you were sent for an MRI, yes? If not, then they really didn't check it. If your pituitary is clear then we need to find out if it's a testical issue (primary hypogonadal) or something else. We also really need to see a full thyroid panel as hypothyroid will cause hypogonadism.

    We're throwing darts here unless you post up. Your way too young to be on TRT unless absolutely medically necessary.
    the doctor specifically told me she checked my thyroid, no i did not have an MRI but i assumed she wasnt lying. ill post up the pre-TRT blood work. thanks for the kind words though.

  15. #15
    edmundo22 is offline Associate Member
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    Brazensol does take time for your levels to build up on injections?

  16. #16
    beeasy1689 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by edmundo22 View Post
    Brazensol does take time for your levels to build up on injections?
    yes. id like to know the same thing. and also if you have had the chance to talk to him about HCG . ive only read up a little on it but it seems that its an absolute necessity. is it something that is risky to bring up with your average doctor or is it pretty well known that everyone should use it in combination with the test? ALSO what is the general consensus about AI during TRT? ill look into it myself but any info from anyone here would help as well, thanks

  17. #17
    beeasy1689 is offline Junior Member
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    I almost forgot to post my pre-TRT blood work results. its a pretty big list of stuff, should i type it all or is there some stuff that is more essential than others? ill type it all in if i should

  18. #18
    edmundo22 is offline Associate Member
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    • Total Testosterone
    • Bioavailable Testosterone (AKA “Free and Loosely Bound”)
    • Free Testosterone (if Bioavailable T is unavailable)
    • SHBG
    • DHT (perhaps) *Gel user especially pay attention to this.
    • Estradiol (specify “sensitive” assay for males)
    • Prolactin
    • Cortisol
    • Thyroid Panel
    • CBC
    • Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
    • Lipid Profile
    • PSA (age dependent)
    • IGF -1, IGFBP-3 (if HGH therapy is being considered)

  19. #19
    Brazensol's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edmundo22 View Post
    Brazensol does take time for your levels to build up on injections?
    My first injection was on a Thurday and the doctor wanted labs on the following Monday. My free T was 93.3 (35.0 - 155.0) and my total T was 428 (250 - 1100). This was from a baseline of ~108 so yes, it gets into your system rather quickly. These readings should be right at or just after peak half-life of a 100 mg dose of test. cyponiate. I am now injecting at home every 3.5 days @50 mgs/injection. I will do another blood test at the 4-5 week point and see how it has stabilized. So far I can't say as I feel a lot of difference but I do have good workouts at the gym and my need (as in, must have nap now!) for an afternoon nap has somewhat diminished. Also just started taking armour thyroid for hypothyroid so I can't really tell which one of the two, if either, is more responsible for how I feel.

  20. #20
    Brazensol's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beeasy1689 View Post
    yes. id like to know the same thing. and also if you have had the chance to talk to him about HCG. ive only read up a little on it but it seems that its an absolute necessity. is it something that is risky to bring up with your average doctor or is it pretty well known that everyone should use it in combination with the test? ALSO what is the general consensus about AI during TRT? ill look into it myself but any info from anyone here would help as well, thanks
    I have not brought up HCG but will in the near future. I really don't know how he will react. If he won't prescribe it then I am likely to just go to an online clinic. My first two doctors were against it but could not really give me a reason as to why. They were also against injections so I fired them and moved on. Keep in mind I am retired Air Force so I am trying to work within the military system to keep my costs down but this will not prevent me from an online clinic if needs be. I do have the advantage of my wife still being an active duty nurse practioner (midwife) and she knows my doctor and sees him at least weekly if not daily. She is the one who found my current doctor for me and so far I am pleased with him. She had to ask around a lot before finding one who would do injections and let me do them myself at home. If not for her being a nurse practioner I doubt I could be doing this at home.

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