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  1. #1
    Fireguy40 is offline Junior Member
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    New to forum and TRT. Hello to all...advice needed.

    Hello all,

    I have been lurking and reading on this site for the past 6 months. I have noticed that there are ALOT of very informed people here! I would appreciate any info you guys could give me on my situation.

    Bio: I am a 40 years old male who just recently started TRT with my doctor. Went to the doctor with little to no sex drive, weak erections, and trouble sleeping at night. He first prescribed Viag which helped with part of it ( awesome stuff by the way). But nothing for the drive or sleep problems. I mentioned a flyer that he had in his office about low T and he said that he would do some blood work to check my levels.

    Results: TSH-1.550 (0.400-5.500 uU/ml)
    Testosterone -365 (220-1000 ng/dl
    Creatine- 0.88 (0.70-1.40 mg/dl)
    That was back in April.

    Since then he has started me on 200 ml once a month of test cyp.

    Havent really noticed a huge difference and honestly would be surprised if my levels were much different from when I started. Have noticed a slight difference in libido and erections.I weight about 225 and should be more like 190 (mostly belly fat).

    I just went for another blood test today to check where my levels are at. I do notice that after I get my injection (yes the doctor does it right now, I think I am ready to do it myself now after reading here the past few months) that my testucles have a dull ache to them for about a week.( probably atrophy I am guessing).

    I M going to talk to my doc. On Tuesday to see what blood work shows. I am also going to discuss the possibility of HCG and Arimidex as I have learned from you guys, that it really should be all 3 of these when you get started on TRT. Am I correct that the dull ache in testicles could actually be them shutting down already from the 4 shots ?

    Wasn't really sure what BW to post, but don't really see anything else on my chart that isn't in the normal ranges.

    I am also going to discuss the possibility of a little more frequent on the shots as opposed to the once a month maybe 100 ml per week as like I stated before, really didn't notice much of a difference yet with the 200 once per month shot. I will post the results as soon as I get them on Tuesday. Thanks and look forward to talking to you guys.

  2. #2
    redhawk01's Avatar
    redhawk01 is offline Member
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    i'm new here as well, and was started on androgel 2 months ago. no difference yet. get retested monday, and see doc on thursday. hopefully he'll agree to the switch to injection. 200mg per month is probably the worst he can do for you. you probably feel great for 2-3 days, then feel like crap again. like you said, 100mg per week is a better starting point. a friend of mine at work just started at 200mg every 2 weeks. he's trying to have that switched to 100mgs every week as well. he feels great for a couple of days, then back to blah. everyone's different. hope it all works out for you. good luck.

    Last edited by redhawk01; 07-14-2012 at 04:20 PM. Reason: more info

  3. #3
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Oh my Lord! On my droid, Ill respond in more details once i turn on my computer.

  4. #4
    Brazensol's Avatar
    Brazensol is offline Productive Member~ Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    200 mgs a month! He is not helping you at all. 100 mgs per week seems to be a very good starting point. Splitting that to twice a week would most likely be even better. That is what I am doing now, 50 mgs subq on Monday morning and 50 mgs subq on Thursday evenings.

    Androgel works for some people (at least for a while) but not others. I didn't seem to absorb it well and it just caused my T levels to drop. I finally found a doc who would let me do injections.

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Like Bass said, "Oh my Lord" your doctor is lost and you need to find a new one, unless you can educate him. You said the rest of your BW appeared normal. Well, post it with ranges if you got it and let us take a look. Ranges can be broad and easily mis-interpreted, even by doctors.

    Test's half-life, which your doc obviously does not understand, is about 5-7 days. Basically meaning the first week after injection your doing fine and the second week your dropping off quickly. Think roller coaster. After that you are being left with even less test in you than you had pre-TRT as your endogenous production is shut down. Re your testicals, you simply need HCG which mimics LH and keeps your boys functioning and will prevent atrophy. Read GD's sticky thread on it. Read all the stickies btw. If your doc says it's not a prescribed usage for it, he's wrong. Most drug inserts state hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism right on it. Keep in mind it's always good to make one change at a time so you can see exactly what is doing what!

    Be sure to start obtaining copies of all your BW for personal records. Proper BW is in the stickies or visit and read everything there by Dr. Crisler. I'd also recommend, as would a few others here, buying "Testosterone for Life" by Morgantaler and reading it. Easy read, great education. Especially since your doc doesn't really know much at this point.

    Keep us posted and welcome.

  6. #6
    Fireguy40 is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks much for the input guys....

    I kind of thought that my Doc. Was wrong with 200 mg per month, but he did say that he wants to see where my levels are at then he is gonna adjust. I am hoping to inform him that I have been doing a lot of research on this topic. And that 100 mg seems to be a good starting point. I will also bring up HCG and Arimidex and see if he will prescribe those as well. I set up the apointment for this Tuesday so hopefully things go well. Any more info or tips on what I should say at this Tuesday would be much appreciated, but honestly after reading here I feel much more educated and comfortable talking to him.

    By the way....the bloodwork I have doesn't seem to have any of the other numbers that you guys usually look at..the ones mine has is more like WBC/ platelet counts/ Eosin/calcium/ potassium..etc
    I don't see estrogen, or any other ones you guys talk about on here. Maybe that the whole Bloodwork and not just the TSH BLD that I have.

    Thanks guys and will let you know how Tuesday goes!

  7. #7
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    Doctor's like this need to be put in front of State Medical Boards and hung...what kind of asshole prescribes a controlled substance without understanding a drugs half life???

    Where else can you one be so derelict in their job and still have one???

    Fireguy - You need to read and learn proper TRT protocols and manage your own health. You said you have been lurking on this board for the past 6 months...didn't you learn anything?

    Dr. John Crisler is one of only a handful who has published papers on the proper TRT protocols for men.

    Print these out and study them. When you are done; give it to your Doctor and tell him he has it all wrong!!!

    Your are being hurt by a "Physician" who has no understanding of what he is doing to you and it pisses me off to no fvcking end!!!

    Have him read these papers and tell him no more till he does or you're going to find a new Doctor right fact, find a new Doctor right away. See the Sticky at the top of the forum on how to find a TRT Doctor.

    Last edited by 1; 07-14-2012 at 10:02 PM.

  8. #8
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    i couldn't have said it better guys, excellent responses!

  9. #9
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Op, write down you questions for your doctor and know the answer ahead of time. If he doesn't answer how you think he should based on your research, ask why? He works for you, your paying him and you are your only advocate.

  10. #10
    Fireguy40 is offline Junior Member
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    Well got my bloodwork back from the doc.....
    Test = 285
    Not exactly what I wanted to hear, but kind of expected it after reading here. Doc wanted to double up my 200 ml injections to every 2 weeks. I told him that I have been reading a lot and that 100ml each week seems to be a food place to start. He said he is ok with that but it would just inconvenice me by having to come in each week to get injections. I told him that I am going to inject myself and after he tried to discourage me, finally gave in and wrote a script for needles and more Test cyp. I asked about HCG and he said that I don't need it right now! WTF? He wants me to return in 3 months to get more bloodwork done first. Now I am between a rock and a hard place. Is HCG something that I need a script for? I told the doctor that I get a very slight dull pain in my testicles for about a week after injection and he asked if my testicles seem smaller? I said no not yet but I really don't want them too either. Am I to believe that now that I will be injecting every week, that atrophy is inevitable?

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