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Thread: Alternative Estrogen control

  1. #1
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Alternative Estrogen control

    So I had some symptoms leading me to believe my estradiol hadn't lowered after reducing my test dose. Called doc and said I would like to be bumped back up to other dose and start an AI. Well the place I go to claims to combine eastern and western medicine. I got a call back, doc said I could go back to my other dose, and the nurse said he suggested this DIM supplement to bring down my estradiol.

    DIM Enhanced.pdf

    I asked for more details about it and that is what she sent me as I didn't know anything about it, and told her I would research it, and if I didn't want to take it could she contact the dr and ask about arimidex instead. She said that would be fine, I have some and I started taking it anyways, and started feeling better real fast.

    My thoughts are because they carry the supplement they are wanting to suggest something that will make them money. Will this stuff work though? will do anymore than eating cruciferous vegetables? As I do a good job of that, and I think that is in part why my estradiol wasn't out of wack when i was at 200 mg a week of test, only slightly on the higher end. Personally I think I should just go with arimidex and call him back. Anyone tried it? any info?

    Also curious if i need to up my HCG , scrotum seems extra large, or my nuts are just not filling it up, they feel slightly smaller than normal, on 250 iu x2 a week. Wednesday night I took 500 iu and then .5 mg ai and next morning started feeling better and today pretty decent. Pinned 100 mg test this morning too, and going to keep that up for sure, but thinking I need to keep the .5 mg ai day after test inject until i can get a script from him and see what he says.
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  2. #2
    ZenFitness is offline Associate Member
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    My E2 is low after starting test, and I was taking rhodiola rosea which I thought lowered it. However, I also take L-Theanine at night (the active ingredient in green tea), and I see that is in this DIM stuff. I'd be interested if the doc/nurse thinks that L-Theanine decreases E2 and their thoughts on rhodiola rosea. I quit the RR (which is a mood stabilizer/energy booster) and have felt better, but I wonder if I need to cut out the L-Theanine as well.

    At any rate, take it or leave it, but this is my recent experience with part of what is in that DIM stuff.

  3. #3
    ZenFitness is offline Associate Member
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    I also saw this article on melatonin:

    I do take time release melatonin at night for sleep... LOL I might be lowering my E2 through all this stuff.


    Another link:

    Search for melatonin on that page and you'll see green tea and melatonin mentioned as blocking the conversion of T to E2. ARGH all this stuff I take to help sleep may be also really suppressing my E2!!
    Last edited by ZenFitness; 07-14-2012 at 10:17 AM.

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Interesting links Zen. Good finds. Gotta love pubmed!

    Seoinage I've never used DIM, only read about it. Re HCG , a lot of us here now seem to do 250 IU x 3 per week.
    Last edited by kelkel; 07-14-2012 at 11:16 AM.

  5. #5
    HRTstudent's Avatar
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    I have read some promising things about DIM. I tried it in addition to anastrozole and really crashed my e2 (twice I think now, once with bloodwork to confirm).

    Other promising things are chrysin+piperine, and grapeseed extract.

    My take is that if these can keep your E2 in a good range then Id rather be on these herbs long term than anastrozole. But where I am right now... I wanted to use something VERY potent because I was getting gyno.

    Anastrozole/arimidex is very strong stuff. Many people report crushing their e2 with it.

  6. #6
    keep fightin is offline Associate Member
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    Oh yes...^^^^^ it will crush you if you don't respect the potency of Anastrozole. Some great reads, thanks guys

  7. #7
    jacobk91 is offline Junior Member
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    since my doctor is "against prescribing ai's" this is good info to have. i dont want to have to live on liquidex forever.
    Last edited by jacobk91; 07-14-2012 at 04:02 PM.

  8. #8
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    so dunno if i should give it a go or ask doc to prescribe arimidex .

  9. #9
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by HRTstudent View Post
    I have read some promising things about DIM. I tried it in addition to anastrozole and really crashed my e2 (twice I think now, once with bloodwork to confirm).

    Other promising things are chrysin+piperine, and grapeseed extract.

    My take is that if these can keep your E2 in a good range then Id rather be on these herbs long term than anastrozole. But where I am right now... I wanted to use something VERY potent because I was getting gyno.

    Anastrozole/arimidex is very strong stuff. Many people report crushing their e2 with it.
    Agreed, seems to be a few people out there saying the DIM works good for them but I have yet to find what dose they are taking and what brand.

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