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  1. #1
    Harold Law is offline New Member
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    Unhappy Really low test levels at 22... Help needed

    Hey guys, this is my first post on the forums. I've been a long-time lurker.

    I'm depressed; I recently got my blood work back to see what my test levels were like. I was always skeptical if I had low test. When I saw how low they were, I could have almost cried. My test levels seem to be worse than 90% of people out there. I've never done any cycles.

    My total test is 327 ng/dL (on Quest Diagnostics's scale of 250-100ng/dL) and my free test is 73.9 pg/mL (on Quest Diagnostics's scale of 35.0-155.0 pg/mL).

    Here's a picture of the lab results. oi47.tinypic. com/29qo8zc.jpg (Can someone embed maybe? -- I don't have enough posts; there's a space in the link)

    My diet's real clean and lean pretty much year-round. This has been my macros since mid-may: ~2100 calories (200g protein / 80g fat / 140g carbs). Lots of lean meats, brown rice, tuna, PB, whey, and vegetables.

    I'm not sure if I'm experiencing symptoms of low T. Wouldn't have noticed I had it all my life. I definitely became depressed upon learning the numbers though.

    I've been lifting since I was 16/17. I'm now 5'11" at 185lbs. The reason why I speculated my test was low was because my chest has been underdeveloped for years and still has a puffy pre-pubescent look to it. The nipple only gets hard when I pinch it or its cold. Other than that, the areola looks big and puffy. My sperm looks clearish and yellow-ish, and not milky or as white as I think it could be. I rarely masturbate; maybe once every 2-3 weeks. Whether or not it affects my gains, I didn't do it. I definitely won't now.

    Sorry if I'm providing too much details -- I figured more would be useful in this situation than less.

    I thought I might need to start HRT, but I figured I'd post in this forum before before jumping into anything. Would a first cycle be useful here now?

    I appreciate any and all suggestions, critiques, advice, etc. of how to approach from here.

    Last edited by Harold Law; 07-16-2012 at 03:15 AM.

  2. #2
    Harold Law is offline New Member
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    Jan 2012

    Some additional details

    I didn't talk to a doctor about it. At the end of my senior year at college, I spoke to the school nurse/doctor, ordered a testosterone test, took it, and then had the results delivered to my home.

    I just finished college. I'm currently unemployed and uninsured.

  3. #3
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    not enough information actually, we definitely need to see your complete BW results with ranges. have you checked your thyroid, TSH, T3, T4? don't get depressed, lets find out where the problem is and go from there.

  4. #4
    vinceproduction's Avatar
    vinceproduction is offline Associate Member
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    Welcome to the forum Harold, and dont get depressed, I was at a total 179! There is hope and like Bass said post all your bw and these guys here know there stuff!

  5. #5
    Harold Law is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    not enough information actually, we definitely need to see your complete BW results with ranges. have you checked your thyroid, TSH, T3, T4? don't get depressed, lets find out where the problem is and go from there.
    I have not completed a full bloodwork. Will I be able to do this with no insurance, and do you have an out-of-pocket expense estimate in mind?

    Quote Originally Posted by vinceproduction View Post
    Welcome to the forum Harold, and dont get depressed, I was at a total 179! There is hope and like Bass said post all your bw and these guys here know there stuff!
    Thanks for the uplifting comment

  6. #6
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Don't test was 182 at age 41 and it could have been low my whole life because I never checked it until later in life.

    The more information you can provide, the better we can be of some help, but as the others have already said, there are many options to get you back in the zone of better hormonal health. Hang in there. Stay positive. This is just a short term set back.

  7. #7
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harold Law View Post
    Hey guys, this is my first post on the forums. I've been a long-time lurker.

    I'm depressed; I recently got my blood work back to see what my test levels were like. I was always skeptical if I had low test. When I saw how low they were, I could have almost cried. My test levels seem to be worse than 90% of people out there. I've never done any cycles.

    My total test is 327 ng/dL (on Quest Diagnostics's scale of 250-100ng/dL) and my free test is 73.9 pg/mL (on Quest Diagnostics's scale of 35.0-155.0 pg/mL).Here's a picture of the lab results. oi47.tinypic. com/29qo8zc.jpg (Can someone embed maybe? -- I don't have enough posts; there's a space in the link)

    My diet's real clean and lean pretty much year-round. This has been my macros since mid-may: ~2100 calories (200g protein / 80g fat / 140g carbs). Lots of lean meats, brown rice, tuna, PB, whey, and vegetables.

    I'm not sure if I'm experiencing symptoms of low T. Wouldn't have noticed I had it all my life. I definitely became depressed upon learning the numbers though.

    I've been lifting since I was 16/17. I'm now 5'11" at 185lbs. The reason why I speculated my test was low was because my chest has been underdeveloped for years and still has a puffy pre-pubescent look to it. The nipple only gets hard when I pinch it or its cold. Other than that, the areola looks big and puffy. My sperm looks clearish and yellow-ish, and not milky or as white as I think it could be. I rarely masturbate; maybe once every 2-3 weeks. Whether or not it affects my gains, I didn't do it. I definitely won't now.

    Sorry if I'm providing too much details -- I figured more would be useful in this situation than less.

    I thought I might need to start HRT, but I figured I'd post in this forum before before jumping into anything. Would a first cycle be useful here now?

    I appreciate any and all suggestions, critiques, advice, etc. of how to approach from here.


    I'm going to take the counter argument and tell you that you should wait til you are around 25 before making any big decisions like this. Your hormonal system is still in the final stages of development, and it could change. Additionally, your free test is the best indicator of low test, and at:
    free test is 73.9 pg/mL (on Quest Diagnostics's scale of 35.0-155.0 pg/mL).

    I'd say it may be "low-ish", but it's not that low. Here at the board, we all wish our free test is at the optimal level (upper end of the range), but it doesn't happen that way. that is why the diagnostic is stated in a range. I'd say your free test level is lower than the mid point, but certainly not "90% worse than everyone else."

    Relax mate! I've seen much worse!!


  8. #8
    Ace111 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harold Law View Post
    I've been lifting since I was 16/17. I'm now 5'11" at 185lbs. The reason why I speculated my test was low was because my chest has been underdeveloped for years and still has a puffy pre-pubescent look to it. The nipple only gets hard when I pinch it or its cold. Other than that, the areola looks big and puffy. My sperm looks clearish and yellow-ish, and not milky or as white as I think it could be. I rarely masturbate; maybe once every 2-3 weeks. Whether or not it affects my gains, I didn't do it. I definitely won't now.
    First bold - is this a symptom of low t? Because my chest seems to be the same way but I always thought it was either because of my bodyfat which between 15-20% or just genetics. High estrogen causes this too right?

    Second bold - I only feel the 'need' to masturbate when I watch porn otherwise it doesn't interest me. I'm currently on day 48 of not fapping and no porn and I rarely have any urges.

  9. #9
    beeasy1689 is offline Junior Member
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    I'm 23 and just recently had some blood work done and found that i had really low test. mine was 224 so i would have been happy to have your 327 haha. I have started TRT and have been feeling better than i used to, although it isnt quite dialed in yet. I do have a great amount of hope that it will be worth while in the long run. just keep your head up and know that 1) there are other people who are in the same boat. 2) there will be something you can do to fix it. 3) once it does get fixed, you will be a completely new man.

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