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  1. #1
    darkmatter22 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    36 Low T help - Need advice

    Ive been on this forum before a few years ago but couldnt remember my log in info but remember getting lots of help when I was thinking of using gear which BTW never did happen I was in the Marines at the time an didnt want to get in trouble.

    So 36 stock build need to lose some weight but look good at 185/190 right now im fat 225 I went to the endo an found my test to be at 127 an my free to be at 28.1L - Ive been taking 3/4 of a mg off test 200 every 7 days an so far only really notice a higher sex drive.

    I got lazy for a few years after I severed my Achilles tenson but want to go back to a better weight and a better life, I have been reading as much as I can on here but I need so help about AI ive read a ton about it and my endo didnt suggest any an I dont go back till the end of August all I can fins is the otc crap called clomid otc or something so need help on that Im from NNJ btw if anyone is near by an hit the gym.

    Id like advice on what is working for all of you out there for weight loss and muscle gains an just a better way of life now that your on trt.


  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Sep 2010
    East Coast Dungeon
    Welcome darkmatter. First, it would be great if you could post up current blood work with ranges for evaluation. You get much better guidance that way. I assume you mean your taking about 150mg every week, right? 3/4 of a cc? How long have you been on this protocol?
    TRT takes time to work. Take a look at GD's sticky thread on just that topic. Also look at the Finding a Physician sticky for what your next blood work should look like.

    Before you really add in an AI, you should know what your estrogen level is via an E2 Sensitive Assay which is specific to men. Dosing an AI is quite unique to the individual and it is very easy to crash your E. Which is just as bad as having high E and presents similar sides. See if your doctor will let you pull your blood sooner with the items listed in the sticky. Your paying for it, he isn't, so he should comply. If it comes back high request he write you a prescription for Anastrozole and if he is not up on dosage, come back here. You also need to discuss HCG with him as your system is now shut down. This will help keep your testicals functioning. There is another sticky on HCG. And btw, the site sponsor sells liquidex which is an AI in liquid form.

    Start reading the stickies over and over and prepare for your doctor appointment. Most doc's are not up to speed on TRT and it doesn't hurt to help them along the way if they're receptive.

    Welcome to the site!

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