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  1. #1
    Boba155 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2012

    Is it possible that my androgen receptors are just extremely insensitive?

    Hi all,

    I recently got tested for low testosterone seeing as I exhibit each and every sign of low T.

    I have almost no muscle mass on my entire body (weighing in at 128 lbs at 6'2), have a high voice, very small bone structure and narrow shoulders, no real body hair besides pubic, very underdeveloped jaw and in general feminine facial features, low motivation and energy levels, a typical "yes man", and very low libido (I masturbate frequently, but that is merely because it feels good. I have no desire to go out and "get" girls or have sex). Weak erections too.

    Startlingly, my T levels came back at around 650 ng/dl (350-1000 ng/dl reference range) with free T at 15.5 (9-26 reference range). Estrogen was normal, thyroid hormones were all normal, SHBG normal.

    Is it possible my androgen receptors are simply very insensitive? I just don't see how I can have normal/normal-high levels of T and look & feel so terrible. Does anyone want to weigh in on this?

    I am simply at a dead-end at this point. Even my doc thought my problems were T related, and yet to see the test come back at 650 baffled him. To be honest, the biggest worry for me is skeletal muscle mass and libido. I seem to have none of either, and even men with far lower T levels than I have more of it.

    What the hell is wrong with me??

  2. #2
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    128 lbs at 6' 2" is more than just androgen receptors. You have issues with weight gain in general. Focus on looking at your weight as a whole and not just muscle mass.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    How do you define normal?

    If lab reference ranges you may be misguided.

    Post all you BW complete with ranges and we'll jump in.

    Did you get your DHT levels tested???

    That one is very important and could point to a lot of what you describing.

    Was your E2 panel "sensitive"?

    Very important as well.


  4. #4
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    ^^^^ what GD said, post all your blood work with ranges, we mean everything. just make sure you block out your personal info.

  5. #5
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Also, write down everything you eat for 3 days, then go back and count the calories from an online source. Post results. Please don't guess at this. Your lack of weight is due to one of two things: 1) something in your body is whacked and you can't maintain weight; 2) something in your mind is whacked and you aren't eating nearly enough . . . despite how much you think you are actually eating.

  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Agree with above. Especially GD and the DHT avenue. DHT is very important in this circumstance.

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