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  1. #1
    snatchss454 is offline New Member
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    Bloodwork results/thoughts & opinions welcome

    Hey Guys,

    Ive been a lurker for a while but finally hit rock bottom and decided to do something about it. Ive had ALL the symptoms of low-t for a while but never connected the dots until I noticed all the new commercials on TV. Thanks to GDevine for his posts and recommendations I decided to make an appointment with his Doctor, Dr. Richard Gaines. Ive got my bloodwork back but I haven't spoken with him regarding it. I have a scheduled phone appointment on Monday to discuss the results and possibility of therapy. Here is some background info and I will try to be as detailed as possible.

    My stats:
    Age:Brand new 33 year old
    Blood Pressure at the Dr.'s office: 140 over 70
    Height: 5'8"
    Current Weight: 175-has rocketed up from 155-165 to a high of 180 just last week. This is over the past month with no significant diet change
    BodyFat:15%-Has gone up from 10-12% in the past month
    Activity Level: Was high but for about 3 months now I can barely find the energy to lift my head and miss workouts due to extreme fatigue

    I did everything I could to raise my T levels for the past 2 weeks so my levels would be at their best for my blood test. Lifted heavy, compound lifts, no sex(BW done on 7th day), really clean diet and A LOT of sleep (10-12 hours a day). I literally felt the best I have in a while leading up to and on test day.

    Any help, questions, comments, concerns and opinions are welcomed and would be greatly appreciated!

    Thanks Shane....and now the lab results

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    Last edited by snatchss454; 07-21-2012 at 03:08 AM.

  2. #2
    snatchss454 is offline New Member
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    Bump!! I would like to hear what you have to say before my appointment on Monday.

  3. #3
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Shane, welcome to the forum.

    Unfortunately, weekends can be slow here, so you might not get the amount of responses you are hoping for. Be patient though, as others will chime in ...

    Regarding your labs ... At a macro glance, the first question I have is are you drinking a lot or taking some medications that might be hard on the liver? The reason I ask is that your ALT is elevated, possibly indicating stress on the liver. Excessive drinking can also effect your testosterone levels as well.

    Your systolic reading on your BP is also high, which might be reflective of your ALT, and/or possibly an indication of things going on with your kidneys. Your creatine level is a little high, and BUN is towards the top. Chances are you just need to be more hydrated. Your bilirubin is also a bit on the high side, pointing back to the liver. If possible, see if you can't get a ferritin and TIBC lab included.

    On your testosterone serum ... I would lean to say it's low, but it's not in the tank low. Your LH level is about where it should be, which is the hormone responsible for signalling the testicles to produce endogenous testosterone. The production isn't exactly where you want it to be, but is that due to other variables like the testicles not fully producing? I dunno.

    The one thing that is not helping your case here is your SHBG. Your free test is sitting at 1.94%, which directly reflective of your SHBG. If you could get your free test up above 2.5% to 3%, or even a little higher, it would make a big difference. Although, you still might not be optimal if your serum is sitting at 435, but at least you will be heading in the right direction. A few things that might help ... One major variable is Vitamin D. I can almost guarantee you that you are probably Vitamin D deficient. Throw that on your list (Vit D3 lab). Additionally, stinging nettle root is a supplement that will lower SHBG. Look at the vitamin D first then go from there.

    One real noticeable lab to me was your estradiol, aka E2. If you're not familiar with how important healthy E2 levels are for men, then please do some research on it. You are obviously not converting a lot of testosterone to E2 simply because you don't have a lot. If possible, you might also see if you can check your DHT, which could be a factor with the conversion process. At this stage I would just imagine getting your test and free test up a bit will help with that. Aiming for the mid 20's on your E2 might be a good place. You would probably notice a change in your libido, joints, hair and nails, etc.

    Also look at your B12 level. If deficient, I've had great luck with cycling in methylcobalamin B12, which IMO is by far the best route to go.

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Agree with everything Vette said. Huge proponent of vit D here also. Talk to your doc about prescription Drisdol if low. Then again, D from walmart will do the same thing. Vette and I both happen to have used Drisdol and it's only one pill a week. D is arguably the most important vitamin you can take. It it literally in every cell in your body and to expand on Vette's comments, it will lower your shbg level which in turn will allow more free T to work for you. More bang for the buck, so to speak. And I'm jealous of your IGF-1 level.

    And welcome to the forum.

  5. #5
    snatchss454 is offline New Member
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    Hey Vetteman,

    Thanks for the welcome along with the detailed response. Regarding your questions, no, I don't drink. I also take NOW vitamin D supplements, usually 2 5000IU capsules a day and my workouts are done outside in the sun. I was thinking that i was taking in too much excess protein that was making my kidney/liver work overtime. Also maybe Jack3d or Supermaxx preworkout is the culprit. Is there something I could be eating that is causing this? The only thing I drink is water, all day everyday and eat pretty much raw unprocessed food. Yes Ill cheat on the weekends with maybe a soda or 2 and some pizza but that's it. No candy/sugar binges or coffee.

    The other thing you mentioned is my joints. My elbows and wrists are always sore, would this be because of the lower E2 level?
    Thanks for everything,

  6. #6
    snatchss454 is offline New Member
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    Hey KelKel,

    Yeah I was pretty happy with the IGF-1 levels also and it lets me know that I should definitely have an easier time building muscle than I am. I will balloon up when I have a good workout and it will stick around for about a day and Ill think I may be putting on some muscle but it just disappears and I look like a guy who doesn't put in the work I do. Kinda depressing. Also my kidneys have been acting a little weird the past week or so, they have just felt a little sore for some reason.

    Is the SHBG a bad thing? Ive read almost every post in this section back to page 16 and have learned alot but this is something I dont really understand.
    Last edited by snatchss454; 07-21-2012 at 08:30 PM.

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    High shbg = less Free T, and vice-versa. Mine was at your level and with adding D as well at nettle is came down to mid twenties. It's a glycoprotein and as stated binds T and also E. So, both your levels could be improved by reducing your level somewhat. You mentioned joint soreness. Yes, the symptoms of either high or low E are basically the same and sore joints is a classic one. As well as libido and others you don't want.

    Everyone is different with their levels. There are no magic numbers. It's all about how you feel. My E was less than 3 once and I felt like crap. Got things straightened out and mine now runs steady at 15-16, which is low but apparentely normal for me and I do fine there.

  8. #8
    snatchss454 is offline New Member
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    Got it!! Thanks man. That's kind of a relief for me actually, I was researching food allergies that could be causing an issue. As for the kidney/liver function issue I'm thinking its something I'm eating or a supplement that causing this. Ill definitely keep a watchful eye on what I'm putting in my body and take a minimalist approach so I can start checking things off the list.
    Thanks again Kel!
    Last edited by snatchss454; 07-21-2012 at 09:29 PM.

  9. #9
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Shane, definitely run the labs I mentioned. The ferritin and TIBC are very important as well. I was having similar issues with kidneys, and even some issues with my liver. I had started getting arthritis when I was a kid and never quite understood why. In my early 30's, things got worse, which is when a ferritin lab was taken. Mine was around 1,500, which is way of the charts. After a liver biopsy, it turns out I'm a carrier for hemochromatosis. Way too much iron has been going through my blood for many years, and it had an effect on my organs and joints. The good news is that donating blood has been the key to keeping this in check.

  10. #10
    snatchss454 is offline New Member
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    OK I had to reread everyone's posts again to get stuff to really sink in and see if I missed anything. There is a lot of great info in here and I truly appreciate the help. The approach is logical and from a health standpoint first and that's what I'm most concerned with. I cant stand living with this sub-par feeling anymore and truly need to find out what the culprit is. The first changes I'm going to make are the following:
    1.)Limit supps to one smaller protein shake, Omega-3, Vit D and add Stinging Nettle root & B12 patch and cut out everything else
    2.)Monitor my diet very strictly and cut out excess garbage
    3.)Donate Blood
    4.)Have blood work tested for Ferritin, TIBC, DHT, Vit D3 & B12

    Anything else you guys can think of?
    Hopefully I will have some good news after speaking with the DR tomorrow so I will keep you all updated. The fact that these were the best numbers I could muster up along with feeling the best I have in a while lets me know that my own hormone production is lacking.
    Thanks again guys!
    Last edited by snatchss454; 07-22-2012 at 11:29 AM.

  11. #11
    snatchss454 is offline New Member
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    Ok update:

    HCG - 500IU On Monday & Tuesday Sub Q
    Test Cyp - 80mg Wednesday IM
    Iodoral -12.5mg 1 pill per day for 3 months then 1/2 a pill for remaining 3 months for Thyroid stimulation

  12. #12
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    How bout 40 mg every 3.5 days and your hcg the day before each.

    Just a thought.

  13. #13
    snatchss454 is offline New Member
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    I thought about it just because its what I read on here, but doesn't that get difficult to keep track of? How do you guys stay organized? Sorry man I'm a total rookie...

  14. #14
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    It's just one more shot per week. Your call. Start the way you plan and monitor how you feel. You can always alter it. And no, it's not difficult. You just adapt as it becomes part of your life. I go Monday am and Thursday pm with T and for hcg I keep it simple and go M-W-F.

    You won't be a rookie long. Stay here, be involved and you'll be amazed what you can learn.

  15. #15
    snatchss454 is offline New Member
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    Sorry Kel I was having a brain fart when I posted that . For some reason I was thinking that the HCG had to be the 2 days prior to the test shot like my Dr.'s protocol and totally missed the part where you mentioned the night before. Idiot!!!

    So my protocol would look like such:
    Monday ?? - 500IU HCG
    TuesdayAM - 40mg Test
    Thursday ?? - 500IU HCG
    Friday AM - 40mg Test

    Is there a particular time of day or so many hours prior to the Test shot that you want to take the HCG?

    Last edited by snatchss454; 07-24-2012 at 03:25 PM.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by snatchss454 View Post
    Sorry Kel I was having a brain fart when I posted that . For some reason I was thinking that the HCG had to be the 2 days prior to the test shot like my Dr.'s protocol and totally missed the part where you mentioned the night before. Idiot!!!

    So my protocol would look like such:
    Monday ?? - 500IU HCG
    TuesdayAM - 40mg Test
    Thursday ?? - 500IU HCG
    Friday AM - 40mg Test

    Is there a particular time of day or so many hours prior to the Test shot that you want to take the HCG?

    Think about this:

    Monday AM 40mg Test
    Tuesday AM 500iu hCG
    Thursday PM 40mg Test
    Friday AM 500iu hCG

    No AI?
    Last edited by 1; 07-24-2012 at 05:42 PM.

  17. #17
    snatchss454 is offline New Member
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    Hey Gene,

    Nope everything I listed is all he recommended. You think I should cut the HCG dose from 500IU to 40? That's a pretty drastic difference.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by snatchss454 View Post
    Hey Gene,

    Nope everything I listed is all he recommended. You think I should cut the HCG dose from 500IU to 40? That's a pretty drastic difference.
    Typo's corrected now.

  19. #19
    snatchss454 is offline New Member
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    Ok, Thanks! Can I ask what your reasoning is for the HCG after the Test? Im still learning brother.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by snatchss454 View Post
    Ok, Thanks! Can I ask what your reasoning is for the HCG after the Test? Im still learning brother.
    Just spreading the protocol out is all no other real reason.

    The Test injections will help to make sure you get consistent serum levels...helps flatten the half-life curve.

    Smaller doses more frequently creates a more ideal E2 environment.

  21. #21
    snatchss454 is offline New Member
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    Ok Ill try it out. Is it a concern to you not having any AI?

  22. #22
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    It should always be a concern until you know how your body responds to the exogenous test. Most people do end up needing a low dose AI. I happen to be one that doesn't. If I go above the trt protocol then I do. Bloodwork is the key here. Also less injected at one time = less spike in E.

  23. #23
    snatchss454 is offline New Member
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    Gotcha! My next blood work is not for another 4 months, is that too long to go without monitoring my e2?

  24. #24
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Way to long to wait for BW. Six weeks would be about normal here. You need to have an idea of what's actually happening with your levels so adjustments can be made. Try to only make one change at a time so you can actually know what is doing what. BTW, follow-up tests are also in the sticky.

  25. #25
    snatchss454 is offline New Member
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    Shot up my first 0.2ml's of Test this am. Shot in the right glute and everything went smoothly, but aspirating one handed is a little rough. Its noticeable but not really sore. Also quick question, when aspirating nothing happened, no air bubbles, no blood, just that the plunger sucked itself back down like it created a vacuum. Is this normal or did I not aspirate enough?

    Ill let you know how the hCG goes tomorrow.

  26. #26
    HealthyMan's Avatar
    HealthyMan is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by snatchss454 View Post
    Also quick question, when aspirating nothing happened, no air bubbles, no blood, just that the plunger sucked itself back down like it created a vacuum. Is this normal or did I not aspirate enough?
    I'm curious what others say about this too. Subscribed!

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