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  1. #1
    jwh7699 is offline Member
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    Pregnenolone Question

    I was wondering if it is safe to supplement with pregnenolone, leaning towards micronized pill form, if you don't have a specific number for your current pregnenolone level?

    If I do start taking pregnenolone, should I stop taking DHEA?


    CBC With Differential/Platelet
    WBC 6.3 x10E3/uL 4.0-10.5

    RBC 4.81 x10E6/uL 4.14-5.80

    Hemoglobin 15.1 g/dl 12.6-17.7

    Hematocrit 44.8% 37.5-51.0

    MCV 93 fL 79-97

    MCH 31.4 pg 26.6-33.0

    MCHC 33.7 g/dL 31.5-35.7

    Platelets 204 x10E3/uL 140-415

    Neutrophils 65% 40-74

    Lymphs 19% 19-46

    Monocytes 12% 4-13

    Eos 2% 0-7

    Basos 0% 0-3

    Neutrophils (Absolute) 4.1 x10E3/uL 1.8-7.8

    Lymphs (Absolute) 1.2 x10E3/uL 0.7-4.5

    Monocytes (Absolute) 0.8 x10E3/uL 0.1-1.0

    Eos (Absolute) 0.1 x10E3/uL 0.0-0.4

    Baso (Absolute) 0.0 x10E3/uL 0.0-0.2

    Immature Granulocytes 2% 0-2

    Immature Grans (Abs) 0.1 x10E3/uL 0.0-0.1

    Complete Metabolic Panel

    Glucose, Serum 83 mg/dL 65-99

    BUN 19 mg/dL 6-20

    Creatine, Serum 0.91 mg/dL 0.76-1.27

    eGFR If NonAfricn Am 109 mL/min/1.73 >59

    eGFR If Africn Am 126 mL/min/1.73 >59

    BUN/Creatinine Ratio 21 High 8-19

    Sodium, Serum 139 mmol/L 134-144

    Potassium, Serum 103 mmol/L 97-108

    Carbon Dioxide, Total 22 mmol/L 20-32

    Calcium, Serum 9.2 mg/dL 8.7-10.2

    Protein, Total, Serum 7.1 g/dL 6.0-8.5

    Albumin, Serum 4.6 g/dL 3.5-5.5

    Globulin, Total 2.5 g/dL 1.5-4.5

    A/G Ratio 1.8 1.1-2.5

    Bilirubin, Total 0.4 mg/dL 0.0-1.2

    Alkaline Phosphatase, Serum 42 IU/L 25-150

    AST (SGOT) 24 IU/L 0-40

    ALT (SGPT) 28 IU/L 0-55

    Testosterone , Serum

    Testosterone , Serum 535 ng/dL 348-1197

    Luteinizing Hormone (LH), Serum

    LH 0.1 mIU/mL Low 1.7-8.6

    FSH, Serum <0.2 mIU/mL Low 1.5-12.4

    Estradiol 53.8 pg/mL High 7.6-42.6

  2. #2
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Whats your goal for taking pregnenolone?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Micronized is best.

    50mg in the am.

    Don't stop DHEA.

  4. #4
    Heapsreal's Avatar
    Heapsreal is offline New Member
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    pregnenolone didnt have any effect on my dhea levels, but did help with cortisol and testosterone levels . It definately helped with energy levels for me but i could only tolerate low doses like 10-15mg transdermal, oral preg didnt seem to have any effect, i used 50mg tabs. plenty of places sell the transdermal creams which absorb into skin quickly and maybe about 1/2ml so volume of cream isnt large.


  5. #5
    jwh7699 is offline Member
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    My goal is to help support my Testosterone production. I won't stop taking the DHEA.

    I am currently taking
    25mg of DHEA Breakfast & Dinner
    100mg of 7-Keto DHEA Breakfast & Dinner

    Should I take the Pregnenolone only in the morning? Thanks!!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by jwh7699 View Post
    My goal is to help support my Testosterone production. I won't stop taking the DHEA.

    Should I take the Pregnenolone only in the morning? Thanks!!

  7. #7
    jwh7699 is offline Member
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    Thanks again! Best of Luck!!

  8. #8
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Keep us updated on your trial if you go for it.

  9. #9
    jwh7699 is offline Member
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    I ordered the micronized pill form of pregnenolone yesterday. I'll post how I feel once I start taking it.

    I've taken DHEA and 7-Keto DHEA in the past, but I was taking way too much of DHEA. I am better educated on the correct dosage now.

    I imagine it takes a few weeks for these supplements to build up in your body? Thanks!!

  10. #10
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    I have read that you can notice the effects of pregnenolone from dose 1. Take too much and you will suffer brain fog.

    There are a lot of old threads on Dr Crisler's forum about pregnenolone. It seems like they had gone through a period of time where preg was the answer to almost everything. I might be trying it myself.

  11. #11
    jwh7699 is offline Member
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    Do you eventually have to cycle off of it and then back on? Thanks!!

  12. #12
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jwh7699 View Post
    Do you eventually have to cycle off of it and then back on? Thanks!!
    No, our bodies always want and "need" pregnenolone. It would be like cycling off of testosterone occasionally... why bother?

    There can be some trial and error though. Most people seem to do best on preg transdermal. And I believe if you start with oral it simply takes longer to "feel" all the benefits.

    Pregnenolone really seems to be a trial and error type of supplement. Its quite an interesting thing but we just don't read as much about it compared to testosterone. Nonetheless, Dr Crisler was (is still?) a very big proponent of pregnenolone.

  13. #13
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    Crisler (and most A4M Docs) is a big proponent of back-filling the pathways.

    Remember, Preg and DHEA are hormones that are needed to support all hormonal pathways not just androgen.

  14. #14
    jwh7699 is offline Member
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    Good points! What are the benefits from taking the pill version vs. sub-lingual tab? I'm guessing the sub-lingual gets in your system quicker. Thanks!!

  15. #15
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    Sublingual bypasses the liver so you don't get the first pass effect.

  16. #16
    vinceproduction's Avatar
    vinceproduction is offline Associate Member
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    I get the best results from patches. I use the ageforce dhea/preg patch and my bloodwork went from almost non existent dhea to the upper high range in a few months.

  17. #17
    jwh7699 is offline Member
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    Thanks for the tips!!

  18. #18
    jwh7699 is offline Member
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    I have seen increased weight loss after being on 100mg of Pregnenolone after only 1 week. Best of Luck!!

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