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  1. #1
    HealthyMan's Avatar
    HealthyMan is offline Junior Member
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    Injecting with 1/2" needle

    I'm trying my best to educate myself so I can provide the best possible outcome with my TRT. I may be confusing myself with the difference between SC and IM injection methods and locations. So I wanted to ask the more experienced ones here. My protocol is:

    250mg on Fri & Sat: hCG
    100mg on Sun: Test-Cyp

    I am using 27G 1/2" needles. So far I've poked my left and right delt for hCG. Which, I was told I should be using the SC method. That is the first area that I need some clarification on. My assumption is a lower belly flub squeeze is the SC method? The next question I have is for my test-cyp, where and how should I be injecting? Is the glute area a IM or SC area?

    By the way, I've noticed some positive differences in my body with just two does of hCG. I feel sort of on top of the world.
    Last edited by HealthyMan; 07-22-2012 at 10:07 AM. Reason: Corrected dose amount

  2. #2
    ozzie43 is offline Junior Member
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    Welcome. You've come to the right place for help. There are great people here that can help you.

    I'd reccommend reading GDevines thread on hcg . I follow his recommendations with the same dosage as you, but on m-w-f. 500 of cyp a week is alot. You may want to lower to 100 weekly and split the doses to every 3.5 days IM. So, .5 ml twice weekly. You can always titrate up if needed. Only BW will show in time. IM cyp in glutes, quads and delts is what I've been doing without any problems. Be sure to aspirate with the IM injections!

    Are you using an AI? You may not need it but should have it if you become symptomatic.

  3. #3
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Sq means inject in the fat with short needle, IM means inject in the muscle with long needle. I agree with above 500 mgs ew is a cycle dose not TRT. Search you tube for sq and IM injections to see how its done.

  4. #4
    HealthyMan's Avatar
    HealthyMan is offline Junior Member
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    Hi Bass & ozzie,

    I mis-typed my test does. It is 100mg.

  5. #5
    HealthyMan's Avatar
    HealthyMan is offline Junior Member
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    So my using a 1/2" needle, now matter where I inject I am using the Sq method?

  6. #6
    ozzie43 is offline Junior Member
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    For IM, I use an 18 ga, 1.5" syringe to draw the test, then swap the needle to a 23 ga, 1" needle. The hcg is a 31 ga, 5/16" insulin syringe. Did your doc provide you with an AI?

  7. #7
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Just use a 29g or finer x 5/16" (as mentioned by Ozzie) and go SubQ in the naval region. You can do both test & HCG and have no worries.

  8. #8
    HealthyMan's Avatar
    HealthyMan is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ozzie43 View Post
    For IM, I use an 18 ga, 1.5" syringe to draw the test, then swap the needle to a 23 ga, 1" needle. The hcg is a 31 ga, 5/16" insulin syringe. Did your doc provide you with an AI?
    Have you used 1/2" needles to inject? If so, what was your experience like? I have only been prescribed the hCG and test-cyp. I am going to get bw again in 6 weeks. If my E levels are elevated I will insist. Should I be concerned for the duration or watch for certain sides?

  9. #9
    HealthyMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vettester View Post
    Just use a 29g or finer x 5/16" (as mentioned by Ozzie) and go SubQ in the naval region. You can do both test & HCG and have no worries.
    Vette, is there any benefit that you have experience with injecting SubQ into the naval region versus glutes? I will tell you that it was a little tough to inject into my glutes and took some patience. I just pulled a little fat and poked and slowly injected. Not like the hCG in the delt.

  10. #10
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by HealthyinNH View Post
    Vette, is there any benefit that you have experience with injecting SubQ into the naval region versus glutes? I will tell you that it was a little tough to inject into my glutes and took some patience. I just pulled a little fat and poked and slowly injected. Not like the hCG in the delt.
    Well, the first benefit is the required needle and convenience. For glutes, you should be using 1-1/2" length pin since it's IM, although I have used 1" and been OK with it. Plus, you usually need at least a 25g, some use 23g and even larger, which can be a little more painful, and there's the need to aspirate .

    I use a 31g x 5/16" (1/2cc) insulin pin for both cyp, HCG , and even B12 when it's cycled in. For cyp, I run no more than 30 units, which takes approx. 1 to 2 minutes to draw. I do this 2x per week and it works great.

    Additionally, a protocol of this type will usually provide better results with your E2 management, providing a better, more stable method to administer your protocol.

  11. #11
    startingnew is offline New Member
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    For my test E(bout the same as Cyp),I draw with an 18ga 1.5" and inject with a 27ga 1/2".I inject about middle,maybe just a fraction lower than middle,of my quads.One leg on mon,the other on thurs.Total test skyrocketed to start but now I'm around 1170 total test and my free is around 32.Not much fat(skinny) legs so not sure if I'm getting it in the muscle but it's working fine.

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