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Thread: 23 years old, BLOOD results say low free test

  1. #1
    RunandGun is offline New Member
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    23 years old, BLOOD results say low free test

    Hey guys whats up I just got my blood results from the doc. I have never done a cycle before and am 23 years old.

    I've been working out for about two years now with a four month break in between. Really only the last couple of months I have really begun to learn a lot about nutrition and proper lifting. So I get a blood test done and ask for my test and free test also, because I honestly have had a horrible sex drive and have just been fatigued/no drive all around for the past year and a half or so. Admittedly I have been having CRAP sleep during this period because of my housing/bedding situation. My nutrition hasn't been that bad, but I was smoking a lot of dope, upwards of two grams a day since I was 14. Besides the dope I have been smoking probably two unfiltered cigarettes a day, but for the past month I have completely cut both of those out. Drinking as well, for the past month I have cut out.

    At the time of these tests I had quit the weed/cigarettes and alcohol for probably only a little over a week, it was taken around 11:00am from waking up at 6:00am and I was fasted for a little over 24 hours. I actually notice the fatigue and low sex drive, the sex drive is significantly lower than about two years ago, erections are also not as solid.

    My doctor said he was reluctant to do TRT and recommended I try the natural route(wtf) and said I should check out the herbal stores which he admitted to knowing nothing about. When I asked about the injections he said they would be once a month, so I'm not sure he knows too much about this. I am in Canada and can change doctors any time I want. Despite my current one being horrible(imo) at diagnosing, he will do pretty much what I ask.

    Heres the results, only thign not included is ferritin as it was on its own page: 199 with a range of 22-322 ug/L

    I am 5'6 130-135 With a small and light frame. I'll post pics if needed

    Click image for larger version. 

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    How low does my Test seem in your experienced opinions? Am I way too young for TRT? I planned on doing a test cycle as soon as I turned 25 anyways, seeing as my free test is so low(I think) would I be better of just doing it now? Thanks for the help!

  2. #2
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Your total testosterone is ok, but your free testosterone is on the low end. The take home here is that you probably do not have low testosterone . Sure you could go after TRT, but its not the best option for you I believe.

    Your age is very important, but also your history. The drugs definitely are hurting you and if you stay off those you could probably expect improvements in many areas. Also, the stress you have right now is temporary, as you said. So even with those going against you, your total testosterone isn't that bad.

    I'm tempted to say you could possibly have higher estradiol levels from the drug use. This would definitely increase your SHBG, which would contribute to your low free testosterone. SHBG binds to testosterone.

    Nonetheless, the importance of total vs free testosterone is very debated anyways. And respected doctors on both sides put different weights to each measurement.

    Out of general recommendation, I would say look at checking your vitamin D and supplementing with 5000 IU once a day with food. If you're very low you can do that twice a day for a couple months. Vitamin D may very well give you a mild boost to your natural testosterone production. But make no mistake, you almost certainly don't need anything drastic like doubling your testosterone levels .

    My advice? Don't worry about your testosterone, but do make changes that will improve it - get off the drugs/smokes, cut down on junk food, live an active lifestyle, take vitamin D, try to improve your sleep most importantly.
    devil-1986 likes this.

  3. #3
    RunandGun is offline New Member
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    Thanks I will definitely start upping my Vitamin D. I already do get loads of sunshine and I take orange triad multi-vitamin, which lists 1000IU in it's dosage though I'm not sure how much is actually absorbed. I agree with sleep probably being the biggest factor here, and hopefully in a month or two the marijuana will be completely out of my system. I guess Ill try all of these improvements and get tested again in a month or so, just to see where I'm at.

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