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  1. #1
    foob166 is offline New Member
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    22yo, Low T, Some Lab Results, Would like advice/opinions

    Hello all,

    Age: 22
    Weight: 162
    Height: 5'10

    I have never cycled. All I have taken before is whey protein, creatine and preworkout. Just got surgery yesterday for bilateral varicoceles, because my urologist thought that was what was causing my low T. My total test. a few weeks ago was 340 ng/dl (drawn at 9am). A few days ago I had my blood drawn at a new urologist (before the varicocele surgery) and the only results I received online were:

    Total Testosterone : 301 ng/dl (normal range 200-1000)
    Free Testosterone: 7.99 ng/dl (no range given)
    Estradiol: 2 ng/dl (normal range: 0.5-5)
    SHBG: 18 nmol/L (normal range: 10-55)

    I don't know why other hormones weren't tested for like LH, FSH, etc so I emailed my doctor. I know these results probably aren't enough to be able to tell anything. Can anyone offer their opinion on my results, if any of it is meaningful? What numbers look normal and which don't look normal? I know Total and Free T is probably really low but how bad is it?

    My urologist prescribed me half a pill of clomid a day to try to get my T up. I am supposed to see him in 2 weeks for post surgery followup, where I will also ask him about my testosterone. Do you guys think I should see a new doctor, maybe an endo? I am really lost on what I should be doing. Should I go to the endo and get a thyroid and other tests? I feel tired most days, low libido, tend to put on fat around waist and chest.
    Last edited by foob166; 07-25-2012 at 07:38 PM.

  2. #2
    Stevens03 is offline New Member
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    You sounds just like me when I found out I had low T (I'm 20)

    I would recommend the sticky "Finding a TRT Doctor" in the beginning of the room.

    Go see another doctor so you can get the rest of your test. My Endo helped me figure out what was wrong and put my on a good path to recovery. However, I am now seeking a new doctor with more knowledge of TRT.

    Go see the Endo and figure out what's going on, see if you can be put on a gel or injections (which ever works for you)

  3. #3
    foob166 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for your reply Stevens. My urologist said he can't give me gels or injections because it will cause testosterone shut down and it will also mess with my sperm production. Which is why he prescribed clomid so I can try to get my T up indirectly. I will be doing more testing in 2 weeks with the urologist that did my varicocele surgery. He thinks my T will go back up now that my varicoceles are fixed. Should I see another doc, like an endo, to get thyroid and other tests? or should I wait 2 weeks and do nothing?
    Last edited by foob166; 07-25-2012 at 09:50 PM.

  4. #4
    Stevens03 is offline New Member
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    Mine was caused by a autoimmune disease which was in relation to the destruction of my Thyroid. I honestly never got a 100% clear answer on it.

    I'm currently on 10mg of Androgel daily. It has boosted me T level to 700. However, I do not see and rise in libido or energy. I'm looking for a new doctor so I can fix these problems. My current Endo is a little thick minded and believes that if my levels are fine = me feeling fine.

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    See the sticky stevens mentioned and make sure you get all the blood work in it. You need good baselines. T is obviously low, free T without a range we're guessing. Never saw a scale like that for E2. It needs to be a sensitive assay to be of any use. If you use labcorp I can give you the codes so they don't screw it up. SHBG is fine.

    As stated, full bw is needed. Need to know LH/FSH to determine if your primary or secondary. A full thyroid panel is a must here also as hypothyroid can cause hypogonadism. Ancillary therapies such as clomid, hcg , nolva isn't a bad place to start to try and "jump start" your own endogenous production. Will it last, odds are low IMHO.

    You need to find the problem first and go from there. Keep us posted here and welcome to the forum foob. Read all the stickies and educate yourself as much as possible. That way you'll be treated much better by your doctor. Get copies of your blood work ahead of time also so you/we can look into it prior to your next doc appointment.

    Almost forgot my usual commentary: Jump on vit D if your not already. Most people are low and it is about the best thing you can do to improve your free T level.

  6. #6
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Like kelkel said the clomid is a decent start, and worth a shot at this point.

  7. #7
    foob166 is offline New Member
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    Thank you stevens, kelkel and SEO. I will try to push my urologist to test my FH, LSH etc. when I see him in 2 weeks. What doesn't make sense to me is, he wants me to keep taking 25mg Clomid daily, but then that means when I get my blood test in a few weeks, IF my T levels go up, I won't even be able to tell if it was because of the surgery or because of the clomid or both. I am guessing if my levels go up it will be because of the clomid. Do people that take clomid and see good results usually retain high T levels after stopping clomid? Or is this something I will have to take for the rest of my life?

    Will update with blood tests.

  8. #8
    xcraider37 is offline Associate Member
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    I agree give the Clomid a shot, not a bad way to start. Think of it this way once you get on TRT it is for life so be patient. Best to try everything else first.

  9. #9
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by foob166 View Post
    Thank you stevens, kelkel and SEO. I will try to push my urologist to test my FH, LSH etc. when I see him in 2 weeks. What doesn't make sense to me is, he wants me to keep taking 25mg Clomid daily, but then that means when I get my blood test in a few weeks, IF my T levels go up, I won't even be able to tell if it was because of the surgery or because of the clomid or both. I am guessing if my levels go up it will be because of the clomid. Do people that take clomid and see good results usually retain high T levels after stopping clomid? Or is this something I will have to take for the rest of my life?

    Will update with blood tests.
    That's another thing to talk to your doctor about, I would definitely eventually come off clomid to see what happens, and imagine he would propose the same, and if it doesn't work can go back on, or try other methods.

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