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Thread: Moodiness

  1. #1
    jwh7699 is offline Member
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    Have people experienced being excessively moody even when you don't mean to be?

    I'm guessing that this happens when my testosterone levels begin to decrease.

    Thoughts? Thanks!!

  2. #2
    sirupate is offline Member
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    Yes...past couple of weeks actually. I'm not that pleasant to be around. I'll explain....I'm at 4 months on my Testopel implants. My levels got a bit too low at around 3 months. Getting a new set of pellets in about 3 in a few days, I'll be feeling pretty good again for another almost 3 months.

    When my levels get too low...I get rather grumpy and a bit depressed. Doctor's office told me that would happen and sure enough, it seems to have happened.

  3. #3
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jwh7699
    Have people experienced being excessively moody even when you don't mean to be?

    I'm guessing that this happens when my testosterone levels begin to decrease.

    Thoughts? Thanks!!
    Changes in hormones affect mood, appetite, sleep, water retention, etc. As an example, think about what happens to women every 30 days or so when their hormones go through cycle changes (we call it their period). Ever notice a change in their mood? Men are no different. Changes in our hormonal levels (test, FSH, LH, estrogen, even growth hormone ) will affect mood, appetite, sleep,cognition, and even muscle, fat, and water retention.

    Hormones are important for a lot of physiological functions and any irregularity will have a corresponding behavioral and physiological impact.

  4. #4
    jwh7699 is offline Member
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    Yeah it feels like PMS for men. I'm guessing as Testosterone levels decline the ratio of Test to Estrogen changes and this brings on the moodiness.

    Do the estrogen inhibitors people take help with this? Or will the moodiness be there until T levels are increased?

  5. #5
    sirupate is offline Member
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    Liquidex has not seemed to help my mood much the past two weeks...FWIW. I think I am used to higher testosterone levels than I have at present.

  6. #6
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    not enough carbs does me that way too

  7. #7
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman
    not enough carbs does me that way too
    Not enough sex makes me cranky. Must be too much testosterone in that case!

  8. #8
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    low T + high e2 = moodiness!

  9. #9
    jwh7699 is offline Member
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    Makes sense! Thanks!! If I bring the E2 down and the T level occasionally dips, will the lowered E2 produce less moodiness?

  10. #10
    Hackamaniac's Avatar
    Hackamaniac is offline King Without a Crown ~
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    My E2 was high.....Actually still is....I've been really irritable, anxious, having hot flashes, and just don't feel good in general... You have any of these other symptoms??

  11. #11
    HRTstudent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jwh7699 View Post
    Makes sense! Thanks!! If I bring the E2 down and the T level occasionally dips, will the lowered E2 produce less moodiness?
    Well, depending on the magnitude of those dips, I would say its probably perfectly fine. After all, our bodies naturally have a daily rise and fall of testosterone .

    However, I don't think we are meant to have high e2 ever! I know for me, when I felt my worst my e2 was high/above range.

  12. #12
    jwh7699 is offline Member
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    I get irritable and look to get in an argument. I will look into finding out and correcting my E2 levels. Thanks!!

  13. #13
    juice2012 is offline Associate Member
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    My girlfriend completely avoids me most nights after work because I'm so fatigued and in a bad mood. Then I have to explain to her that me feeling bad has nothing to do with her :\ It really puts me in a terrible position because I really care about her. I tried to explain it to her that when I feel like this it's like being on a "man-period". But even when she's on her period she's nowhere need as moody as I have been since all this started.

  14. #14
    jwh7699 is offline Member
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    I hear you! The best thing to do is to keep talking about it and get blood work done so you can get your hormones corrected. Good luck!!!

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