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  1. #1
    je909ki is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Doc wants me to wean off Test with no PCT?

    Alright this is a long story but I will sum it up the best I can.

    About 5 months ago I went to the doc and he found my test level at 240. He put me on 400mg/Month of Test Cyp and gave me the vial so I dosed it at 50mg/3 1/2 days. He also prescribed me with Paxil for anxiety issues and sent me to the endo. The endo did another BW and said I was fine even though my T levels, Lh, and FSH were all out of whack. So, Ive been calling his office trying to get another appt for the past two months with no results. And the first doctor I mentioned won't do anything because he doesn't want to "step on the endo's toes". So, I decided to find a new doctor.

    I went to the new doctor a few days ago who read the endo's notes which said my low test levels were due to me being on Paxil. I highly disagreed with that but the doctor said he wanted me to wean off Paxil and Test and wanted to re-do my BW at the end of this month. I asked him if I should do some sort of PCT and he said no. I am begrudgingly following the doctors orders, but wanted to get some opinions from the pros here.

    Any thoughts on this??

    Age: 24
    Height: 5'11
    Weight: 240lbs
    Been lifting for 10 yrs
    Last edited by je909ki; 08-04-2012 at 03:13 PM.

  2. #2
    redhawk01's Avatar
    redhawk01 is offline Member
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    Jun 2012
    looks like he just wants to start out fresh. get new baseline numbers. happened to my friend as well. was on testim for 2months, got new bloods, no real change. then went to an endo. was told to stay off for a couple of weeks. no pct either. retested, then started on injection. doing much better. good luck to you.

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