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Thread: High DHEA?

  1. #1
    MattB502 is offline New Member
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    High DHEA?

    I am 28 years old and suspected that I had low testosterone levels . I went to see a trt doctor and had blood work done. My labs were:

    Insulin -Like Growth Factor I - 193
    Testosterone , Serum - 356
    Testosterone Free - 14.56
    % Free Testosterone - 4.09
    DHEA Sulfate - 684.4
    Estriadiol- 25.4

    Everything else was normal. My doc said that my DHEA levels were high and didn't know why. I had not been taking any supplements besides melatonin. He prescribed:

    Testosterone Cypionate 200mg/ml once a week (Monday)
    HCG 1,000 iu per week (Friday)
    Arimadex 1/2 mg twice a week (Mon and Fri)
    Melatonin 1.5 mg per night

    He said that he normally recommends DHEA supplements, but didn't because my levels were already high. I went back for blood work 3 1/2 months after starting my treatment. I lost 22 pounds and feel much better. My labs were:

    Insulin-Like Growth Factor I - 261
    Testosterone, Serum - 962
    Testosterone Free - 33.86
    % Free Testosterone - 3.52
    DHEA Sulfate - 870.2
    Estriadiol- 12.9

    He seemed to be confused as to why my DHEA levels had gone up. I am happy with my results so far. I am just a little concerned about what is causing my DHEA levels to increase. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this or what effects this could have?

  2. #2
    Allaaro is offline Associate Member
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    What is the top range for the DHEA? Like how much above high are you?

    I don't think it would be a problem unless there are other numbers coming back with problems. Probably should get bloodwork on everything just incase. But like if blood pressure and everything is all good to go, except your dhea is harm that I see.

  3. #3
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Very interesting indeed.

    I don't really think we typically see DHEA go up to such a large degree with TRT.

    And if you're not taking any supplements or vitamins its not reasonable to presume you are getting any contaminants of DHEA.

    Ive not come across any cause for concern, but I would monitor it it in the meantime.

  4. #4
    MattB502 is offline New Member
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    Thanks guys. Allaaro, normal DHEA ranges are 160- 449 according to my bloodwork results paperwork.

  5. #5
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    In fact, DHEA should have dropped when you started your protocol.

    When exogenous Testosterone is entered into the body most hormones upstream suppress or shut your case they increased.

    Interesting indeed...

  6. #6
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    This one had me a bit perplexed but I got to thinking there must be some reasons for elevated DHEA's just not normal.

    We see elevated Prolactin levels associated with Pituitary Tumors as well as suppressed LH/FSH.

    A little research and I found that there are many Adrenal disorders that can cause elevated DHEA levels and also throw off many other hormones like Testosterone which would explain why a 28 year old who should be at peak serum levels is in the tank.

    Your elevated DHEA-S panel should have sent a huge red flag to your Doctor Matt! Adrenal tumors cause the gland to malfunction and pathologies like cancers, enlargement of the adrenal gland and adrenal hyperplasia can all lead to overproduction of DHEAS and see the suppression of other hormones as well like your Testosterone levels .

    I urge you to speak to your Doctor as soon as you can and tell him your concerns. Seriously suppressed Testosterone levels coupled with highly elevated DHEA points to a potential adrenal disorder that needs to be ruled out as quickly as possible.

  7. #7
    xtitan1's Avatar
    xtitan1 is offline Associate Member
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    Am I reading this right that you're doing 1000iu of HCG in one dose?

  8. #8
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    That surprised me too XT. Op, be very cautious with your Adex dosage. You've dropped down considerable already and it may continue to drop. You won't know until your next BW but in the meantime, you're to low. LEF foundation recommends 20 - 30 on a sensitive E2 panel. Low E2 comes with many sides such as joint issues and loss of libido.

  9. #9
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Figuring out e2 using anastrozole has been the bane of my TRT. All I can say is get as frequent blood labs as you can once you start because its a roller coaster. Anastrozole can be very unforgiving...

  10. #10
    MattB502 is offline New Member
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    I appreciate all of the input. I plan to follow up with my doctor about my DHEA levels. I have read a few different things regarding high DHEA levels on line. Some of them say that there is no need for treatment as long as you are not seeing any symptoms, which I don't believe that I am. However, the possibility of a tumor or cancer is making me very nervous. The problem is that I won't be covered by health insurance for about 3 weeks due circumstances that were out of my control. I may have to wait before I can see other specialists or get an MRI.

    I was looking at the HCG incorrectly. It is 200 iu. It is HCG with B12.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by MattB502 View Post
    I appreciate all of the input. I plan to follow up with my doctor about my DHEA levels. I have read a few different things regarding high DHEA levels on line. Some of them say that there is no need for treatment as long as you are not seeing any symptoms, which I don't believe that I am. However, the possibility of a tumor or cancer is making me very nervous. The problem is that I won't be covered by health insurance for about 3 weeks due circumstances that were out of my control. I may have to wait before I can see other specialists or get an MRI.

    I was looking at the HCG incorrectly. It is 200 iu. It is HCG with B12.
    EXACTLY Matt!

    There are many life threatening diseases that are insidious and present no symptoms until found by accident, like a routine blood test, or when end stage symptoms appear.

    Trust me, you don't want that scenario at all.

    Talk to your Doc and express your concerns about potential adrenal issues and you would like these vetted out for you health and peace of mind.

    Set your appoint now for 3 weeks out. That's not a long period of time in the grand scheme of things...

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