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  1. #1
    TheSpoonyBard is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Need Some Good News...

    Hey guys, I'm a newer member here and have recently been started on TRT. I'm still waiting on my latest round of full panel BW results which I just had drawn on Friday. I will post my numbers when they arrive for analysis. Here's a very brief backstory: I was placed on Testim 1% gel 50 mg/daily on July 1st. I applied my 1st dose that day as well. My total T number was in the neighborhood of the 130's. I've been using the T for a bit longer than a month and around week 3 I started to briefly feel like I was hitting my stride. My attitude was generally much more positive, I was in a better mood, and I started to care about sex again(finally!). But for the last 6 days now those feelings are almost 100% gone. Last night the Missus and I were fooling around and just as things were starting to really get going,***Possible TMI ALERT*** my pecker just quit on me. It decided it wasn't having any of it. I'm 32 years old now and was always a horny little bastard and I have NEVER had this happen to me. It freaked me the **** out! My question is this: Has anyone had this happen to them early on in their treatment? I see the Doc on the 16th and am hoping that upping my dose to 100mg/daily will help out. I'm just so bummed out and would love some positive reinforcement. Thanks looking.

  2. #2
    redhawk01's Avatar
    redhawk01 is offline Member
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    Jun 2012
    I was on gel for two months, with no real results. On paper yeah. Went from 250 to 558. But felt no different. Friend of mine was also on testim. No good. We're both on injects, 100mgs a week. Just did my 5th shot, and starting to feel better. Libido is also getting better. Inject might be the way to go for you as well. Good luck.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    South Fla
    Many things can point to some it just happens to all of us at some point, it's normal and don't worry about it.


    While generally speaking men on a daily gel/cream don't usually have E2 issues you may be one that does. Elevated and suppressed E2 levels can cause weak errections. Make sure on this round of BW that you get an Estradiol "Sensitive" assay...if not you will get the standard panel designed for women and useless for men.

    Transdermal users also can have elevated DHT levels where Testosterone is synthesied to DHT via the enzyme 5α reductase in the skin. Elevated DHT can manifest a lot of symptoms like acne and hair loss and even some ED. So you will want to get this tested as well.

    This is a good starting point along with the rest of your BW.

    And relax and don't over think it for now...

    BTW, it's great to see so many new members lately...we must be doing something right around here
    Last edited by 1; 08-07-2012 at 12:40 PM.

  4. #4
    TheSpoonyBard is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    I've gotten lots of fantastic advice just in my very brief tenure here and I thank you for replying. Forum member KelKel already gave me a fantastic amount of great info that I've been trying to comprehend. I'm not a dimwit nor exactly slow either but TRT and the associated info shared by you great folks is a lot to process. I'm learning that you had better be at least somewhat competent to understand your treatment and reap the most benefit as well. It seems like TRT was a god-send for most members and I'd love to be considered "part of the club". I'll mention the sensitive assay and see how the doc wants to proceed. Is it advisable to demand the E2 sensitive assay test? I hate being a mouthy dink to my doc, or anyone for that matter but I've also been told to be your own advocate when it comes to treatment. Thanks again, you brainy bastards, lol

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