I've been on T replacement for probably about 5 months, and was still incredibly tired/fatigued.

I was on 60mg cyp twice per week, a total of 1 mg of AI per week, HCG 3-times per week.
Last month, my Doc bumped up my Cyp to 80mg twice per week, and that didn't solve the fatigue

So one month ago he put me on 0.5 grains per day of Nature Throid because my thyroid related BW numbers were low. After one month on that, the BW showed those numbers moved up slightly, but not to the his ideal.
So now the nature throid was bumped up to 1 grain/day. He also added an over the counter pregnenolone to my intake.

My total T tested out at 1360 - yikes.
He said that was ok, but I'm going to ease back the cyp slightly and watch it.

Overall I am happy with the program.
Great erections, non-stop sex drive, good strength, good muscle gains in the gym, only slight back acne, still have some hair

tweak / BW / tweak / BW / repeat

Quite the human chemistry set I've become.

I like my Doc, he listens to me, reads and reacts to the BW, and wants me to feel better.