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Thread: adrenal fatigue

  1. #1
    alfaromeo is offline New Member
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    adrenal fatigue

    I have low cortisol, dhea, cholesterol, ft3

    Cortisol 7,8 (range 8-22)

    Dhea 1,8 (range 2-14)

    Cholesterol 108 (range 140-200) (I eat 4 eggs yolk daily!)

    Ft3 2,59 (range 2,5-4,2)

    I'm on trt with 100mg test/week and I take also 50mcg cytomel

    I have zero libido and fatigue especially in the morning (7am-10am) and in the middle of the day (2pm-4pm) and in evening (8pm-11pm)

    I lost muscle mass and strenght and I not respond to any AAS or caffeine (I took 50mg dianabol daily = lose muscle mass) and I took 400mg caffeine daily and I was tired..

    Will low dose of cortef or medrol help me? and some dhea/pregnenolone. Is low dose cortef/medrol suppressive?

  2. #2
    xtitan1's Avatar
    xtitan1 is offline Associate Member
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    Hey brutha welcome to the forum.

    It would be helpful to have labs for all the things requested in the finding a trt physician sticky. Those would give us a more complete picture. Since you are needing TRT that tels me your t levels were off originally. Your thyroid level is low and your adrenal level is low. It's almost like you have hypopituitarism. But maybe it has to do with d-Bol I'm not knowledgable about AAS and their effects.

  3. #3
    alfaromeo is offline New Member
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    I took dianabol after this problem.
    The diagnosis is autoimmune hypophysitis, due to antibodies to pituitary, I'm in therapy with testosterone and thyroid

  4. #4
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    Yeah try and get your cortisol up as well as your ferritin. You may be metabolically hypo even after blood testing returns as normal due to factors in regards to resistance to thyroid medication. Also check reverse T3 for the same reason.

  5. #5
    alfaromeo is offline New Member
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    I will use cortef/medrol for this purpose?

  6. #6
    Heapsreal's Avatar
    Heapsreal is offline New Member
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    i would add a transdermal pregnenolone cream to help increase cortisol but also other hormones. Also dhea to the mix. I would suggest starting with very low doses and increase slowly as some with such low levels of hormones can have bad reactions when adding hormones too high and quickly, it happened to me and i ended up using very low doses like 5mg of pregnenolone and slowly increase it from there, same as dhea.

  7. #7
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    To increase Cortisol you will need to talk to your Doctor about adding some Hydrocortisone to your protocol.

  8. #8
    chrishansen83 is offline New Member
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    Hi buddy,

    I really do hope that the post will finally delivery the preg. cream tomorrow - I could then let you know how it works.

    Do you know what kind of AF do you have (pri/sec/3/4)?

    Unfortunately, I don't think that AASs will work - the cortisol problem usually impairs digestion, so you won't be able to absorb nutrients and calories properly, be those from fat/carbs/protein.

    How is your digestion working?

    Do you have dark under-eye circles and any kind of skin disease (eczema, seborrheic dermatitis)?

  9. #9
    xtitan1's Avatar
    xtitan1 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by chrishansen83 View Post
    Hi buddy,

    I really do hope that the post will finally delivery the preg. cream tomorrow - I could then let you know how it works.

    Do you know what kind of AF do you have (pri/sec/3/4)?

    Unfortunately, I don't think that AASs will work - the cortisol problem usually impairs digestion, so you won't be able to absorb nutrients and calories properly, be those from fat/carbs/protein.

    How is your digestion working?

    Do you have dark under-eye circles and any kind of skin disease (eczema, seborrheic dermatitis)?
    Whoa, don't mean to hijack but I'm having dark under-eye circles and terrible seborrheic dermatitis. What does that indicate?

  10. #10
    chrishansen83 is offline New Member
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    Hey there,

    no worries, we're all here to help

    Check this out:

    stopthethyroidmadness .com/adrenal-info/symptoms-low-cortisol/

    I've got 14 of those symptoms.

    jackkruse .com/what-might-casey-anthony-and-oj-have-in-common/

    this basically gives the solution.

    I have to have the preg. cream by tomorrow, I do need it for f*cks sake..

    I am one of those who have these dark circles since forever and albeit the conventional wisdom (most of it is BS anyway) is to "sleep well", sleep never solves the problem.

    Sometimes I wake up and it looks significantly better for about 15-30 mins. and reverts back to its usual stage.

    I think this might be because of the low cortisol.

    Btw., don't you find it interesting, that ALL docs give you corticosteroids as SD treatment???

    (that you shouldn't use, it thins your skin big time)

    Furher read:

    wikipedia .org/wiki/Corticosteroid

    wikipedia .org/wiki/Topical_steroid

    If you think about it, it all makes perfect sense...

    Interesting theory, just have to test it

    Quote Originally Posted by xtitan1 View Post
    Whoa, don't mean to hijack but I'm having dark under-eye circles and terrible seborrheic dermatitis. What does that indicate?

  11. #11
    xtitan1's Avatar
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    So basically you're saying that because you have low cortisol as well as SD (Seborrheic dermtatitis), and the usual medications are corticosteroids, you think that there's a link between adrenal fatigue and SD?

    Also, I have been prescribed Selenium Sulfide shampoo for my SD and it is extremely helpful. I have also been told that OTC creams like Cortisone cream will work. Yet, you and my alternative medicine doctor both say that it's bad for you long term. Interesting..

  12. #12
    alfaromeo is offline New Member
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    no, my symptom are:
    low libido
    loss of strenght and muscle mass
    fatigue between 7am-10am and 1pm-4pm and 8pm-10pm
    food cravings
    no reaction to caffeine (makes me sleepy!)
    continuing hypothyroid symptoms with a high free T3
    inability to handle stress
    inability to handle interactions with others
    exacerbated reactions to daily stress
    no patience
    easily irritated
    taking days to recover from even minor stress

  13. #13
    xtitan1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alfaromeo View Post
    no, my symptom are:
    low libido
    loss of strenght and muscle mass
    fatigue between 7am-10am and 1pm-4pm and 8pm-10pm
    food cravings
    no reaction to caffeine (makes me sleepy!)
    continuing hypothyroid symptoms with a high free T3
    inability to handle stress
    inability to handle interactions with others
    exacerbated reactions to daily stress
    no patience
    easily irritated
    taking days to recover from even minor stress
    Oh sorry I think there was miscommunication there I was just responding to chrishansens post

  14. #14
    go2failure is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by alfaromeo View Post
    I took dianabol after this problem.
    The diagnosis is autoimmune hypophysitis, due to antibodies to pituitary, I'm in therapy with testosterone and thyroid
    What test did they run for this/How did they find out? I'm curious as I have a similar situation.

  15. #15
    dfwo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chrishansen83 View Post
    Do you have dark under-eye circles and any kind of skin disease (eczema, seborrheic dermatitis)?
    I also don't want to hijack...

    but someone mentioned in one of my threads that I should have my cortisol levels checks. I also have (always had) dark circles under my eyes and have awful eczema. I'm just not understanding the connection.

  16. #16
    Brohim's Avatar
    Brohim is offline Senior Member
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    I had adrenal fatigue. I took DHEA and a Adrenal supp that had pregenolone in it. You also have to stop taking stims (caffine) to let your system recover.

  17. #17
    Renholder is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brohim View Post
    I had adrenal fatigue. I took DHEA and a Adrenal supp that had pregenolone in it. You also have to stop taking stims (caffine) to let your system recover.
    Did you recover completely? Please tell more.

  18. #18
    chrishansen83 is offline New Member
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    Hi all,

    soo, long time no see!

    I wanted to make sure to have the correct info before posting here.

    I will update my thread in a while, so just to cut to the point - I've seen Dr. Hertoghe's office at the end of October, the bloodtests revealed major adrenal insufficiency and because of that, basically all my hormones are in the tank.

    I'm on 25 mg of HC in 10-5-5-5, 35 mg DHEA in the morning and 50 mg preg in the morning.

    Probably need thyroid as well, that'll be done in January.


    Dark circles: sloooooowly, but fading!

    Seborrheic dermatitis: almost nonexistent on face, probably because the HC works AND upregulated overall hormone metabolism, including GH (GH repairs the skin overnight). It comes up once every two weeks, then I just wash my face with cold water and the slight redness goes away in a day or 2 - mind that I am not on L-DOPA now, just HC!

    I occasionally take some + preg and dhea around training and I am now able to gain muscle and KEEP IT ON!

    For diagnoses:

    Dark circles: check your adrenal function: 8 am cortisol, free cortisol, transcortin (CBG), DHEA-S.

    (I had skyhigh transcortin with average cortisol, very low DHEA-S)

    SD: check 24h urinary GH level. (Do NOT check IGF-1 for this, that's not indicative of GH levels!)

    (I had a GH level of a sick 8 year old girls', about 25% of what it should have. Fcuk.)

    IBS: same as dark circles

    For treatment:

    Dark circles: well, obviously HC, but that's prescription only, so you need to work with the Doc. You might try ashwaganda, rhodiola, Vit C. 2-3 g/day or other adaptogens. (You could try Isocort, which is a lowdose OTC HC, + Betaine HCL)

    SD: Mucuna Pruriens extract, 100 mg L-DOPA, right before bed. You should see much progress in the morning (seriously). Taking it for the night increases it's effect many times for men - women can take it anytime, they don't have this benefit. Works incredibly well, make sure you don't take MAO inhibitors and don't run out of this...

    IBS: see dark circles + : Betaine HCL, digestive enzymes. Low cortisol causes low stomach acid and almost NO dig. enzyme secretion, so you MUST supplement with these. Also spares cortisol, which comes very handy!

    Also, don't forget to take some pregnenolone, it does help!

    Please give these a try, I'd love to hear about your experiences.


    Quote Originally Posted by dfwo View Post
    I also don't want to hijack...

    but someone mentioned in one of my threads that I should have my cortisol levels checks. I also have (always had) dark circles under my eyes and have awful eczema. I'm just not understanding the connection.

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