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  1. #1
    All4jj is offline New Member
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    Best choice for pregnenolone

    So what's everybody using for preg supplementation?

    Life flo ts isn't cutting it for me. Way to messy for the little amount you are getting.

    The nutricology mlm is the only one I've seen make a difference in my blood work, but I metabolize oral supplements very quickly. So I am getting some ACTH suppression and very low cortisol symptoms.

    Also what is everybody using for dhea?
    I'm currently using dhea complete from lef, it has 100mg 7 keto, 25 dhea.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Transdermal seems to be the best application but if you're having issues may be time to move on.

    You can purchase Preg/DHEA in a micronized pill which many Docs are getting great results with.

    Just Google both and you will have many options.

  3. #3
    vinceproduction's Avatar
    vinceproduction is offline Associate Member
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    I have great results from the ageforce patches. They combine preg and dhea in the same patch. The only issue ive had is that they sometimes come off with sweating. So I wear a wristband over it while I sleep. I've actually seen positive bw. results

  4. #4
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vinceproduction View Post
    I have great results from the ageforce patches. They combine preg and dhea in the same patch. The only issue ive had is that they sometimes come off with sweating. So I wear a wristband over it while I sleep. I've actually seen positive bw. results
    Interesting, do you have bloodwork on how effective this is at absorbing?


    I think part of the reason we have such wildly different opinions on pregenenolone is because its so different from so many companies. If you take testosterone injects, its going to be pretty much the same damn thing - cyp vs enanthate , and maybe from 1 of 3 companies. But when it comes to pregnenolone... well, we have probably hundreds of companies, widely different strengths, different pill forms, then there are the transdermals... no wonder pregnenolone seems to be "hit or miss."

    Personally, I am giving pregnenolone a try by just using some basic cheapo stuff orally. If its bumping up that cortisol pathway then its worth the 5'ish bucks a month regardless if it changes my quality of life in some profound way. I've come to learn that I need to accept small victories when I can .

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    You would be better served with a sublingual pregnenolone tab...very little in the way of a pill (with the exception of micronized formulas) will make it into your it can throw off some not so good liver metabolites.

  6. #6
    Heapsreal's Avatar
    Heapsreal is offline New Member
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    go to a compound pharmacy where they can make it to the strength you want.

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