Dehydroepiandrosterone: DHEA
As presented by Dr. Neal Rouzier, M.D.

Here's a great reason to add DHEA to your protcol.

DHEA is a hormone secreted primarily by the adrenal glands. It results in a shift of a catabolic state to an anabolic or protein building state.

 It reduces cardiovascular risks by increasing lipolyses (decrease visceral fat).
 It stimulates the immune system, restores sexual vitality, improves moods, decreases cholesterol and body fat.
 It improves memory, increases energy, and has anti-cancer properties by enhancing the immune system.
 It is an endocrine precursor to other hormones, prevents immuno-senescence, loss of sleep, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis.
 DHEA reduces insulin requirement
 Adrenal hormone anabolic vs. catabolic metabolism
 Restores immunity
 Prevents osteoporosis, increases bone density
 Prevents cancer in lab animals
 Prevents diabetes & heart disease
 Decreases visceral fat
 Improves mood & well-being
 Improves energy & memory
 Slows aging process in lab animals
 Prevents lipid peroxidation =
 Endocrine precursor to T.P.E.
 7-keto DHEA is not a precursor to other HRT = avoid
 Neurotransmitter (recently discovered)
 Presently pending FDA approval for Lupus (Prasterone)

Clinically substantiated uses of DHEA include replacement for:
 Low DHEA levels
 Chronic disease
 Adrenal exhaustion or corticosteroid therapy
 Improving bone density
 Improving depression & mood disorders
 Enhancing immune response by activating T-cells
 Improving well-being
 Decreasing cardiovascular risk
 Improving erectile dysfunction
 Anyone over 40
 DHEA has never been shown to reverse the aging process
 Nevertheless DHEA is important for preventive medicine
 DHEA inhibits synthesis of thromboxane A2, reduces plasminogen activator inhibitor, and tissue plasminogen activator
– all decreasing platelet aggregation and ischemia.

Men<200lb: 50mg AM
Men>200lb: 75-100mg AM

Women <50yo: 10-15mg AM
Women >50yo: 25mg AM

DHEA Serum Levels
 Range 100-600
 Optimal 500-600
 Range 50-300
 Optimal 200-250

Higher levels in women predispose them to side effects – therefore stay low
 Monitor monthly until optimal
 Assure correct dose and compliance
 Measure DHEA-S and not DHEA

 Side effects: acne, hirsutism
 Tx: Lower dose or take QOD Spironolactone 100 mg/day
 Contraindicated in sex hormone responsive tumors – breast, ovarian, uterine, prostate
 Conversion to T.P.E.?
 DHEA raises testosterone levels in women slightly, yet not in men
 DHEA raises estradiol slightly in men

 Over age 40 for health protection
 Preventive medicine and well-being
 Symptoms of aging, mood & depression
 ‘Cause the medical literature suggests it if we want to live longer, happier, healthier

DHEA – S04
 MEN Blood levels
 Optimal : 500-600 ug/ml
 Side effects rare in men

 Optimal : 200-250 ug/ml
 Dose based on side effects
 Side effects very common in women

 Capsule – SR micronized
 50 mg Q am
 >200 lbs – 75 - 100 mg Q am

 Capsule – SR micronized
 10 mg Q am if over 40
 15 mg Q am if over 50
 25 mg Q am if over 60
 If under age 40, do not prescribe due to sensitivity causing side effects.