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  1. #1
    hynerg is offline New Member
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    Cycling vs. Continual HRT

    Ive been on HRT for about 8 weeks now, and the other day when I went to go get my injection, the doctor informed me that there is no cycling and that HRT is something you stay on permanently for the rest of your life. I dont know how comfortable I am with this notion, especially considering that after a certain amount of time (I think he said 6 months- 1 year) my HPTA will be more or less permanently shut down and then I will always be dependent on HRT. My numbers before starting my therapy were on the low side of average, maybe needing a slight improvement, but definitely not bad. Im only taking about 120 mg/week. Does anyone know how long I can continue at this dose before I permanently shut down my HPTA, and does anyone agree that considering I am a borderline case it might be better to cycle rather than continually supplement. I would appreciate informed opinions....

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    As long as you are taking hCG as part of your protocol it will keep your testicles functioning (read the sticky at the top of the forum) and HPTA intact making a re-start more likely.

    Your Physician is correct, TRT is a life lone investment and something you should have known before you started.

    There is no cycling in TRT.

  3. #3
    jasondd1 is offline Member
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    Im curious if once my levels are up and i get on HCG if I can ever get off. If not cool but it would be nice.

  4. #4
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasondd1 View Post
    Im curious if once my levels are up and i get on HCG if I can ever get off. If not cool but it would be nice.
    of course not, thats not how it works. all you're doing with TRT is "replacing" what you don't produce anymore, it dose not boost your own production. so when the body says hmmmmm, i got enough T ruining in my veins so therefor i don't need to produce anymore... and that my friend is called a shutdown.

  5. #5
    APIs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hynerg View Post
    Does anyone know how long I can continue at this dose before I permanently shut down my HPTA, and does anyone agree that considering I am a borderline case it might be better to cycle rather than continually supplement. I would appreciate informed opinions....
    Cycling is not the answer either. You might as well stay on TRT then. Cycling off & on will only hurt your HPTA further & in the long-term cause a decrease in natural Test production - even with proper PCT. I know it's like pissing in the wind, but like others have said; you should have known this before starting.

  6. #6
    Henryhill470's Avatar
    Henryhill470 is offline Associate Member
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    The doc should have informed you from the start. That's BS. Bro

  7. #7
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    If it were me, I think I would stop immediately, get a hold of some Hcg and wish for the best. 8 weeks hopefully you can get things restarted.

  8. #8
    LevMyshkin's Avatar
    LevMyshkin is offline Junior Member
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    The way I've always looked at is this - TRT is analogous to Type 1 Diabetic therapy. Sure, we don't take a shot every day, but I take my shot once a week. TRT is to treat the medical condition of low testosterone just as insulin is used to treat a diabetes.

    Plus, you wouldn't cycle at 120mg. Your natural production will be suppressed on TRT so to cycle off it would leave you with little to no natural test during the down time and if you did work to ramp up your natural production, you'd still be below what is a healthy test level for a male.

    If you really aren't comfortable with the idea of being on this for the rest of your life, then by all means, talk to your doc about the steps to take to come off of it safely and hope, as Bullshark said, for the best.

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