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  1. #1
    pjbandit is offline Junior Member
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    New Bloodwork - Almost dialed in

    Hey Guys, had new bloodwork done last week, finally got the results.

    I have been feeling better the last few weeks and lost weight and have much more energy. brain fog is going away, really a lot of positive changes. I got some updated bloodwork and of course the lab did not run everything I asked for. Going to wait a month and get more labs done and if I have to do it online myself and pay , I will.

    Here are the updated and some questions I have:

    CBC - Pretty much all within Range. MY hemotacrit was high last time (52). Now down to 44 thanks to a double red blood donation. Will do this as often as possible.
    The only thing that was high is the MPV but I was reading and this may be due to my body developing new platelets which makes them abnormally high until they mature. Anyone have any experience with that?

    Chemistry was all within range.

    Prolactin - 8.4 (2.1 - 17.7 ng/ml)
    TSH, 3rd generation 1.084 (0.350 - 5.500 uIU/mL)
    FREE T4 1.2 (0.8 - 1.8 ng/dL)
    Total T 766 (240 - 950 ng/dL)
    Free T 25 (9-30 ng/dL)
    SHBG 35 (10-57 ng/dl)
    Estradiol - 54 (range <40)

    So, It looks like my free T is right where I want it. I am feeling good too. I think my SHBG is a little high but not bad. My estradiol is a little concerning, although I definitely think it has come down from where it was previously. Problem was the idiot doctor I was using last ran the wrong test.

    My current doc, although doesnt know much about this, is willing to do whatever I ask him. He read Crisler paper I gave him and will work with me. He did not want to give me an AI at this time as he is not too familiar with them. So I am going to continue my current protocol and in a month get retested and if my estradiol goes higher, I will convince him to give me an AI for a short time.

    I do not feel any of the high estrogen symptons right now.

    My question is regarding supplements. Right now I take 25mg DHEA in the morning along with 10mg Pregnolone (both in pill form)
    Take 50mg Zinc/2mg copper pill
    Take 4-6000 IU of Vitamin D3 (My original lab work before TRT showed I was very deficient in D3)

    Was thinking of adding in Boron and also ordered ZMA and DIM (I ordered the DIM through a product called Myodex by Axis Labs) Supposed to control DHT and Estrogen levels).

    Any ideas on my supplements and if I should be taking anything else or not take something?

    I am feeling really good now and I think I am almost where I want to be but would love for the experts to chime in.

    BTW, the way I feel now started when I changed my protocol to 100mg/weekly t-cyp and 250 iu HCG 2 days prior and 1 day prior to injection.

    Was thinking of going to 120 mg t-cyp, but not sure if I want to change that yet. What do you guys think? Is the HCG enough to keep my balls intact at these levels? Would like to have kids in a few years.


  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    donating DRBC was a good idea. No real need to continue with that though. You can switch to whole blood every 53 days or so. Right now you have to wait about 3 months or so to donate again. No worries with your MPV. That is a sensitive Estrogen assay, right?

    You're supplementing with DHEA and Preg but do you know what your levels actually were prior to supplementing? Make sure they are micronized so they survive the first pass otherwise you won't get much out of them. Great on D as it is shown to decrease shbg therefore increasing free T. I deal with the same issue. I've read all about DIM but do not know anyone who really reports much success with it. Love for someone to chime in with personal experience with it.

    Other supps? Where's the protein? Suggest a good whey protein isolate with alot of amino's in it. Think of it this way. Protein builds muscle. Amino's are the building blocks of protein.

    HCG protocol is fine. When was the BW pulled relative to injection?

  3. #3
    pjbandit is offline Junior Member
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    Yes, was a sensitive estrogen assay.

    I do not know my Preg, but my DHEA was around 180 (low end of range of about 600) Is there a test for preg? I hear its not reliable. I thought supplementing DHEA and Preg was a good idea while on TRT?

    I figured I would give this DIM product (product is Myodex by Axis Labs) a shot for one month and see what happens before I test next time. If it works, great, if not I will get the AI if my estradiol is too high.

    Can you recommend a good whey protein with aminos that you would use? And how do you use it? extra shakes? I want to watch my calories as I want to continue to lose weight.

    MY BW was pulled day prior to injection (and I did not do HCG that week to make sure my levels were not affected by HCG).

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Supplementing with them is a great idea. I was just curious if you knew your levels ahead of time. Yes to a test. Have not heard of reliability issues though. Maybe someone else can chime in.

    Nothing wrong with trying it. The more actual meds you can avoid the better, without question.

    I live and die with Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey (Extreme Milk Chocolate is awesome. Never vanilla) Search on line for your best price. I buy the 5 lb containers and go through about two about every 5 weeks (appx.) Tastes great, no sugar, low caloric content.

    Next time continue with your HCG protocol. You need to know your levels (stealing GD's favorite line) "where you live."

  5. #5
    Texkota's Avatar
    Texkota is offline New Member
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    I take very few supplements myself, well very few compared to most of the knuckleheads at my gym. I take 5000 iu of Vitamin D3 daily, BCAAs (Purple Wraath) preworkout, and 100% Whey Protein (Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey - Chocolate Coconut, yummy yum yum) post workout. Everything else I get through eating.

  6. #6
    pjbandit is offline Junior Member
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    I will look into that protein powder, thanks...

    And I did do my HCG for the week, but i did it after my BW and the following day (along with t-cyp).

    Following week i went back to 2 days prior and 1 day prior hcg.

    I will try this DIM for a month and see if it helps with estradiol and report back in a month.

    Might go to 120mg T-cyp/weekly for a month too.

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