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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Lab results back

    So I got my testosterone checked, thought it'd be a good idea to know where I'm at. Did a prop and tbol cycle a while back (500mg/week for 9 weeks), last pin was 4.5 months ago and pct ended 3.5 months ago. Ran hcg @ 500/week during and nolva 40/40/20/20 and clomid 100/75/50/25 for pct. I felt normal after pct, didn't feel weaker than usual, zero ED problems, normal sex drive.

    My testosterone was 369 which is about half of what it should be for my age (25). My nips have also been sensitive lately and one has been puffy, my sex drive has also been low for the last couple weeks. If I was on cycle I'd definately start a AI. Got my estro checked today and will have results by tomorrow. Not sure why I would be getting these sides now so long after my cycle, any ideas? This is my first time getting my levels checked but it's quite possible I've always had low t, the symptoms have always been there.

  2. #2
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    its normal to take that long to feel the negative sides after your PCT, if you were at 369 before the cycle and did PCT you can get back to where you were or even lower. 369 at your age is more like 1/3 of where you should be. post all your BW with ranges when you get it. what else did you test for?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Only testosterone , I asked for more but my doc comes off both uneducated and just doesn't care. He said because its in the range I'm fine. It's near the very end of the range and I asked if the range takes age into account, didn't know, told him what average levels are for my age citing two studys, he was clueless. I asked for a full hormone panel, he said "why? Your in the range, your fine" so I said atleast give me an estrogen test so when I get that I'm switching docs.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    My joints have been really sore lately as well, sign of high estro?

  5. #5
    juice2012 is offline Associate Member
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    From what I've read, joint pain would come from low estrogen not high.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Got my estradiol results back, it was 24.2 pg/ml which is good. So any ideas why I have swollen nipples and low libido?

  7. #7
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Due to the fact that you recently ran a cycle of androgens... all bets are really off. Things have a tendency to go a certain way, but we are all different. You put your body through tremendous swings in a short time, so things were in flux and your body was fighting it the whole time.

    Id recommend not cycling but... people will do what they will! Things should normalize, and the rough guideline is 3-6 months.

    If you are growing breast tissue though you might want to talk to your doctor about tackling that, time is against you on that.

  8. #8
    backbeater's Avatar
    backbeater is offline New Member
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    Did they check your prolactin level? Mine estrogen spikes a bit and prolactin goes bat shit when they gave me HCG at my TRT clinic. Tamoxifen on top of the arimidex helped. I know you're not on HCG, but you could get the same thing from test, even if estrogen level is under control from the lab work.

    * As I understand it. I'm by no means an expert or even well informed. Just speaking from experience.

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