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  1. #1
    Henryhill470's Avatar
    Henryhill470 is offline Associate Member
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    Depo-Testosterone ??? Help !

    As anyone ever herd of this ?

    Doc just wrote this for 200mg every other week 1cc

  2. #2
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Yes, it's about as popular as it gets!

  3. #3
    LowTDude is offline New Member
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    My doctor wants me on the same thing. Depo, 200mg every 2 weeks. Is that good? Is Depo and Cyp the same thing?

  4. #4
    backbeater's Avatar
    backbeater is offline New Member
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    I was told at my clinic that Testosterone Cypionate is just Pfizer's variety of Depo Testosterone .

  5. #5
    LT75's Avatar
    LT75 is offline Associate Member
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    I would push for 100mg EW. Read a lot about the test level being low by the time you get your next shot in 2 weeks. I believe the half life of cyp is 7 days. So it is basically out of your system in 2 weeks.

  6. #6
    LowTDude is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by backbeater View Post
    I was told at my clinic that Testosterone Cypionate is just Pfizer's variety of Depo Testosterone.
    Thank you.

  7. #7
    Henryhill470's Avatar
    Henryhill470 is offline Associate Member
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    Does anyone know if it will prevent you from having children when you start doing a TRT ? I asked the doc and he said he didn't think so. He didn't sound to confident. Anyone ?

  8. #8
    Jake14 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by backbeater View Post
    I was told at my clinic that Testosterone Cypionate is just Pfizer's variety of Depo Testosterone.
    That is correct but I believe Depo-Testosterone is Pfizer's brand name for Test Cypionate . Test Cyp is the generic name. Test Cyp is available from Watson, compounding pharmacies and others.. The above is based upon the bottle of Depo-Testosterone I have. On the box, under Depo-Testosterone it says Testosterone Cypionate .

  9. #9
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by backbeater View Post
    I was told at my clinic that Testosterone Cypionate is just Pfizer's variety of Depo Testosterone.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jake14 View Post
    That is correct but I believe Depo-Testosterone is Pfizer's brand name for Test Cypionate. Test Cyp is the generic name. Test Cyp is available from Watson, compounding pharmacies and others.. The above is based upon the bottle of Depo-Testosterone I have. On the box, under Depo-Testosterone it says Testosterone Cypionate.
    this is correct. i had the same experience. my doc didn't even know the difference.

  10. #10
    Jake14 is offline Junior Member
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    I prefer Watson brand. Sometime I am a little sore, the next day - nothing significant, after using other manufactures but I have not had that experience when I used Watson. But maybe that is because my injection technique has improved. Hard to say. I would not hestitate in usng any of them.

  11. #11
    Henryhill470's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Henryhill470
    Does anyone know if it will prevent you from having children when you start doing a TRT ? I asked the doc and he said he didn't think so. He didn't sound to confident. Anyone ?

  12. #12
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Injecting 2x per week is ideal, as you will find the peak ranges are at their highest at 48 to 72 hours after injection. Half life is at 7 to 8 days, so a minimum of 1x per week is the minimum if you want to keep a halfway stable protocol.

    On cypionate , the only differences will be the type of oil that it's suspended in. I believe cottonseed and sesame seed are the two primary oils used. Depo is traditionally suspended in cottonseed oil, and test enanthate , also known as Delatestryl for the name brand (like Depo) is suspended in sesame seed oil.

    As far as children goes ... This topic comes up all the time here, and plenty of members here have had children while on HRT. 1st step, you should include HCG in your protocol. This will provide a continuous signalling of LH to your testicles, which will enable them to produce some endogenous testosterone as they did when the pituitary was producing GnRH - LH/FSH. However, FSH is the primary hormone needed to stimulate spermatogenesis. This can be achieved with HMG therapy, which is just like HCG, but it contains the needed FSH analogue as well.

    The other way to achieve this would be to try and restart your HPTA (pituitary) with a SERM, like Clomid, but IMO that's an "iffy" option. If the HPTA was able to function properly, you would probably not be taking TRT to begin with. However, it's not been proven impossible either. I'd rather just stay on HRT with the way things are and add HMG. Again, all you're trying to do is to provide LH/FSH to the leydigs, so whether it comes from the brain or some for of exogenous medication, it doesn't really matter. No guarantees that the brain would produce ... With HMG there's really no guessing, unless the medication isn't legit, or if your testicles are not functioning properly.

  13. #13
    Henryhill470's Avatar
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    Vettester----->. Thank you. We are planning to have 1 last child and start trying next year around june. I would just hate to start this and we either would have trouble having 1 more or not able too. We have been very fortunate one our 2 children now. Not sure what to do

  14. #14
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Presuming you are on TRT because your HPTA was already going through some sort of suppression? Would be curious if you have your baseline labs, or can point me to a thread where you posted them?

    Again, unless you have a condition with your testicles, also referred to as a primary diagnosis, you should be able to naturally produce test & sperm if you at least start adding a continuous protocol of HCG now, and then look at adding HMG at least 3 months prior to your plans to conceive. I had a sperm test a few years ago and had some swimmers with only taking HCG. Not a lot mind you, but it wasn't a zero either.

    Again, a big part of it will be to not let your testicles just shrivel up on you. If you're going to be on TRT, you need to keep them functioning with at least taking some HCG. If your doctor can put you on HMG, then better yet, unless you guys aren't using BC, and you don't want to risk pregnancy sooner than June?

  15. #15
    Henryhill470's Avatar
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    When I get back home tomorrow I will post them. I have never had an issue with sperm count. The last two times she came of BC within 30 days of trying she was pregnant. Maybe we should try before I start the TRT.

    The uncertainty of the doctors knowledge just has me worried. I firmly believe that I knew more about TRT then he did. I played the dumb card to not give it away of how much I actually know about this stuff. I did find out about an anti aging clinic here in WV. It is a cash only business. This may be in my favor.

  16. #16
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Henryhill470 View Post
    When I get back home tomorrow I will post them. I have never had an issue with sperm count. The last two times she came of BC within 30 days of trying she was pregnant. Maybe we should try before I start the TRT.

    The uncertainty of the doctors knowledge just has me worried. I firmly believe that I knew more about TRT then he did. I played the dumb card to not give it away of how much I actually know about this stuff. I did find out about an anti aging clinic here in WV. It is a cash only business. This may be in my favor.
    OK, will keep an eye out for the labs. Don't feel bad about the doc, it's quite normal these days for them to be completely behind the 8-ball on this stuff. The real problems is their egos getting in the way, and not being open minded to enhance their knowledge level and skill set.

  17. #17
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vettester View Post
    OK, will keep an eye out for the labs. Don't feel bad about the doc, it's quite normal these days for them to be completely behind the 8-ball on this stuff. The real problems is their egos getting in the way, and not being open minded to enhance their knowledge level and skill set.
    That's it in a nutshell.

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