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  1. #1
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Another HRT question for the Ladies, Wifes numbers

    Even though I corrected the Tread title it doesn't seem to show the change. Ladoes - Ladies.

    Hello ladies, and gentlemen. As you know I have been following some of your post and results for your own HRT symptoms, test, therapy and results.

    My wife FINALLY got her doctor to run a panel due to complaints of being tired, vaginal dryness and mood swings.

    Hopefully someone will have some insight and suggestions.

    Female 32
    Non smoker
    light drinker
    Non fasting test
    Not pregnant

    What sticks out to me is the Testosterone is at the bottom of the range.

    I cant seem to copy/paste with the proper format so I put it in word doc attachment. Ill keep trying to see what I can do.
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    Last edited by lovbyts; 10-16-2012 at 04:25 AM.

  2. #2
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Component Value Range Units Testosterone 15 15-110 ng/dL Estrogen total serum 199 100-900 pg/mL Prolactin 15.7 5.2-26.5 ng/mL DHEA sulfate 141 96-512 ug/dL LH 4.6m 1.6-8.3 mIU/mL FSH 7.6 1.5-29.0 mIU/mL TSH 1.1 0.4-4.7 uIU/mL Ferritin 8 10-235 ng/mL L Iron 70 40-145 ug/dL Iron Binding Capacity Total 363 250-420 ug/dL % Iron Saturation 19 15-50 % WBC 4.41 4.00-12.00 K/uL RBC 4.19 4.00-5.50 mil/uL Hgb 12.1 12.0-16.0 g/dL Hct 36.4 37-47 % L MCV 86.9 80-98 fL MCH 28.9 27-33 pg MCHC 33.2 32-37 g/dL RDW 12.3 11.5-15.0 Plt 269 150-450 K/uL Differential type Automated Abs neuts 2.59 1.80-7.80 K/uL Abs lymphs 1.30 0.80-3.30 K/uL Abs monos 0.35 0.10-1.00 K/uL Abs eos 0.12 0.00-0.40 K/uL Abs basos 0.05 0.00-0.20 K/uL Neuts 58.8 44-75 % Lymphs 29.5 20-44 % Monos 7.9 2.0-13.0 % Eos 2.7 0.0-5.0 % Basos 1.1 0.0-2.0 % Free T4 1.07 0.70-1.48 ng/dL Free T3 3.3 1.71-3.71 pg/mL Na 137 135-145 mmol/L K 4.2 3.6-5.3 mmol/L Cl 102 98-109 mmol/L CO2 23 21-28 mmol/L Anion gap w/o K 11 7-15 BUN 11 8-24 mg/dL Creatinine 0.78 0.6-1.2 mg/dL GFR non African Amer 86 >59 mL/min GFR African American 104 >59 mL/min Glucose 79 65-120 mg/dL SGOT 16 5-40 IU/L Alk Phos 39 28-126 IU/L SGPT 11 6-60 IU/L Bilirubin total 0.6 0.2-1.4 mg/dL Protein 7.6 6.2-8.0 g/dL Albumin 4.2 3.2-5.0 g/dL Globulin (calc) 3.4 2.0-4.5 g/dL A:G Ratio 1.2 >1.0 Calcium 9.8 8.5-10.5 mg/dL

  3. #3
    jwws9999 is offline Junior Member
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    have you discussed the results with her doctor

  4. #4
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    most levels indicate poor diet and perhaps lack of exercise, she needs to eat more meat! but the big ones are low T and low Estrogen. low estrogen explains the vaginal dryness and mood swings. i am not well versed with female hormones, LH and FSH seems a bit low but not terrible. thyroid looks good, so i am guessing perhaps something with the ovaries!

  5. #5
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    She doesn't do the gym much but she is not out of shape by any means. Not much beef/pork in the diet mostly fish, chicken, seafoods (shrimp), rice and veggies. We have known she is anemia for quite a while and she tries to take iron but we haven't found any yet that does not upset her stomach but we are still trying.

    As I figured the doctor sent her a letter saying everything is within normal range so nothing to worry about or discuss. Time to find another doctor.

  6. #6
    TMan96's Avatar
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    Let me know how things workout for her... sounds like in a simular situation as my wife. This is a new doc for my wife and he has also taken her off of synthroid which she has been on for about 3 years and has her trying Armour.

    The new doc put her on Testosterone Cream as follows:
    The Testosterone prescription he wrote it as follows:
    Bio Identical Estragon/Progesterone/Testosterone ~ 0/0/2
    What was compounded and dispensed was labeled Testosterone .2% 30GM CRM

    She has only been on the new protocol for about 2 1/2 weeks now but she is loving how she is feeling. She said she has lost about 3lbs, said she feels stronger and is starting to have more energy to hit the gym even more than ever. Don't know that I can tell any difference yet but she seem to like things so far.

    Hope that helps.

  7. #7
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    Hey~ Have you and your wife read these? might help a bit. Good luck to her.
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  8. #8
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
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  9. #9
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    My wife had very low Test and low progesterone. Her estrogen was high. She went on a Test/progesterone cream and it really changed her for the better. More energy, high libido, no more dryness, sex felt better. It was a total home run.

  10. #10
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    We have an appointment with a female endocrinologist and fertility specialist. Hopefully she will know her stuff and will be up on womens health since it's supposed to be her specialty. We will see on the 30th.

  11. #11
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    Hey~ Have you and your wife read these? might help a bit. Good luck to her.
    Yes thank you I have read through all those and passed on anything I though relevant.

  12. #12
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Well we got into the doctor early, they had an opening today.
    Strike 1.
    The doctor we saw was more of just a gynecologist than a hormone specialist even though that is what we requested.
    The doctor said she does not treat low testosterone because of the side effect of raising is such as deeper voice, hair on the chest and face, acne and male features. I said WTF? ( not exactly but ) I said but isnt that with just High or excessive testosterone ? She didnt disagree but didnt agree and said she just does not think low test in a woman is an issue and only looks at estrogen and iron.

    Yeah we aren't going back to her. At least she refereed us to the person we wanted to see in the first place who is a fertility doctor and hormone specialist so hopefully she will be a little more up to speed on things. Unfortunately it wont be until December 5th.

  13. #13
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    *sigh* welcome to the frustrating world of Drs that dont seem to know or want to know anything about the female libido and/or hormones ... sorry to hear she is having a ruff start lovbyts thanks for PMing me the link

    I too am a tad frustrated lately, was off to a good start but than this month I kinda hit like a dip in my mood/ energy/ sex drive/ sleeping / even my period went back to being irregular again (these are all some signs that were pointed out to me as a cue to hormone imbalance) so I looked at my scripts and noticed they have not increased any of the does lately ... my bad for not being more observant of my scripts- silly me :/

    BUT I have noticed serious short temper and agressiveness... like i actually almost pounced on some lady that stole the washer machine I was going to use lol i was enraged, came storming up stairs shouted at tiger about it and told me to relax/ have wine/ he did the laundry.... so I dont know if I have too much test or stress or my pro is too low ? also i started getting a weird tingeling / numbness/ itchiness on around my vag.. was worried at first but than found out it happens at times when taking meds/ antibiotics/ or hormones (my test cream is applied directly to labia) so i was told to get some anti itch medicated wipes from menapause section , i just got them yesterday and the itch comes/go's so have not tried them yet-

    this week when they call and ask how i am doing and if Im ready to increase ( Im SAPPOSED to be building up to a dose) , I will tell them again whats going on and that if they are not going to build up- Im switching compounding pharms.

    good news is vag dryness is def gone and sex is still better than before starting HRT

    as far as her low iron- i have that too but from a malnutrion issue from previous surgery, I get prescribed pills when it gets too low/ over the counter other times. It makes me feel horrid for a bit too and i even nap after cuz it makes me feel so bad, but i found taking it rite before bed with lots water helps cuz i sleep threw the yuk feeling. that may help her too ..?

    i have not had any hair or acne or voice changes and have not morph any male features such as a penis....yet lol but my test is low. sometimes i think these drs are more harmful than helpful shessshhh

    best of luck with her upcoming dr appointment <3

  14. #14
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sexy4mySweetheart View Post
    *sigh* welcome to the frustrating world of Drs that dont seem to know or want to know anything about the female libido and/or hormones ... sorry to hear she is having a ruff start lovbyts thanks for PMing me the link

    I too am a tad frustrated lately, was off to a good start but than this month I kinda hit like a dip in my mood/ energy/ sex drive/ sleeping / even my period went back to being irregular again (these are all some signs that were pointed out to me as a cue to hormone imbalance) so I looked at my scripts and noticed they have not increased any of the does lately ... my bad for not being more observant of my scripts- silly me :/

    BUT I have noticed serious short temper and agressiveness... like i actually almost pounced on some lady that stole the washer machine I was going to use lol i was enraged, came storming up stairs shouted at tiger about it and told me to relax/ have wine/ he did the laundry.... so I dont know if I have too much test or stress or my pro is too low ? also i started getting a weird tingeling / numbness/ itchiness on around my vag.. was worried at first but than found out it happens at times when taking meds/ antibiotics/ or hormones (my test cream is applied directly to labia) so i was told to get some anti itch medicated wipes from menapause section , i just got them yesterday and the itch comes/go's so have not tried them yet-

    this week when they call and ask how i am doing and if Im ready to increase ( Im SAPPOSED to be building up to a dose) , I will tell them again whats going on and that if they are not going to build up- Im switching compounding pharms.

    good news is vag dryness is def gone and sex is still better than before starting HRT

    as far as her low iron- i have that too but from a malnutrion issue from previous surgery, I get prescribed pills when it gets too low/ over the counter other times. It makes me feel horrid for a bit too and i even nap after cuz it makes me feel so bad, but i found taking it rite before bed with lots water helps cuz i sleep threw the yuk feeling. that may help her too ..?

    i have not had any hair or acne or voice changes and have not morph any male features such as a penis....yet lol but my test is low. sometimes i think these drs are more harmful than helpful shessshhh

    best of luck with her upcoming dr appointment <3
    That part (in bold) made me lol. The rest isnt very funny and it's sad that in this day and age most doctors are still more about symptoms than cure or health. Hopefully your situation will improve as well.

  15. #15
    jwws9999 is offline Junior Member
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    My girlfiends doc prescribed her 0.1 cc, 1 percent testosterone cream two weeks ago. She's in menopause and her bloodwork showed her t level to be almost 0. It's a Very low dose to see how her body reacts and blood work settles in. She's only had some small results so far, but she's optimistic. Only problem so far is getting the t out of the applicator syringe in the right dose (it's a real pain)

  16. #16
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    .1cc? Hell my wife would probably get that from cross contamination if I was still using the gel. hmm maybe Ill just break out my old gel and start putting it on my thighs and let the transfer begin. lol

    No we are hoping to NOT self medicate and hopefully find a doc who will look at the numbers and know what they are doing.

    Keep us posted on your gf's results also please.

  17. #17
    jwws9999 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    .1cc? Hell my wife would probably get that from cross contamination if I was still using the gel. hmm maybe Ill just break out my old gel and start putting it on my thighs and let the transfer begin. lol

    No we are hoping to NOT self medicate and hopefully find a doc who will look at the numbers and know what they are doing.

    Keep us posted on your gf's results also please.
    I thought the side was kind of silly, but we are giving the doctor a shot, I have no problem with self medication, but that's a whole other issue

  18. #18
    jwws9999 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    .1cc? Hell my wife would probably get that from cross contamination if I was still using the gel. hmm maybe Ill just break out my old gel and start putting it on my thighs and let the transfer begin. lol

    No we are hoping to NOT self medicate and hopefully find a doc who will look at the numbers and know what they are doing.

    Keep us posted on your gf's results also please.
    I thought the side was kind of silly, but we are giving the doctor a shot, I have no problem with self medication, but that's a whole other issue

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