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Thread: Anxiety

  1. #41
    J DIESEL3 is offline Associate Member
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    I really can't tell much at this point..Seems like I have been sleeping a little bit better.

  2. #42
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    Doctor knows of condition

    Quote Originally Posted by TennTarheel View Post
    Buzzard, nobody on here ever called you anything. Ya gotta quit being insecure man. FYI, fentanyl can get you extremely high. It is the strongest opiate there is. And with your clotting issue, shouldn't that be of major concern to you and your doc on HRT ??

    The leg is stablized and I get Ultra sounds 2 x's a year thet think the clots that are forming in my lungs at actually new clots and from all the trama from eing ran over by the truck . . . . called life and deal wih it ?

  3. #43
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    hey buzzrd tuff story man. im glad u made it thru! doubt anyone would call u a druggie for taking meds u needed

    women can be heartless i know. i wish u all the best man..

  4. #44
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    The leg is stablized and I get Ultra sounds 2 x's a year thet think the clots that are forming in my lungs at actually new clots and from all the trama from eing ran over by the truck . . . . called life and deal wih it ?
    As I always try to tell people there is always someone who has it tougher than you. This isnt directed at you, more at me and all the people I say that to who I hear whine/complain about their life.

    I have some good life examples I typically give people who are complaining and they shut up quickly but it's nothing compared to your story. I am like you; it's life so just deal with it. The only other choice is to give up but either way stop whining. Again, not you.

    I think it's good to share stories like that once in a while. It's helps put things into perspective for most of us. We all need a reality check once in a while. As you say, (and I do frequently) dont judge until you walk a mile in my shoes.

  5. #45
    MyteeJ is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bk13332 View Post
    I was looking into DHEA and was going to start at 10 mg per day. I thought I had heard Dr Crisler mention on a Podcast that DHEA wasnt a good idea for anxiety just the pregnenolone. I may have mistaken what he had said. Tarheel, let me know what you go with and how it works for you. I'll probably pick some up tomorrow.
    Where are you guys getting your DHEA & Pregnenolone?

    One doc wanted to start me on DHEA but when I asked why since my level was at 424 with current protocol he said it was something I could pass on.

    I have heard about the benefits of Pregnenolone and want to get started ASAP.

  6. #46
    MyteeJ is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    The leg is stablized and I get Ultra sounds 2 x's a year thet think the clots that are forming in my lungs at actually new clots and from all the trama from eing ran over by the truck . . . . called life and deal wih it ?
    Had a clot in my leg also from torn muscle and had surgery to correct it.

    One doc was worried about the clot but let me move forward with TRT.

    Keep an eye on your Hemocrit and donate if possible w clot problems. That's my plan anyways......

  7. #47
    TennTarheel's Avatar
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    Yeah, I had a clot as well after a really bad car wreck. But it sounds like Buzzard has a more constant clotting issue that I would only guess could be exacerbated by HRT. I don't know, I suppose if it were me it would really concern me. 2 checks a year wouldn't suffice.

  8. #48
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    Great Forun ppl who give a RIP !

    It really means a lot just to hear that complete strangers acctually give a rip as to my well being. I have always had to go to the doc listen to what they said with a grain of salt ( I did not enhale ) and research ; in 1981 when I had a sever crash on a crotch Rocket I threw my # 1 & # 2 Plemiunary emblisms that went to my lungs , I am such a pro at this I can actually feel them coming on ( no chit ) The doctor in 1981 told me to go home and elevate my leg for 10 hours a day and to only get up to take care of necessary business. WELL I was just palin stupid when I was 21 and I told the doc I was going to keep jucing and live my life to the fullest and if I died from a blood clot I would die standing up and having fun and I went about my normaal life and eventuall stopped taking rat posion (Warfrin) Then in 02 I was older and I was still with the same Vascular Group and talk about ironic the doctor who had told me to go home and lay back had stopped his medicial practice and gone home and followed his advise because he had a clot hit his lung and it scared him so lazy routine and doctors orders he went to,He dies 2 months later from another clot. NOT FUNNY !

    I have a younger doctor now with the same group and he suggest to me what he thinks I should do and then ask for my imput. Even then at 42 I said the same thing and not jucing nor parting but 3 kids and no time to lay back and let life pass me by. So he talked me into rat posion again and we tried to regulate my Pro time blood level which is how thick or thin your blood is and for 6 mths we tried with 2 blood test a week and never could get it regulated so Internet here I come . I went on a roitine of no keafy greens (dark green ) not letius and such but dark greens were 0 out of my diet and 1 adult asprin a day . I go back for 8 more test and they stablize to the level the doctor wants; he calls me in and says I think I finelly have you on a reginent that will work for you so I listen to his educated spill and then I tell him what I have been doing and he just laughs bot mad and says keep up the good work

    I now have my pro-time checked 6 times a year and covered by insurance so I get extra blood work covered . . . . . anyway before Obama care ? Maybe 1 time over the whole year I will be off the desired numbers and all I have to do is think back and I had eaten some one of the deadly dark greens ( Buy the way dark green leafy vegies thin your blood) so now when I for my bi yearly ultra sound and talk to the doctor. He jokingly ask me " showhow are we trearing you now Mr Bearden, I say sos doc and he smiles and says good job keep it up you have no knew clots and all of your old ones appear to be stablized ! I'll see you in 6 nth and if you have any question you have my cell phone,

    The last time I went in he congratulated me because I was one of their oldest pacticents . . . . . he laughed when I stopped in my tracks and turned around and looked at hime ad he explained that the file system went by #'s ad my file # only had 3 #'s on it ands he said they hads some with 6 #'S and were about to start on 7 . he slapped me on the back and when we got in the room he said he only had 3 pacricents with 3 digit 3's all the rest had passed and he wished all of them had stayed active and ate correctly as I had and he would have more. He added that the doctors group had studied my progress and found a competly differet way of viewing clotting isses due to me being stuborn and not following what the doctors told me . Now as soon as a pacticient gets home from the hospital and gets their wind back they start them back being active as soon as possible.

    I have to sleep on my back EVERY night and super elevate my left leg + I have to wear those gay looking compression knee high stockings with a 40lb and a 30lb and a 20lb compresion and they hurt I wear the higher compression on days when I will be standing the whole day and so on and so on !

    My biggest issues are still lack of cirulation in my left lower extremity and I am in hopes the new found energy and a vigirous walkig routinen from TRT, will increase the cirulation and the blood flow in and out of that leg and improve my natural healing process . Only time wil tell and I will keep those who care posted as to my circulation in my left leg that proves blood makes a bigger muscle . . . . . . it retains more blood than my right calf and it is as hard as a rock even when the swelling is down and no fluid retintion 19in of rock solid calf muscle and stronger than any other muscle in my body ! Who wold have thunk it ? ? ? ?
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 11-12-2012 at 02:24 PM.

  9. #49
    TennTarheel's Avatar
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    Ok, another tip. Ya gotta start using Spellcheck or something. Or just slow down the typing, so it'll be easier for us to read your essays lol.

  10. #50
    bk13332 is offline New Member
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    Thought this was about Anxiety? Not trying to be rude and/or an ass but maybe Buzz can start his own thread.

  11. #51
    bk13332 is offline New Member
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    Just started 25 mg of DHEA today. for those that are using DHEA, how soon did you notice a possitve result?

  12. #52
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    Hey sorry about that guys

    Sorry guys I will stay out of this thread I didn't mean to Hijack it has had 3 different topics I think . . . . lol And I am an awful at spelling and Yor are right I should not be writting an essay . . . . lol I will try to do better !

  13. #53
    human project's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mario L
    It does act funny when you have a low post count. Just be sure to copy your lenthy threads you write so you can copy and paste them just in case.
    It does it it me all the time. It's usually from loosing Internet connection.

  14. #54
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Speaking of Anxiety listen to Dr. Crysler starting at 25 minutes into his interview in regards to Bloglovin.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by bk13332 View Post
    Just started 25 mg of DHEA today. for those that are using DHEA, how soon did you notice a possitve result?
    Did the DHEA work for you?

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