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Thread: My labs and trt

  1. #1
    joebailey1271 is offline Associate Member
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    My labs and trt

    Glucose, Serum 86 mg/dL 65 − 99 01
    BUN 23 mg/dL 6 − 24 01
    Creatinine, Serum 1.11 mg/dL 0.76 − 1.27 01
    eGFR If NonAfricn Am 83 mL/min/1.73 >59
    eGFR If Africn Am 96 mL/min/1.73 >59
    BUN/Creatinine Ratio 21 High 9 − 20
    Sodium, Serum 136 mmol/L 134 − 144 01
    Potassium, Serum 4.1 mmol/L 3.5 − 5.2 01
    Chloride, Serum 94 Low mmol/L 97 − 108 01
    Carbon Dioxide, Total 22 mmol/L 20 − 32 01
    Calcium, Serum 9.2 mg/dL 8.7 − 10.2 01
    Protein, Total, Serum 7.5 g/dL 6.0 − 8.5 01
    Albumin, Serum 4.5 g/dL 3.5 − 5.5 01
    Globulin, Total 3.0 g/dL 1.5 − 4.5
    A/G Ratio 1.5 1.1 − 2.5
    Bilirubin, Total 0.5 mg/dL 0.0 − 1.2 01
    Alkaline Phosphatase, S 83 IU/L 25 − 150 01
    AST (SGOT) 32 IU/L 0 − 40 01
    ALT (SGPT) 28 IU/L 0 − 44 01
    **Please note reference interval change**
    . 01
    Lipids 01
    Cholesterol, Total 178 mg/dL 100 − 199 01
    Triglycerides 96 mg/dL 0 − 149 01
    HDL Cholesterol 64 mg/dL >39 01
    Comment 01
    According to ATP−III Guidelines, HDL−C >59 mg/dL is considered a
    negative risk factor for CHD.
    VLDL Cholesterol Cal 19 mg/dL 5 − 40
    LDL Cholesterol Calc 95 mg/dL 0 − 99
    LDL/HDL Ratio 1.5 ratio units 0.0 − 3.6
    Phone: 713−856−8288
    Account Number
    Specimen Number
    Thyroid 01
    TSH 1.800 uIU/mL 0.450 − 4.500 01
    Thyroxine (T4) 9.6 ug/dL 4.5 − 12.0 01
    Triiodothyronine,Free,Serum 3.2 pg/mL 2.0 − 4.4 01
    T4,Free(Direct) 1.34 ng/dL 0.82 − 1.77 01
    . 01
    Immunoassay 01
    Prostate Specific Ag, Serum 0.8 ng/mL 0.0 − 4.0 01
    Roche ECLIA methodology.

    According to the American Urological Association, Serum PSA should
    decrease and remain at undetectable levels after radical
    prostatectomy. The AUA defines biochemical recurrence as an initial
    PSA value 0.2 ng/mL or greater followed by a subsequent confirmatory
    PSA value 0.2 ng/mL or greater.
    Values obtained with different assay methods or kits cannot be used
    interchangeably. Results cannot be interpreted as absolute evidence
    of the presence or absence of malignant disease.
    Insulin −Like Growth Factor I 149 ng/mL 69 − 226 02
    Testosterone , Serum 137 Low ng/dL 348 − 1197 01
    Free Testosterone(Direct) 5.9 Low pg/mL 6.8 − 21.5 02
    LH 15.8 High mIU/mL 1.7 − 8.6 01
    Estradiol 22.2 pg/mL 7.6 − 42.6 01
    Roche ECLIA methodology
    Insulin 16.5 uIU/mL 2.6 − 24.9 01
    . 01
    CBC, Platelet Ct, and Diff 01
    WBC 7.2 x10E3/uL 4.0 − 10.5 01
    RBC 4.85 x10E6/uL 4.14 − 5.80 01
    Hemoglobin 14.5 g/dL 12.6 − 17.7 01
    Hematocrit 43.4 % 37.5 − 51.0 01
    MCV 90 fL 79 − 97 01
    MCH 29.9 pg 26.6 − 33.0 01
    MCHC 33.4 g/dL 31.5 − 35.7 01
    RDW 14.5 % 12.3 − 15.4 01
    Platelets 252 x10E3/uL 140 − 415 01
    Neutrophils 56 % 40 − 74 01
    Lymphs 33 % 14 − 46 01
    Monocytes 10 % 4 − 13 01
    Eos 1 % 0 − 7 01
    Basos 0 % 0 − 3 01
    Neutrophils (Absolute) 4.0 x10E3/uL 1.8 − 7.8 01
    Lymphs (Absolute) 2.4 x10E3/uL 0.7 − 4.5 01
    Monocytes(Absolute) 0.7 x10E3/uL 0.1 − 1.0 01
    Eos (Absolute) 0.1 x10E3/uL 0.0 − 0.4 01
    Baso (Absolute) 0.0 x10E3/uL 0.0 − 0.2 01

  2. #2
    Vahevahe's Avatar
    Vahevahe is offline Junior Member
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    Both of your testosterone levels , free and total , are low. The low levels definitely indicate a problem.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    For starters, your phone number is in this lab; you may want to edit that out ASAP.

    No prostate or Thyroid problems at least from these labs.

    Okay, so here's where we start; Total Testosterone and Free Testosterone serum levels are below reference range.

    However, LH is near double the high reference range...can anyone tell us what this may mean???

    Tell us about yourself; age, medical history, diet, injuries, training....

    I think it may be time for an MRI and your testicles evaluated for tumors and/or testicular varicoceles.

    Really wish Prolactin was here as well.
    Last edited by 1; 11-06-2012 at 03:53 AM.

  4. #4
    joebailey1271 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    For starters, your phone number is in this lab; you may want to edit that out ASAP.

    No prostate or Thyroid problems at least from these labs.

    Okay, so here's where we start; Total Testosterone and Free Testosterone serum levels are below reference range.

    However, LH is near double the high reference range...can anyone tell us what this may mean??

    Tell us about yourself; age, medical history, diet, injuries, training....

    I think it may be time for an MRI and your testicles evaluated for tumors and/or testicular varicoceles.

    Really wish Prolactin was here as well.
    Yea that phone number must be the labs. The high LH, she told me that is was high due to my test being so low that its working extra hard to make up the low test, her words. I just had a physical and the doctor checked the for hernias, he said looks ok.

    age 35, I did trt two years ago, but stopped due to my wife wanted another kid, yea it took almost two years to get it done. Anyways, while in college i did get a testicle injury, but the only thing that was done was tylenol and ice. Diet wise, i have been doing a keto syle diet, been about a year now, so went from 22% BF to a 12% now. I did read where a low carb diet can cause low test, other than a bunch of GNC supps, i dont really take anything. I did use albuterol for a little while to get from 15% to 12%,

    The trt protocol she was going to put me on was 400 test weekly, AI 1.5mg 3xweek, HCG 1000units weekly, I told her i only wanted 200 a week, so thats what im going to be doing She also wanted to add deca and anavar to the list, and Gh. But all im going to take right now is the test 200, AI 1.5mg 2Xweek, and HCG 1000 units, 3 doses of 333 units, 333 units then 334 to = 1000.

    You think thats ok, or is it too much, clearly the lady at the trt place wanted to laod me up while she fattened her bank account.

    Also, i see some adding d3 and stinging nettles, DHEa and preg, u think i need those?

  5. #5
    joebailey1271 is offline Associate Member
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    Prolactin, i guess it was not done, i looked the lab over and didnt see it. I will get labs again in 5 weeks and will make sure she does it. What exactly does Prolactin tell me, so that i can pass it on to her?

  6. #6
    joebailey1271 is offline Associate Member
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    Hey guys. Is it possible that my E2 level has gotten too low> I have been on the TRT for 2 weeks now. I am doing 200mg test, 3mg anastrazole and hcg 1000 units a week. I just wonder if i have made the e2 get too low, i feel worse now than before i started. Im going to take more blood more in about 5 weeks. Do you guys think I should cut the AI in half.

    Also the hcg comes in 10000units, which is supposed to last 10 weeks, but on the box it says its only good for 45 days, which would be alot of waist. I called the pharmacist, he said that was put on there because after so many uses it is a contamination factor and it should not affect the potency much, if at all. What do you guys think, I felt like he was just making shit up.

  7. #7
    TennTarheel's Avatar
    TennTarheel is offline Associate Member
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    You could definitely try lowering the AI maybe by a half or even more. I know a lot of guys take .5 mg twice a week or .25mg even. Your Estradiol wasn't bad in the first place, so 3mg a week is too much IMHO.

  8. #8
    joebailey1271 is offline Associate Member
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    Yea your right. The pills come in 1.5mg. They are capsules, so its all powder inside. Do u think i should just take once a week, or attempt to cut in half (i tried that earlier, some of the powder got away). I currently take it 2 x a week, a day after the test shot of a 100mg. I should have asked for the .5mg pills, anyways i guess its more waist, but ill learn for next time.

  9. #9
    joebailey1271 is offline Associate Member
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    Hey guys, i was wondering if anybody heard of grape seed oil being used as an AI. I use olive oil, but the laxitive effect really bothers me. So i was wondering if you could get the same health benefits with the grap seed. I also wanted to make sure that it did not raise estrogen like soy products. I read this about grape seed, what do u guys think

    The role of estrogens in the pathogenesis of breast cancer has been well documented. This has led to the development of "Anti-Estrogens" (selective estrogens receptor modulators and Aromatase Inhibitors), used for treatment and prevention of breast cancer. These agents, however, have significant side effects, which are not acceptable to many healthy high-risk women. There is preliminary evidence that grape seed extract acts as "natural" aromatase inhibitor (1). This study has the potential to quantify the effectiveness of a natural substance that mimics the action of pharmaceutical aromatase inhibitors.

    Further study details as provided by Mayo Clinic:

    Primary Outcome Measures:
    To document that grape seed extract taken orally will decrease plasma estrogen levels (estrone (E1), estradiol (E2), and E1-conjugates) and increase precursor androgen levels (testosterone and androstenedione) in healthy postmenopausal women. [ Time Frame: 12 weeks ] [ Designated as safety issue: No ]

    Secondary Outcome Measures:
    To determine the most effective, well tolerated dose of grape seed extract resulting in a decrease in plasma estrogen levels (E1, E2, E1-conjugates) and increase in precursor androgens (testosterone and androstenedione). [ Time Frame: 12 weeks ] [ Designated as safety issue: Yes ]

  10. #10
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If so its going to be very mild. That might be why its also used as a carrier to make testosterone and other aas

    There are a few natural substances that lower estrogen via lab results but in real world results it is a miniscule amount and would not help anyone.

    Check out the thread Long term health effect of AI a few post down.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 01-22-2013 at 05:25 AM.

  11. #11
    joebailey1271 is offline Associate Member
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    Im using an AI, i just wanted to see if its a good fat to use like olive oil. I was using peanut butter but i must have a peanut allergy because it makes me itch. So i started using olive oil, but it has a laxitive effect. I do not want to find out in 6 months it raises my ldl and lowers my hdl. Those two are good now, so i wanted to keep them that aways.

  12. #12
    joebailey1271 is offline Associate Member
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    My new labs, and old ones, any suggestions greatly appreciated.


    estradiol 7.6-42.6 46.5
    test total 348-1197 1363
    free t 6.8-21.5 >53
    egfr >59 57
    creatine 0.76-1.27 1.69
    hemat 37.5-51 53.7
    rbc 4.14-5.80 5.97
    bun 6-24 23
    bun/crea 9-20 14

    Im taking 200mg test c a week, arimidex .5mg 2xweek, hcg 300 3xweek. What should i chang first.

    Ok guys, i donated blood a week before the test on 2/26/13, so what should i do, donate more this early. The kidney labs are increasing. I was taking an antibiotic during the 2/16 test, do you think that might have elevated the labs.
    Last edited by joebailey1271; 03-09-2013 at 12:20 AM.

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