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  1. #1
    1wheelr1's Avatar
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    Androgel and gyno

    Ok, I've been on gel for ten years due to low T I'm 29 now. I ran tren and test two an a half months ago and now all of a sudden my nipples are slightly sore and slightly swollen. I'm thinking of going to my doc and asking what's going on. I've stated back on nolva but if I stop taking it the swelling and sourness comes right back. What should I ask for as far as blood work?

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    We spoke in the thread on the other forum. Couple things. PCT is not needed when on TRT. Your HPTA is not going to restart. Keep that in mind for the future. Also, you definitly need to get the sensitive estrogen assay done. Blood Work is in the stickies above this forum (Finding a TRT Doc) and can help guide you. Tren 's a 19-Nor so possibly consider testing your preg and prolactin as well. But bottom line is it all depends on estrogen.

    Nolva will help but it will take some time to build up in your system. It's not immediate like Adex but obviously it's a completely different animal. You may do some research on adding B6 to your protocol as well. Some people can have sensitive nips even though their E level is low. I'm that way and I normally run 16-18 on a sensitive panel without using an AI. We are all different!

    More will chime in! If you get BW done, post it up on this thread!


  3. #3
    1wheelr1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel
    We spoke in the thread on the other forum. Couple things. PCT is not needed when on TRT. Your HPTA is not going to restart. Keep that in mind for the future. Also, you definitly need to get the sensitive estrogen assay done. Blood Work is in the stickies above this forum (Finding a TRT Doc) and can help guide you. Tren 's a 19-Nor so possibly consider testing your preg and prolactin as well. But bottom line is it all depends on estrogen.

    Nolva will help but it will take some time to build up in your system. It's not immediate like Adex but obviously it's a completely different animal. You may do some research on adding B6 to your protocol as well. Some people can have sensitive nips even though their E level is low. I'm that way and I normally run 16-18 on a sensitive panel without using an AI. We are all different!

    More will chime in! If you get BW done, post it up on this thread!

    Ok few questions, what is HPTA? Also I ran caber with my PCT should that not have brought my prolactin down?

  4. #4
    1wheelr1's Avatar
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    Also can I not just go to my family doc and tell him my nips are sore and he can do blood work and solve the problem?

  5. #5
    Blergs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1wheelr1 View Post
    Ok, I've been on gel for ten years due to low T I'm 29 now. I ran tren and test two an a half months ago and now all of a sudden my nipples are slightly sore and slightly swollen. I'm thinking of going to my doc and asking what's going on. I've stated back on nolva but if I stop taking it the swelling and sourness comes right back. What should I ask for as far as blood work?
    nolva wont lower estrogen if thats the issue.
    when you did your cycle did you use an AI? or anything for tren ?

    ask to check estrogen levels and keep off-script use of steroid OUT OF IT! say you dont know or you where using sports supplements that are supposed to help endurance.

  6. #6
    1wheelr1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blergs
    nolva wont lower estrogen if thats the issue.
    when you did your cycle did you use an AI? or anything for tren ?

    ask to check estrogen levels and keep off-script use of steroid OUT OF IT! say you dont know or you where using sports supplements that are supposed to help endurance.
    Ok thank you and yes I used caber an anti prolactin.

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular-Axis. It controls your hormones and pretty much shuts down when on exogenous Test.
    Caber will keep prolactin down. Needed to run it during 19-Nor cycle though. But as stated, E is the main factor here.
    Blergs is correct. Nolva won't lower estrogen. It's a SERM. It will just block it at the chest receptors and help to reduce gyno issues as well.
    BW is a great idea. In my initial post I said preg and prolactin. I meant progesterone & prolactin. E should have been an O. My abbreviation sucked.

    Read this thread. It will really help:

  8. #8
    1wheelr1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel
    Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular-Axis. It controls your hormones and pretty much shuts down when on exogenous Test.
    Caber will keep prolactin down. Needed to run it during 19-Nor cycle though. But as stated, E is the main factor here.
    Blergs is correct. Nolva won't lower estrogen. It's a SERM. It will just block it at the chest receptors and help to reduce gyno issues as well.
    BW is a great idea. In my initial post I said preg and prolactin. I meant progesterone & prolactin. E should have been an O. My abbreviation sucked.

    Read this thread. It will really help:
    Ok, we'll can I use arimidex to lower my E levels? I'll read the thread now.

  9. #9
    1wheelr1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel
    Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular-Axis. It controls your hormones and pretty much shuts down when on exogenous Test.
    Caber will keep prolactin down. Needed to run it during 19-Nor cycle though. But as stated, E is the main factor here.
    Blergs is correct. Nolva won't lower estrogen. It's a SERM. It will just block it at the chest receptors and help to reduce gyno issues as well.
    BW is a great idea. In my initial post I said preg and prolactin. I meant progesterone & prolactin. E should have been an O. My abbreviation sucked.

    Read this thread. It will really help:
    Is this tread telling me to use IGF to combat estrogen?

  10. #10
    1wheelr1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1wheelr1

    Ok, we'll can I use arimidex to lower my E levels? I'll read the thread now.
    Never mind I missed the second half of the thread at first (stupid phone) so I'm reading that DHT gel is what I need?

  11. #11
    kelkel's Avatar
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    First, find out what your E2 level is with a sensitive assay or do you know what it is already. Sore and sensitive is not necessarily gyno. If you're back on your gel alone I doubt your E2 is high. Remember, gel is known to raise DHT levels. Not necessarily a bad thing within reason as DHT is what makes us men. DHT in and of itself will block estrogen on three different levels physiologically. Andactrim (sp) is a newer theory in treatment and has worked in conjunction with nolva for a few guys here. I believe I suggested testing your DHT level as well before.

    Again, a little soreness and sensitivity is not necessarily gyno. Are there any lumps btw? I would give the nolva time to work. It may take up to two weeks for the sensitivity to alleviate with nolva. I know the panic you are feeling and you'll get through this. In the other thread did I give you a couple links to gyno protocols?

    Last edited by kelkel; 11-07-2012 at 07:44 PM.

  12. #12
    1wheelr1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel
    First, find out what your E2 level is with a sensitive assay or do you know what it is already. Sore and sensitive is not necessarily gyno. If you're back on your gel alone I doubt your E2 is high. Remember, gel is known to raise DHT levels. Not necessarily a bad thing within reason as DHT is what makes us men. DHT in and of itself will block estrogen on three different levels physiologically. Andactrim (sp) is a newer theory in treatment and has worked in conjunction with nolva for a few guys here. I believe I suggested testing your DHT level as well before.

    Again, a little soreness and sensitivity is not necessarily gyno. Are there any lumps btw? I would give the nolva time to work. It may take up to two weeks for the sensitivity to alleviate with nolva. I know the panic you are feeling and you'll get through this. In the other thread did I give you a couple links to gyno protocols?

    Thx alot bro, you've been very helpful. I haven't had my e2 checked but I can go to my doctor and tell him my tits are sore and ask him to test my e2 and DHT. I do have a very small lump on my right breast. No I don't believe you gave me any links on gyno protocols but I love it if you did, thx again!

  13. #13
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    If your going for BW might as well get more than that if insurance is paying for it! In the finding a doc sticky at the top of the forum the second set of blood work (follow-up) would help as well as what we've already discussed. Just lose the LH & FSH as it's not your first follow-up since initiation of TRT and would now be a waste of money.

  14. #14
    1wheelr1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel
    If your going for BW might as well get more than that if insurance is paying for it! In the finding a doc sticky at the top of the forum the second set of blood work (follow-up) would help as well as what we've already discussed. Just lose the LH & FSH as it's not your first follow-up since initiation of TRT and would now be a waste of money.
    Thanks again man. Hope my doctor doesn't catch on.

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