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  1. #1
    OLDANDWEAK's Avatar
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    HCG and AI questions for doctor

    Hello everyone, this is my first post and I am glad I found this place. My doctor put my on TRT back in may, with no other protocols besides 200ml test cyp. every other week. For the first few months I had the roller coaster ride, but it has smoothed out lately and that is no issue anymore. I had zero idea of all of the other things involved until recent research and finding this site. My doctor has never mentioned HCG , or any type of AI, and this has me worried. I went in for BW this morning at the 6 month mark to see where my levels are, but did not see the doc. I have to go back on monday for analysis of BW and see the doctor. I asked the nurse if she would do the E2 test and she told me she could not do that today, and that I would have to see the doctor next week and if he thought it needed reschedule another panel for that test, which kinda pissed me off since I was already there and giving blood. My question for all of you is what things should I ask the doctor next monday, and what should I expect reguarding the HCG and AI? Also will the HCG reinflate my balls after 6 months of TRT without it? I know I could likely find the answers from searching but to be honest all of the info here can be a bit overwhelming. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    MD2B's Avatar
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    First off, you can take your health into your own hands and order your own panels via online lab sites which operate in concert with your local labcorp. Second, make sure when you order your E2 test that it is specifically Estradiol Sensitive. This is male specific and will be of use to you being that, well, you're male. Third, the vast majority of physicians will be very reluctant to prescribe an AI. In a perfect world, on a normal TRT protocol you wouldn't require an AI unless you have abnormally high E2 levels in the first place. Increasing testosterone to normal physiological range appropriate to your age theoretically should not cause excessive E2 (unfortunately this is not always the case). Fourth, HCG is also very difficult to get a prescription for. I've found this is most in part to the lack of education of the majority of physicians treating via HRT. Will HCG hypertrophy your testicles? Yes. How long will it take? Unknown, but the more under trained your testicles are at producing sperm the longer it will likely take.

    All that said, it's always worth a shot to inquire and attempt to respectfully "inform" your physician. It is not required to supplement with HCG and especially not an AI to run a successful TRT protocol. Whether it's optimal or not (primarily in terms of the HCG) is another story entirely which will be made more apparent if you check out the amazing sticky gdevine created on HCG and pregnenolone.

    Overwhelmed is understandable at first but TRT is a life long commitment so we all certainly have plenty of time to learn. There are a ton of great stickies here which will further equip you to provide more optimal treatment and maintenance.
    Last edited by MD2B; 11-07-2012 at 06:17 PM.

  3. #3
    OLDANDWEAK's Avatar
    OLDANDWEAK is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the reply. I have read the sticky that gdevine put up about HCG , but was a little confused with it. I have been reading on here for a couple of weeks and it seems that my Doc isn't the only one who just subscibes test and see's it as taken care of. Hopefully he is more aware than I think and we will get into that monday when we go over my results. I just wanted a few opinions on what I should be asking him and what to expect. I will post my results as well as one of the previous panels monday for further advice.

  4. #4
    MD2B's Avatar
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    Best of luck to you, will look forward to your update.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by OLDANDWEAK View Post
    Thanks for the reply. I have read the sticky that gdevine put up about HCG, but was a little confused with it. I have been reading on here for a couple of weeks and it seems that my Doc isn't the only one who just subscibes test and see's it as taken care of. Hopefully he is more aware than I think and we will get into that monday when we go over my results. I just wanted a few opinions on what I should be asking him and what to expect. I will post my results as well as one of the previous panels monday for further advice.
    Tell me what confused you?

    In my opinion, you need a new Doc...he doesn't even know half life of Test Cyp.

    The nurse should have ordered the E2 test it's no big deal and you don't need another test, it should have been done when you went in.

    You're still going through a hormonal roller coaster whether or not you feel it.

    You need to print out the list of blood work in the finding a TRT sticky for post follow up and get them all run...not that your Doc will know what to do with it...but you need it.

  6. #6
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    Hi gdevine. What had me confused was all of the new terminology and medicines that I have never heard of until finding this site. That and dosages, and where to get them, will the doctor prescribe them and so-on. Wasn't implying that the actual post confused me in any way, just that I had never heard of all of that stuff, that most say is needed, when the doctor pretty much told me your test is low, we will put you on therapy and you will be better. After reading a good bit on this site I was kinda shocked that the doctor never mentioned all of these other things that seem to need to go with TRT in order for you to live a normal life. Hoping to gain some knowledge here before my consultation with him monday so I will be informed as to what to bring up and what not to. From further reading it seems that most doctors will not prescribe the HCG . I assume that I can buy and administer it myself, but how would I know how much and how often to do that? Does the amount needed depend on the amount of test used? And I guess without the E2 test there is no way short of having issues to know if the AI was needed? I am reading all I can, but though posting this would make for quicker learning since I have limited time before seeing the Doc again. You folks here seem to know much more than he does, but that is an assumption from the fact he never mentioned the other stuff. Hopefully he has the knowledge, and was just waiting for the 6 month BW to see if he thought the other things were necessary, but I doubt it. I also was confused on the HCG working after being on test for a long time without it. Some say it will restore you, but others say once you start TRT you are done for since your body will shut down production completely of test, so that had me a little confused as well. Sorry for the long post, just trying to let you in on my situation as best as I can.

  7. #7
    OLDANDWEAK's Avatar
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    Here are the results from my last BW before going on the Test replacement.
    • Total Testosterone 275 ng/dl range 348-1197
    • Bioavailable Testosterone (AKA “Free and Loosely Bound”) not tested
    • Free Testosterone (if Bioavailable T is unavailable) 4.9 pg/nl range 6.8-21.5
    • SHBG not tested
    • DHT (perhaps) *Gel user especially pay attention to this. not tested
    • Estradiol (specify “sensitive” assay for males) not tested
    • LH 4.5 mIU/ml range 1.7-8.6
    • FSH not tested
    • Prolactin 12.4 ng/nl range 4.0-15.2
    • Cortisol not tested
    • Thyroid Panel not tested
    • CBC not tested
    • Comprehensive Metabolic Panel 99 ng/dl range 65-99
    • Lipid Profile cholesterol total 159 ng/dl range 100-199
    Triglycerides 45 ng/dl range 0-149
    hdl cholesterol 56 ng.dl range >39
    VLDL cholesterol 9 ng/dl range 5-40
    LDL cholesterol 94 ng/dl range 0-99
    LDL/HDL ratio 1.7 range 0.0-3.6
    • PSA (age dependent) 0.5 ng/ml range 0.0-4.0
    • IGF -1, IGFBP-3 (if HGH therapy is being considered) not tested
    Vitamin D 64.3 ng/ml range 30.0-100.0

    I am 43 years old and have been fairly healthy all of my life. The most I have ever weighed is around 190 and that was for a short time, my average weight is around 170 at 5'11" height. I have been lifting weights for about 18 months and dropped from 182 to 155 in the first seven months as I was eating at a deficit. Since then I have gained back to 180 and then in the past couple months went back to 172. I eat healthy foods, no processed foods, very little sugars, mostly fruit/veggies/meat and a small amount of bread/oatmeal/beans. I try for 90 grams of healthy fats from natural peanut butter, olive oil daily, and around 200 grams protien daily, with about 225 grams of carbs per day. This equals 2600 to 2800 calories per day. Hopefully some of this will help you help me.
    Last edited by OLDANDWEAK; 11-08-2012 at 12:34 PM.

  8. #8
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    There's a lot "not tested" that you would need to make an assessment as to the cause of your low testosterone levels .

  9. #9
    OLDANDWEAK's Avatar
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    Some of that may be in there but under different names. I really do not have a clue as to what most of those things are.

  10. #10
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    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Agree with GD. A lot not tested but with a mid-range LH score other options may have been available instead of immediately prescribing Test. Your issue may be correctable.

  11. #11
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    I'm not one of the pros ! I am 53 and a Test level of (78). One thing that will help you understand and the need for all the different test and what to "TELL" the doctor you want is in the Anabolic section under the must read before asking queston sectoin. So you want think I am being a hijacker, I have only been a member about 2 weeks and since I am in TRT I read the stickys in this section only. Reading them all has made the puzzel easier to put together and help with the vocab also ! I only read about blood work today and it is an easy read and in layman terms . Also the guy who wrote it explains what to do to assist each reading to ask doctor or to control your own well being. He explains things your doctor more than likely doesn't even know . You may need to even print it out or copy and paste before printing because it is really simple to understand with possibly more opinions interjected than you would want your doctor to see if he read it.

    Side Bar:::My doctor perscribed same perscription for me and I am 53 with way lower levels of Test than you. IMO 1 injection every other week must be something all Doctors are taught in medical school ? DUH ! I started 10-29-12 and I am now on .25cc ingestion/injection on Sat. and Wed. due to knowledge gained on this forum about the life of Cyp once Injected in the human body . There is a sticky about this and ester life of anabolics. Good read also. Not like this is AA or anything but I abused roids in my 20's and I have been to 3 different GP/MD in the past 6 yrs; my current GP found my LOW T in his standard Phycial the 1st visit I made and he did 14 point blood work up and was amazed that with all of my other readings like LDL and several others that no doctor before him had found my condition ; they had treatedsymptons and not the problem No doubt my readins showed me type II diabetic but together with all the other readings eveluated properly If I had been treated for low T then I would not have been Type II diabetic . The old which comes 1st the chicken or the egg , Doctors should treat the problem and not ban-daid by treating the symptoms !. I mentioned HCG to him and he said that would be a decission for the local endo . So don't expect your doctor to offer other scripts unless you ask and out right make them say NO. I plan to study the Blood Work Section of this forum and be ready to at least know what I am looking at and what to ASK him to perscribe for me 01-03-13 .

    The other men before me are pros and have great imput ! I am in treatment like you and seeking their assistance along with the information on this forum I will get it right and I now know I will not be corrected tomorrow it is a steady and routine journey ! GD is super smart and I mean right off the top of his head ! I have not had any communication with kelkel, but if he is a monitor you can bet he knows his stuff also this is a very professional forum ! Both may be a doctors I have not read it or seen it posted I think due to forum rules about advertising ? GD is just to sharp not to be a DOC ?
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 11-08-2012 at 07:45 PM.

  12. #12
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    ^^^^I think I like this Jr. Member LOL

    Good to hear you out BMP; stick with the forum and in a year from now you won't believe what you will learn.


  13. #13
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    Looks like you're receiving some great feedback and guidance here OLDANDWEAK. Stay persistent and it's just a matter of time before you find a treatment plan that's optimal for you. Best of luck.

  14. #14
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    ^^^^I think I like this Jr. Member LOL

    Good to hear you out BMP; stick with the forum and in a year from now you won't believe what you will learn.

    Quit sucking up G!

    Glad to have ya here BMP!

    Last edited by kelkel; 11-09-2012 at 10:34 AM.

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