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Thread: testim gel

  1. #1
    bearbeartn is offline New Member
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    Nov 2012

    testim gel

    I've been on gel for 10 days I can honestly say I feel my upper body has a pump feel to it and I have not worked out since I've been on it. Was gonna wait a full 2 weeks for it to get into system and then go slow with weight and do more reps. My diet has improved high protein low carbs a lot of water (2 gallons a day). I have the availability to add winstrol 25mg per tab was wondering if that's a bad idea or should that wait for a later time.

  2. #2
    J DIESEL3 is offline Associate Member
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    That would be a very bad idea to add winstrol or any other steroid at this time.

    Over the next year or more you will be getting blood work to get yourself dialed in.
    So if you add something on top of the gel it will throw everything off when your bw comes back.

    Just hold off until you get all your levels healthy and you feel good. Good luck

  3. #3
    bearbeartn is offline New Member
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    Nov 2012
    Thank you that does makes alot of sense but brings up another question my doc has given me 4 refills for this so it will be 5 months on this with without going back to is that normal or should i call her and schedule one after 45 days or so.

  4. #4
    J DIESEL3 is offline Associate Member
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    Most go back the first time 6 to 12 weeks later after starting for at least a T level check.

  5. #5
    bearbeartn is offline New Member
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    thats what i thought i need to find a new dr. so i can get bw done in 45 days. Should i be taking novladex with this

  6. #6
    sparverius is offline Junior Member
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    Many people don't need an AI with gels. I didn't. If you get unmistakable side effects of too much E, then complain to your doctor and get tested. It's better to work with your doc even if you have to educate her than to do stuff behind her back. Get the BW through her too. Say that you're concerned about your levels. Don't forget the sensitive estrogen test.

    It's ok to work out just don't do too much too soon.

  7. #7
    bearbeartn is offline New Member
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    Dont have any side effects yet seems to be going good just lack of knowledge from dr. Workouts would be alot of cardio and free weights wanting to lose gut and get into better shape Im working on diet as well. How would estrogen labeled on my results that i got back 3 weeks ago or she probably did not test for it.

  8. #8
    TennTarheel's Avatar
    TennTarheel is offline Associate Member
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    Nashville, TN
    She most likely didn't test for it, but she could've. It will say Estradiol

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