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  1. #1
    bruin27 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    I have Hasimotos on Synthroid and I cant lose weight. HELP!

    I'm 28, 5'10 and weigh 230. A few years ago i sat at around 190-200 which is where I want to be. Over the last few years ive been gaining weight steadily and just recently was diagnosed with Hasimotos. I've posted my bw in earlier threads but since starting Synthroid I ballooned up to 240.

    Been busted my ass the last month , been strictly paleo and stopped lifting and I've been doing just cardio 5 days a week for an hour a day. So this week when i weighed in and was 231 I almost lost my mind. I'm at the point where I dont know what to do, cardio 5 days a week, strict paleo, on meds which should help with hasimotos and yet i cant lose weight..

    Any suggestions would be great...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    South Fla
    Need blood work; something is off.

  3. #3
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Nov 2011
    I also have hashimotos. Took synthroid for 6 weeks gained 10 lbs when previously I was losing weight. Didn't get t3 or 4 values but tsh went higher.

    My advice is bw like gdevine said. But make sure it's complete. Not just tsh. My dose was probably way way under what I needed but doc was bad I couldn't handle it

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    I would like you to clarify something....
    From your post it seems like you have gone from 240lbs to 231lbs in one month.
    Is that the case?

    If that is the case then I would say that you are doing any excellent job losing weight.

    You of course should continue getting bloodwork.

    I also noticed that you posted in the AS forums that you were looking into taking steroids to help you fight your Hashimoto's and/or lose weight.
    I for one don't think the steroids will help for what you want.

    Keep up the cardio and watch your diet.

    9 lbs in a month is excellent.

  5. #5
    bruin27 is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2009
    Yes about 9-10 pounds in a month.. Its just that I was 230 last weeks weigh in.. After doing a full week of cardio, diet, I weighed in the same this week.. I thought I would have atleast lost a pound or two...

  6. #6
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by bruin27 View Post
    Yes about 9-10 pounds in a month.. Its just that I was 230 last weeks weigh in.. After doing a full week of cardio, diet, I weighed in the same this week.. I thought I would have atleast lost a pound or two...
    Your body weight fluctuates too much for even weekly scale readings to be of that much of a benefit in determining actual fat loss. I got down to 209 a couple weeks ago, but I was carb depleted and dehydrated, weighed 217 the other day, yet I am still cutting and losing fat. I see people getting frustrated when they don't lose anything one week, or gain weight, but stick with it, and unless you are doing something ridiculously drastic you won't be losing 5+ lbs a week, and if you are doing something drastic you'll end up losing muscle, hurting your metabolism or stagnating because you stop functioning at a high level and your training suffers.

  7. #7
    bruin27 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Thanks for that.. I'm kinda obsessed with the scale.. Weighed 229 today after a 3 mile run.. My goal is to be sub 200 so I have a bit to go...

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