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Thread: BW finally back

  1. #1
    canesfan804's Avatar
    canesfan804 is offline Member
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    BW finally back

    Lab results are finally in. I see the test levels are low not sure about some of these things tho. Meet with Dr again Monday after Thanksgiving so any ideas on what kind of questions to ask her would be apreciated. Anything I should be concerned about other than low T?

    Cardio CRP= 0.2
    Homocysteine, cardio= 8.9[<11.4]
    Glucose= 75[65-99]
    Urea nitrogen=28 [7-25]
    Creatine= 1.15[0.6-1.35]
    Sodium= 139 [135-146]
    Potasium= 4.1[3.5-5.3]
    Chloride= 104 [98-110]
    Calcium=9.4 [8.6-10.3]
    Carbon dioxide= 27 [21-33]
    Protein= 7.3 [6.2-8.3]
    Globulin= 2.5 [2.1-3.7]
    Alb/Glob ratio=1.9 [1.0-2.1]
    Bilitrubin, total= 0.7 [0.2-1.2]
    Alkaline Phosphate= 39 [40-115]
    AST= 27 [10-40]
    ALT= 21 [9-60]
    Hemoglobin Alc= 5.1[<5.7]
    Vitamin d= 36 [30-100]
    THS=0.81 [0.40-4.50]
    T3, free= 3.1[2.3-4.2]
    T3 total= 92 [76-181]
    T3, reverse= 25 [11-32]
    Thryoglobulun Antibodies= <20 [<20]
    Insulin , free= 2.4 [1.5-14.9]
    T4, free direct dialysis= 1.6 [0.8-2.7]
    T4, total= 9.1 4.8-10.4]
    Fibrogen activity clauss= 204 [175-425]
    White Blood cell= 3.3 [3.8-10.8]
    Red blood cell=4.05 [4.2-5.8]
    Hemoglobin=12.8 [13.2-17.1]
    hematocrit= 36.7 [38.5-50]
    MCV= 90.8 [80-100]
    MCH= 31.6 [27-33]
    Total cholesterol= 134 [>=200]
    LDL-C= 67 [>=100]
    HDL-C= 56 [<40]
    Triglycerides= 55 [>150}
    LDL IIIa+b= 11 [>=20]
    LDL IVb=0.9 [>=10]
    HDL2b= 24 [<10]
    Apo B= 50 [>120]
    Lp(a), extended range= 6[>=30]
    DHEA Sulfate= 304 [110-370]
    Testosterone , total= 309 [250-1100]
    Testosterone, free= 59.6 [35-155]
    Candida Albicans AB
    C.A. IGG= 0.9 [<1.0]
    C.A. IGA= 0.4 [<1.0]
    C.A. IGM= 0.4 [<1.0]
    Last edited by canesfan804; 11-16-2012 at 04:30 PM.

  2. #2
    juice2012 is offline Associate Member
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    Post up the ranges too, we really need them to make an accurate assessment.

  3. #3
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Please post the ranges for the tests, since these vary from lab to lab and country to country.

    Also, your age?
    Why are you going to the doctor?
    Drugs, Rx or otherwise?
    Any prohormone or anabolics history?

  4. #4
    canesfan804's Avatar
    canesfan804 is offline Member
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  5. #5
    canesfan804's Avatar
    canesfan804 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by HRTstudent View Post
    Please post the ranges for the tests, since these vary from lab to lab and country to country.

    Also, your age?
    Why are you going to the doctor?
    Drugs, Rx or otherwise?
    Any prohormone or anabolics history?
    34 in January
    Looking into TRT
    1-4 drinks a week. Usually bottom end of that.
    No drugs
    1 Test Cyp cycle (10 weeks and finished in June)

  6. #6
    canesfan804's Avatar
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    Also have been working out for last 3 years after taking quite some time off in my mid to late 20s. Good shape. Weight training 4-6 xs a week and cardio on 4 days for 40-60 mins.

  7. #7
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    i didn't see LH and FSH! these are very important test to make a better assessment.

  8. #8
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    i didn't see LH and FSH! these are very important test to make a better assessment.
    Agree with bass, we need to know this. I'm leaning to think you didn't recover too well from your cycle this past summer, but labs are the only way to know for sure.

  9. #9
    canesfan804's Avatar
    canesfan804 is offline Member
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    The Dr didnt test for LH or FSH.

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