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  1. #1
    rejuvi's Avatar
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    Trying to put weight back on after surgery

    My first Forum of this type, felt I needed to go a different direction with my goals and would like some advise, everyone here seems quit educated and if you could give a few pointers, it would be highly appreciated. I'n a 50 yo male, that has trained just to stay in shape. I contracted lyme Disease when living in the Florida Keys and it took them years to diagnose the disease to treat, by that time had some permanent damage, I'm 5'11" and was 195 before I got sick. Soon after had to have stomach surgery, from internal damage, I'm 165 now after 6 weeks of broth and 6 months of light fare, But I can't seem to put the weight back on, the stomach surgery still makes it tough to eat at times and force feeding is completely out of the question, my stomach also lost about 25% of it's capacity! I'm on Testosterone therapy (I'm taking 25 units twice per week, prescribed by a Doctor (Testosterone Cypionate ) and 10 units HCG 3 times per week to prevent Hypogonadism) and starting HGH next week. I Was reading that EQ may also help with my eating problem and enhance my eating ability again, Doctor says I look great now....not so much, I'm not happy! No fat, just muscle, BP is 110/70, I just not comfortable at this size. I'm not looking for a crash course, I hear EQ is fairly safe although slow reaction, my problem is more getting the nutrition into my body

    Any suggestions would be great and all considered, as I am leaning

  2. #2
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    Welcome! If you would also like to start a thread in the nutrition forum explaining this, then please do. There are members who can help you with the food part in that section.

    Good luck to you!
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  3. #3
    rejuvi's Avatar
    rejuvi is offline New Member
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    Posted there as well, thank you

  4. #4
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    B-12 helps with increasing the appetite.
    Is your HGH prescription from your doctor? If so just stick with that for a while and see how it goes. He will probably start you out on 1iu a day 5x a week. the only reason people do it 5x a week and not 7 is cost. You can bump up to 2iu or even 3iu after a couple of weeks with no worries expect for $$$. The HGH should help you gain some good muscle tone and if you can afford the 2 or 3iu a day you should see some solid gains in a few months.

  5. #5
    rejuvi's Avatar
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    Thanks. I wanted to be sure to maximize my HGH with an appetite and good eating habits, I heard it may boost my appetite as well. B-12 I already requested, what about fish oil? I hear that fish oil/shark enhances your appetite as well?

  6. #6
    rejuvi's Avatar
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    Thanks everyone, never had this problem before, I just need 30 lbs! lol...... I appreciate your input, this is a great site! People helping people

  7. #7
    rejuvi's Avatar
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    Yes the HGH is prescribed, it's Omnitrope, I want to maximize this opportunity

  8. #8
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rejuvi View Post
    Yes the HGH is prescribed, it's Omnitrope, I want to maximize this opportunity
    Thats good. I used the same stuff (Omnitriope) for 1 year. Cost was the only issue but even at 1iu a day I saw really good results after about 6 months or less.

    Like I said, if cost isnt an issue I'm sure your doctor will let you bump up to 2iu or more without a problem but even at 1iu you should notice lean muscle gains.

    I'm not sure about fish oil increasing the appetite but it should be a staple anyways.

  9. #9
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    Lovbyts do you recommend anything else besides the rGH for his goals or do you believe it to be the best option?

  10. #10
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    There are a lot of options but it's best to take things one step at a time and not get overwhelmed. He might not need anything extra and meet his goals easily with what he is taking. If not then eventually add one thing at a time but again it's best to take it slow and steady. I know from personal experience it's easy to over think things and want to try to do as much as quickly as possible but it's usually not the best way to do things.

  11. #11
    rejuvi's Avatar
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    Thanks for the solid advise!

  12. #12
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    from what I understand GHRP-6 makes many want to eat like a horse.....
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  13. #13
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rejuvi View Post
    Thanks for the solid advise!
    Not a problem and I'm willing to bet you will get some great results from the HGH alone. Just dont expect it to be over night but after about 90 days you should notice positive changes and things will progress nicely from there.

    I did the same thing after my 2nd back surgery in 2007 at age 45. I had lost a lot of muscle especially in my legs from being 90% paralyzed for a few weeks until surgery. I had chicken legs for the first time in my life. It was embarrassing during PT since I had always had good solid legs and decent size calves without even working them. I told me massage therapist (Filipino girl) I was embarrassed but she just ignored it of course.

    I started HRT, Test E due to low test and HGH through a longevity clinic not long after and OMG it was so nice when it started to kick in. Even my therapist started to comment how quickly I was building muscle and kept asking me if I was taking steroids . lol I had to explain the difference between HRT and AAS but she got it eventually.

    I really have no doubt that you will see some good results just from your HRT and HGH and would not think about adding anything else into the mix besides protein mix with some BCAA for pre workout, some vitamins such as a good multi, DHEA (micronized), Pregnenlone (micronized), zinc, b12 (sublingual) and Vit D to help boost your test and normalize your hormones.

  14. #14
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    Dr raised me up to 2iu per day as you said he would, My IGF-1 was only 97, I
    m going to stick with your advise and work with what I have now before adding anything else, to avoid complicating things and make it easier to narrow down what it actually working. Thanks again, I get my Omnitrope Wed morn!

  15. #15
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rejuvi View Post
    Dr raised me up to 2iu per day as you said he would, My IGF-1 was only 97, I
    m going to stick with your advise and work with what I have now before adding anything else, to avoid complicating things and make it easier to narrow down what it actually working. Thanks again, I get my Omnitrope Wed morn!
    Nice. I bet with 2iu of pharmacy grade HGH you will have some decent gains. What I did was not so much paying attention to the scale but get in the habit of taking pictures to document the changes ever 2 -3 weeks apart. Try to take all the pictures in the same room using the same distance and height using the timer function on a camera and set it on a shelf or something. Do the same poses each time. You will be surprised in just a few months the changes.

    Ill bet in 4 months or less you will start to notice some good changes and they will increase nicely. Most important is dont let it go to your head in the way of strength gains. DONT lift heavy even though you feel you can. That's how most of us get hurt.... Concentrate on form. You dont want to get hurt again.

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