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  1. #1
    RajaSultan's Avatar
    RajaSultan is offline Associate Member
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    i m 12 and wat is this?

    Exclamation hormones imbalanced MALE LOW TEST LEVELS

    well i have all the symptoms of hormones imbalanced depression etc and when i told my doctors all they said was that i should check my testis size and they showed me some shitty long egg lookin things(some were big and some were small) and told me next time you come to see us tell us which size u have and when i checked they were the smallest -.- which meant i had really low testosterone levels ...( i had gyno for the past 5 -6 years each year it grows slightly bigger especially the nipples) so i wanted to know what should i do to get rid of Gyno .. what do i say to my god damn doctor .. whenever i visit them on an appointment there is a new doc waiting for me and if its an old 1 that bastard won't give me answers and quickly finishes and says its ok that gyno is not so bad when i know its bad .. i was so pissed in my school life cuz of this bitch tits .. well now before meeting my doctor i want to be prepared and tell him what i need to get rid of gyno etc :/

    so tell me guys pls no jokes
    what do i say to him which medicine shud he give me and if he doesn't .. how do i sue that **** ... they took my blood samples also but never gave me any gyno medicines i have been goin in and out of the hospital for the last 3 months and my next appointment is on december 24 so please help ...

    detailed things here

    my first gyno appeard as puffed nipples at age 14 ..
    2nd my frends told me to exercise to get rid of the gyno .. what happened was more worse they grew over time
    my doctors only know how to suck my dick and not give good info ..
    My bodyfat when i was age 14 was at like 10-12% and this year it grew cuz i worked out more and ate more and now its like 14% but that isn't much fat that wud cause me to get gyno and i m also an ectomorph ... and if i had fat why dnt i have pot belly or fatty arms or under chin fat .. i m thin that's for sure so help me please its been a tough life , if ur gonna say talk wit u family first then forget it those ****s knew i got gyno since i was 14 i told them but they didn't do shit cuz they dnt wana waste money

    so please give me correct info if you can :/

    Last edited by RajaSultan; 11-26-2012 at 05:52 AM. Reason: i never took roids

  2. #2
    RajaSultan's Avatar
    RajaSultan is offline Associate Member
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    i m 12 and wat is this?
    no reply thanks alot brah admin just delete this thread i dnt tink any 1 can help me here :s

  3. #3
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    If you have had gyno for years then it is likely that surgery is your best bet.

    But given your age, there are chemical treatments that have been documented in the literature to help with gyno. Whether or not your doctor will be on board and treat you is an entirely different story. You may need to doctor shop, as they say, until you find a doctor who is comfortable and knowledgeable enough to treat you.

    Here are a couple studies to look over...

    Beneficial effects of raloxifene and tamoxifen in the treatment of pubertal gynecomastia .

    Gynecomastia – evaluation and current treatment options

    Finally, you would benefit from taking some time out to stress reduce yourself. You've got a lot of pent up rage and it's really only going to hurt yourself moreso!

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