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  1. #1
    TMan96's Avatar
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    AI For LIFE? Is that a bad thing???

    Based on my blood work last week, looks like I will need to continue AI as long as am doing HRT which I am now planning on doing for life.

    I tried going without any AI for a while just to see how I ran since my doc started me with AI out of the gate. He had told me when I started my E2 ran high side of normal even without Test so he was started me on Test and AI at the same time.

    With my current protocol and no AI my reading last week were:
    Estradiol 70.9 pg/Ml 7.6-42.6

    I plan on going back on Anastrazole .25mg x 2 a week. I will get rechecked in Feb.

    Does anyone know if there have been any long-term studies of men using Anastrazole?

    Current Protocol:
    Cypionate - 120mg a week (I have been splitting into 2 shots a week)
    HCG - (250iu 2 times a week)
    Armour Thyroid - 60mg daily
    Vitamin D3 – 9,000iu
    Zocor – 5mg
    DHEA – 50mg
    Pregnenolone -50mg
    Donate Blood every 3 months.

    Other Results
    Testosterone , Serum 1095 ng/dl 348-1197
    Testosterone, Free 35.37 ng/dl 5.00-21.00

  2. #2
    HRTstudent's Avatar
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    There have been no long term studies done on men on anastrozole.

    Personally, I don't like the sound of it. Right now I take it though because otherwise, I would get huge boobs.

    In the future, I will be trying to lower my dose as it is probably the best route to go AI-free.

    There has been quite a bit of discussion on this forum about AI alternatives too if you wanted to search.

    As far as your results go... it's almost too obvious that your dose is too high. Now, if you felt significantly better quality of life at this high T dose compared to say around 650ng/dL then that's one thing... but otherwise you are running quite supraphysiologic if that's your trough.

  3. #3
    harley121's Avatar
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    Im not an expert, but when when the Dr. had me on 200mg/ week, both my T levels were a little higher than yours and thats when I found this site cause I was developing gyno. I followed a site recommended protocol to address the gyno- successfully so far, dropped the Test Cyp back to 100mg/ week (getting BW done this thurs so dont know my numbers) but I can tell you that I feel good and sides are about gone, not been running an ai for 3 weeks now.

  4. #4
    TMan96's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HRTstudent View Post
    There have been no long term studies done on men on anastrozole.

    Personally, I don't like the sound of it. Right now I take it though because otherwise, I would get huge boobs.

    In the future, I will be trying to lower my dose as it is probably the best route to go AI-free.

    There has been quite a bit of discussion on this forum about AI alternatives too if you wanted to search.

    As far as your results go... it's almost too obvious that your dose is too high. Now, if you felt significantly better quality of life at this high T dose compared to say around 650ng/dL then that's one thing... but otherwise you are running quite supraphysiologic if that's your trough.
    Please elaborate a little on my dose being too high. Are you basing that on the Free T? My doc didn’t blink at this and said that since I was on Test Cyp. this was to be somewhat expected and said as long as I felt okay no big deal.

    If I am at 120mg a week now, what do you think I should be running?

    I was thinking this might be high too, but I love how I feel.

  5. #5
    LT75's Avatar
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    Why not try other AI routes like natural or other OTC stuff instead of harsh prescriptions? Like grape seed extract or zinc. I have been on 100mg of cyp EW for the last 6 months. I have been taking purus labs recycle. My estradiol sensitive have been at 20 the whole time.

  6. #6
    TMan96's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by harley121 View Post
    Im not an expert, but when when the Dr. had me on 200mg/ week, both my T levels were a little higher than yours and thats when I found this site cause I was developing gyno. I followed a site recommended protocol to address the gyno- successfully so far, dropped the Test Cyp back to 100mg/ week (getting BW done this thurs so dont know my numbers) but I can tell you that I feel good and sides are about gone, not been running an ai for 3 weeks now.
    Good luck. My doc was running me at 200mg a week to start too. No real isssues with Gyno, but I have been running AI pretty much since I started. I found this site too and was looking at dropping by Test Cyp for a while to see how and feel and if I eventually can get of AI. I am going to PM you.

  7. #7
    HRTstudent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TMan96 View Post
    Please elaborate a little on my dose being too high. Are you basing that on the Free T? My doc didn’t blink at this and said that since I was on Test Cyp. this was to be somewhat expected and said as long as I felt okay no big deal.

    If I am at 120mg a week now, what do you think I should be running?

    I was thinking this might be high too, but I love how I feel.
    Too high is really subjective. It's very individual and I probably (nor anyone) couldn't tell what exactly dose you should be on given the nature of a forum relationship as compared to a physician who sees, talks, observes you over time.

    If you're feeling great that is arguably most important. But what if you could feel great AND have less side effects? It would obviously be a better position to be in. So, you could run a little trial of, say, 3-4 weeks at 100mg per week and see how you feel subjectively as well as how the side effects change. Repeat as necessary.

    Keep in mind, less is sometimes more in TRT. Many respectable doctors on the front lines are having very good success at doses ranging in the 60-80mg per week area. This keeps the patients at a good T level while also minimizing unwanted side effects.

    Personally, I started at a medium dose, went up a little, now I am going back down a little. As I said, more is not always better!

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