To start things off, I am 23 years old and have always had suspicions of my test levels being low. Increase in body fat, lack of sense of well being, some pretty severe depression and anxiety problems, feeling as though I'm "in a fog" some days, and not seeing my usual gains when working out, and loss of sexual interest and interest in the things i used to enjoy so much are a couple symptoms I am experiencing. I'm 6'3 and usually keep my weight around 220-225 at 8-12% body fat. Been lifting since 7th grade and did many powerlifting competitions in highschool. Last week I went to see my primary doctor and had a blood test to check out my levels. My results came in today and my total testosterone came back at 260 ng/dL. The doctor said that these were normal. From all of my research I have been doing these levels seem to be quite low, especially for my age. My question is, would my next step be to try to see another doctor to get a second opinion or set up another appointment with my primary to discuss my research? Any suggestions would be greatly appriciated. Thank you for your time. Long time guest and first post as a member by the way =]