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Thread: No Hope.?

  1. #1
    Mrbill's Avatar
    Mrbill is offline Junior Member
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    Question No Hope.?

    Hi Everyone,
    Went to the GP doc today to find out what my blood test reveled.
    I was hoping to get on replacement therapy. My Gp even has other patients that have low T that he gives shots to and With all the symptoms of low T I thought it was a Lock.

    I was so worried that I only got 4 hrs sleep per night a week up till the appointment, And I did not sleep for 36 hrs right before the Doc appointment or Eat.

    here's all the Stats, testosterone , serum 574 ng/dl 348-1197

    gluocose, serum 89mg/dl 65-99
    bun 14mg/dl 6-24
    creatinine, serum 1.24 mg/dl 0.76-1.27
    egfr if nonafricn am 68ml/min/1.73 >59
    egfr if africn 79ml/min/1.73 >59
    bun/creatinine ratio 11 9-20
    sodium, serum 137 mmol/L 134-144
    potassium, serum 4.1 mmol/L 3.5-5.2
    chloride, serum 98mmol/L 97-108
    carbon dioxide, total 26mmol/L 20-32
    calcium, serum 10.1mg/dl 8.7-10.2
    protein, total, serum 7.4 g/dl 6.0-8.5
    albumin, serum 4.6g/dl 3.5-5.5
    globulin, total 2.8g/dl 1.5-4.5
    a/g ratio 1.6 1.1-2.5
    bilirubin, total 0.5mg/dl 0.0-1.2
    alkaline phosphathse, s 60iu/L 25-150
    ast sgot h 41iu/L 0-40
    alt sgpt 42iu/L 0-44
    lipid panel with ldl/hdl ratio 235010
    cholseterol, total 196mg/dl 100-199
    triglycerides 98mg/dl 0-149
    hdl cholseterol 58mg/dl >39
    According to atp-III guidelines, hdl-c >59mg/dL is concidered a negative risk factor for chd.
    vldl cholseterol cal 20mg/dl 5-40
    ldl cholseterol calc h 118mg/dl 0-99
    ldl/hdl ratio 2.0 ratio units 0.0-3.6
    creatinine, urine 38.5mg/dl 22.0-328.0
    microalbumin, urine <3.0ug/ml 0.0-17.0
    microalb/creat ratio <7.8mg/g creat 0.0-30.0
    tsh 0.916uiu/ml 0.450-4.500

    Is there any Hope of getting Some T or am I doooomed?
    Sin, 48 y/o male, 214lbs hitting the gym 5 or 6 days a week but still Feeling mighty low-T

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    serum 574 ng/dl 348-1197
    This is fine for a guy the age of 48; but you need more to make a complete assessment.

    You don't have all the correct labs to determine your hormone serum levels...what you posted above is just a CBC and General Chem panel.

    Go to the sticky on Finding a TRT Doc written by kel at the top of the forum and you will see what labs you should have had run.

  3. #3
    Mrbill's Avatar
    Mrbill is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks gdevine for putting me on the right track.
    I did also get a Referral form to get a Endocrinology evaluation for hypergonadism.
    Now I just need to find a doctor that takes my insurance because I could never afford to pay on my own, 5 kids Drains the flow lol

    back to reading the stickys.
    Last edited by Mrbill; 11-30-2012 at 12:55 PM. Reason: adding

  4. #4
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    don't be disappointed for not getting on TRT, its not something any of us look forward to, we simply had no choice! as GD stated your TT is fine but we need more blood work to make a better assessment.

  5. #5
    TennTarheel's Avatar
    TennTarheel is offline Associate Member
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    That's a pretty damn good level for your age man. It's definitely not hypogonadism, but like stated above, you may have other hormones out of whack giving you Low T symptoms

  6. #6
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    The "feelings" of low testosterone overlap with so so many things it would be very easy to believe one has low testosterone . There's just too much overlap.

    But honestly, this is good news to you. Taking exogenous testosterone is not going to be some super androgen when given at replacement doses to someone who already has replacement levels. In fact, it's easy to see why you would be worse off - testes shut down, TRH suppressed, e2 might increase, possibly extra drugs with unproven longterm safety to counteract side effects, medical reliance, $$$!, the time to see a doctor regularly, monitoring blood work, etc etc etc.

    Right now, your T probably could be higher. Fortunately, there are many threads on this forum about improving your current testosterone levels as well as overall health.

    What's readily apparent is that you may be overtraining if you go to the gym 6 days a week, especially at that age. Even many pro bodybuilders don't go to the gym that often. Rest is critical and overworking and overstressing your body will have negative cascades throughout your body.

    I'd start by reading some threads on improving T naturally as that will improve your health as a whole. Get your b12, folate, serum iron, ferritin, and vitamin D 25-OH all checked. These are just a few of the big biomarkers we can easily test for that will impact your energy, and that we can readily optimize with safe, cheap, and effective methods. I'd also get a full thyroid panel.

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