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  1. #1
    juice2012 is offline Associate Member
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    Test Cyp and Arimidex Erectile dysfuction issues

    Well this post is going to be extremely personal but there really isn't other way to present it. I'm 28, I've never had a single ED issue in my entire life before this, I started TRT around 5 months ago on just 50mg of Cyp 2x a week and I've been taking Caberoline .5mg 2x a week for about 7 months. After being on the Test for 6 weeks I got my bw pulled in the trough and I was only in the 500 range so talked to my doctor and upped it to a total of 120mg of T per week and added .25mg of arimidex . We added the adex because my estrogen went from 25 (before TRT) to 41. Since I was upping the T by 20% I didnt want E2 to go up anymore.

    After taking the Arimidex I noticed my libido kinda dropped a little but nothing terrible, and frankly I was glad it dropped a little, it had been so high it was starting to cause problems with me and my girlfriend who I live with (her not wanting to have sex everyday and me becoming very frustrated). My last bw was after being on 120mg of T and the adex for 4 weeks which gave me:

    Total Testosterone 1009 250 - 1100
    Free Testosterone 386.9 35.0 - 155.0
    Estradiol 33

    So the Adex and extra T obviously worked. However my doctor saw how high my Free T was and wanted me to lower the dose. So I dropped it back down to 50mg 2x a week and decided to stay on the adex (.25mg 2x a week).

    Now to my ED issues! I guess the reason I didn't notice these issues right away is because it was very sporadic. I climax fairly fast most of the time, and before TRT it wasn't uncommon for me to have sex up to 3 times in under 30-60 minutes. Basically I would come, wait 5 minutes and get hard again and then do it again. NOW however, I cannot get hard AT ALL for round 2. What ends up happening is the desire is still there but I end up with some 60% hard wet noodle that I can't jam in anywhere and jerking it off becomes a sad site.

    Also if I'm in the middle of having sex and she has to get up to use the bathroom or for whatever reason we stop for a minute I will instantly lose my erection, something that has never happened to me before. Normally I would stay hard until I get finished off.

    I've pretty much been ignoring these issues because I've still been able to have sex but I've been noticing them more and more. Until today. This morning I was completely unable to get hard while watching porn, I ended up having to start jerking a completely limp dick and ended up climaxing in the usual amount of time only with a half limp dick. Needless to say I went to work pretty worried. This definitely isn't some desire issue, the desire is there it's just like not enough blood is getting to my "other head".

    Could this be from the adex? I didnt have any issues like this for the 6 weeks I was on pure T before starting the adex. Should I stop taking it and just deal with the TT of 500 and e2 of 41?

    I'm starting to get worried about this now which isn't surprising, take part of what makes a man away from him and it becomes his new fear.

  2. #2
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Ed issues can be both from high E2 and low E2. I'm guessing because your Test is so low that an AI may not be needed and your crashing your E2? Do you have any other symptoms to speak of?

    Why the Caber???? Are you cycling other AAS???

  3. #3
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    anastrozole/arimidex can easily destroy erections and libido as well.

    can't be too high, nor too low. It's very possible you're too low. you need more frequent labs to try to decipher just how much AI you need. I also agree that if your trough was in the 1000's then you're too high.

    don't forget that too much testosterone is BAD. the goal is quality of life and that is not found by arbitrarily putting someone in the top 5% of the T range. we hear time and time again the true experts in HRT who treat thousands of patients that the best results typically come in that 600-800 range.

    nonetheless, your issue really sounds like an E2 one.

  4. #4
    juice2012 is offline Associate Member
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    Lunk - I am on the caber because my prolactin was high, now it's not detectable. I've never done AAS at all before. I have no other symptoms really, the only reason I started the AI was because my E2 was at 41 and i didnt want to drive it up any higher since I was about to increase my T by 20%.

    HRT - What you said makes sense. I think I'm going to get BW soon and see where my numbers are at and then probably stop taking the AI altogether. Seriously considering going to sub-q also.

  5. #5
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Be careful about numbers. 41 E2 really isn't bad and you should go more on how you feel at that point. You say your prolactin seas high, any idea why and how high is high?

    I agree with the others, its obvious you crushed your E2 quit the ai and caber and get woodwork done. Don't worry to much about numbers slightly out especially if you feel ok

  6. #6
    juice2012 is offline Associate Member
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    Lov - Prolactin was at 30 on a range of 2 - 17. I had an MRI and they didnt find anything wrong so I was never given a cause. I don't know if I should talk to the doctor about getting of the caber yet.

    Now that I've lowered my T back to 100mg a week I'm going to get BW one last time before I go off my AI.

    Woodwork? Is that like bloodwork for your morning wood?

    Can you just stop taking arimidex or does it require any tapering down?

  7. #7
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Yeah my phone likes to auto correct and also my spelling sucks. lol

    You can just stop taking arimedex if you want

    Let us know what your new BLOOD work comes back at. lol

  8. #8
    bigpapabuff's Avatar
    bigpapabuff is offline Senior Member
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    Its great how you are able to have blood work every step of the way. Im in agreement - its prob an e2 issue or also maybe look at shbg.

  9. #9
    juice2012 is offline Associate Member
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    Lov - I'll be getting bloodwork at the 4 week mark next week. Then I'll know what to do for sure

    Quote Originally Posted by bigpapabuff View Post
    Its great how you are able to have blood work every step of the way. Im in agreement - its prob an e2 issue or also maybe look at shbg.
    I feel like it's e2 also and that's why I want to get off arimidex . But my SHBG is low, it's like 9.8 on a range that starts at 10. I guess we'll know what the underlying issue is for me here in the next month.

    I do kinda want to as my doctor for cialis just to try it. Does anyone know if it lets you keep it up even after coming?

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