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  1. #1
    ctenosaura's Avatar
    ctenosaura is offline Associate Member
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    HCG protocol for once a week T-cyp injections question

    I know the sticky says 2 days before and 1 day before Test injection, but isn't one loading up too much two days in a row? Why not space them out 3.5 days so there is a more even amount in your system?

  2. #2
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    yes, the more frequent the better however there are few different protocols that calls for two days in a row, if you shoot test once a week then you want to do the two day in a row protocol, if you shoot test twice a week then do hCG one day before each test shot. the idea here is to let hCG help produce more natural test as your injected test tapers down.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    South Fla
    Quote Originally Posted by ctenosaura View Post
    I know the sticky says 2 days before and 1 day before Test injection, but isn't one loading up too much two days in a row? Why not space them out 3.5 days so there is a more even amount in your system?
    Let me start by saying there is no one protocol for HCG when a man is on TRT.

    Crisler started all the hype about injecting the last two days of the week the day before the Testosterone injection. He feels it help increase serum levels at the end of the 7 days when it starts to decline just past half life.

    Maybe some truth...

    For me, I like smaller more frequent doses over time.

    An EOD protocol is fine, I also like Monday-Wednesday-Friday protocol as well.

    For each injection just 250 iu is all you need to keep the boys healthy and you feeling good.

  4. #4
    ctenosaura's Avatar
    ctenosaura is offline Associate Member
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    How many iu's are in an insulin syringe? Are insulin syringes marked by iu's?

  5. #5
    sparverius is offline Junior Member
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    My syringes are marked in units, with 100 iu in a 1ml syringe. Perhaps insulin is always diluted to a standard concentration. For HCG it depends on how much water you use to reconstitute your HCG. If you reconstitute 2000iu of HCG with 1ml of water you have 2000iu/ml. At that concentration if you want 200iu per shot you'd use .1ml which is marked as 10 units. If you added 2ml of water you'd need .2ml for a 200iu shot.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Read the sticky on HCG ...everything you're asking is in it.

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