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  1. #1
    j1990 is offline New Member
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    clomid estrogen issue

    Im currently prescribed to clomid for low free testosterone and the doc has me taking 50mg eod my total test fluctuated from 200 to 300 before the clomid and after 2 months of use my total test is just under 700 but my only problem is my estradiol is now at 51. My libido has deffinetly taken a dive and feel like ive put on alot of water weight. Im gonna be throwing in some arimidex and was just wondering what is a good dose u guys think i should start off at with a level like 51. My e2 was 26 before the clomid and id deffinetly like to get back in that range. Would u guys say 25mg or 50 mg eod. Sorry if this the wrong section for this. Appreciate any feedback tho.

  2. #2
    dan991's Avatar
    dan991 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Be careful with Arimidex ... you can quickly throw your E2 into the tank which is just as bad as being too high as far as libido is concerned I'd start off as low as possible and fine tune from there with blood work. I'm on 240 mg of Test Cyp and I don't even take more than .25 of Arimidex A WEEK. I screwed up and took way too much at first and it took forever to recover from it... total misery.

  3. #3
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  4. #4
    j1990 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dan68131 View Post
    Be careful with Arimidex... you can quickly throw your E2 into the tank which is just as bad as being too high as far as libido is concerned I'd start off as low as possible and fine tune from there with blood work. I'm on 240 mg of Test Cyp and I don't even take more than .25 of Arimidex A WEEK. I screwed up and took way too much at first and it took forever to recover from it... total misery.
    thanks man ya i got labs done about every 6 weeks so im gonna start off with as little as would you recomend .25mg a week and see where that takes me? if u only take it once a week wouldnt that be hard to keep ur e2 at a steady level?

  5. #5
    dan991's Avatar
    dan991 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by j1990 View Post
    thanks man ya i got labs done about every 6 weeks so im gonna start off with as little as would you recomend .25mg a week and see where that takes me? if u only take it once a week wouldnt that be hard to keep ur e2 at a steady level?
    I would start with .25 once a week and go from there in .25 increments like .25 twice a week. See how you feel as well as look at bloods and see where that is at.

    I don't think anything is truly at a steady level regardless however drastic drops are quickly noticed. I know when I took 1 mg in one day I felt like crap for a few days and then had to slowly wait for everything to rebound before taking any more at any volume. I took a week off and then started .25 once a week and I'm fine there.

  6. #6
    sparverius is offline Junior Member
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    When I was on Clomid I was on 2mg/week of Anastrozole and my E2 still went high. It went so high that I understood chick flicks.

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparverius View Post
    When I was on Clomid I was on 2mg/week of Anastrozole and my E2 still went high. It went so high that I understood chick flicks.
    That's funny!

    Op, good advice above. Basically start as low as possible and re-test in a month. You may have to test several months in a row to level out. No need to fast for an E2 Sensitive test.

  8. #8
    jasondd1 is offline Member
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    Is this normal? Clomid increasing estradiol? My total test is 400 after 3 months on compound cream test and estradiol is 8. Im thinking a combo of HCG and clomid might be perfect. Obviously I am not a good transdermal candidate.

  9. #9
    dan991's Avatar
    dan991 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Take your time..... are you in a rush? Stabilize your body and go from there. You won't develop gyno overnight..... just pace yourself and let your body stabilize itself before you make additional changes that throw things out of whack.

  10. #10
    j1990 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparverius View Post
    When I was on Clomid I was on 2mg/week of Anastrozole and my E2 still went high. It went so high that I understood chick flicks.
    hahahah i know what u mean man its crazy when i first started on clomid i sat in bed all day depressed it deffinetly throws ur emotions off and can make u moody.

  11. #11
    Badidea is offline New Member
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    I would decrease the dose. I've been on 12.5mg m,w,f and my test numbers are great and no e2 issues. All the research and my personal experience is less is more with clomid for trt.

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