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  1. #1
    rooftop's Avatar
    rooftop is offline Junior Member
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    Last edited by rooftop; 12-16-2012 at 12:46 AM. Reason: tmi

  2. #2
    bca is offline New Member
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    Oct 2012
    you should edit and remove name dob ect...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    South Fla
    Everything looks good.

    LDL could be elevated for any number of reasons and you'd need a series of tests to get a more accurate picture but it's nothing to be freaked out about.

    Try taking Red Yeast Rice with CoQ10 as it acts like a natural statin.

    Your E2 is elevated and needs to come down into the 20's so a low dose AI is probably going to be added into your protocol as you pointed out.

    Go as low as you can, like .25 mg twice a week and see what it does in 6 weeks.

    Remember, AI's are very powerful antagonists and you don't want to over do it!

    At this point your Free Testosterone is more important than your Total serum levels.

    Your Free Test is 17.4 with a reference range of 8.7 to 25.1 which is seats you right about mid range and certainly nothing to complain about.

    By lowering your E2 levels both your Free and Total serum levels will increase as well.

    If it were me, I would lower my E2 with a low dose AI which will slow the conversion of Test to E2 and increase both Testosterone serum levels a result.

    I'd get BW done in 6 weeks later to see the results.

    Remember with Testosterone, more is not better...there are other ways of increasing without needing to add more in.

    Other than that my man, you look like a very healthy young thankful.


  4. #4
    rooftop's Avatar
    rooftop is offline Junior Member
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    Thank you so much gdevine. I'm on the same page as far as More is not always better .My doctor is going to prescribe AI and I will follow up in six weeks. I am sending this via my phone and am unable to edit my results info. I definitely increased in strength in the last six weeks LOL despite being on a calorie deficit and minimal carbs only before and after work out. Can't wait to get my BF where I want it so I can start eating like a horse again lol Lobito does feel like it has decreased after a initial rise. But I presume that is due to the high estradiol levels?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    South Fla
    Elevated or suppressed E2 will hold down libido so you are correct.

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