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Thread: New to TRT

  1. #1
    ufc8581's Avatar
    ufc8581 is offline Junior Member
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    New to TRT

    Well I'm 26 been dealing with fatigue n slight depression for about a year so tried a lot of anti depressants n they never worked so doc had me do blood work n I came back with a level of 313 serum.. Still not sure about everything and learning.. Saw a urologist last last Thursday n she started me on trt the day I went jus went back this past Thursday for my second treatment! Told me I had the levels of a 80 year old man! So now I go back for 4 more weeks every Thursday to receive my injection of test n hcg n get blood work on week four ! Then on sixth week they will set me up for home administration! I kno I'm young but it's only been a lil over a week since first injection and I can already feel a difference n just a over all well being! Can't wait for more to come

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Well, I'm glad your feeling better. The caveat is that your docs did not investigate why your levels are so low and attempt to correct that first. There has to be a reason. Thyroid issues, cortisol, pathology, trauma, see my point? Wouldn't it have been nice to locate the problem, remedy it and return to what would probably be a normally high test level at your age?

    If you have pre-TRT blood work please post it up and include ranges so we can take a look. I'm not trying to cast a shadow on your treatment but at your age if you can avoid it, you should. Most doc's just don't really know hormones. Not saying that's the case here but you need to ask them why your low. They've put a band aid on it without finding a causative factor, IMO.

    Post up what you have please!


  3. #3
    ufc8581's Avatar
    ufc8581 is offline Junior Member
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    I have to get that from doctor! I had two different blood test before I started treatment! I kno she said there was no thyroid issues and she told me that it's either my testes or pituitary gland that isn't functioning properly.. I jus never asked for a copie of blood work myself so I def will get a copie when I get it redone week after next! I kno my test level was 313 and the one previous to that was 297 .. The 313 blood work was taking at 7am and the 297 was taking at around 1pm .. I kno she tested my thyroid, metabolic rate, and testosterone .. Not sure what else.. Like I said I'm new to this and not real sure about it yet! I'm learning as I go lol... The doctor is very helpful at answering questions and helping me through this! So if anyone has any input to what I should expect or do please tell! I'm open to every comment

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Take a look at the suggested blood work in the Finding A Doc Sticky at the top of the forum. In the mean time, get a copy of your blood work and begin getting it all the time and keep a file.

    I'll withhold judgement on her saying there are no thyroid issues. Many docs struggle interpreting these and basically if your in range on the BW then you must be fine. That is NOT the case. So, she told you it's either your testes (primary) or pituitary (secondary) but did nothing to make a positive determination. Brilliant diagnosis! She should have examined your testicals for a varicocele as well as probably having you get a pituitary mri to rule in/out adenomas. BW would really help us clue you in here as to what path to take.

    You need to speak to her more and make an effort to find what the problem is. Make her aware that you'd rather not be on TRT at such a young age. Trust me, it gets old so hold out as long as possible. Seeing full BW here with ranges would really be a plus and the members will contribute if you post it up. Particularly interested in LH/FSH, all thyroid panels, cortisol. Anything you have.

  5. #5
    ufc8581's Avatar
    ufc8581 is offline Junior Member
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    Ok I'll do that and get all posted ASAP ! Thanks for all advice!

  6. #6
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    good advice given

    just wanna also say glad you feel better and see what its like to have good hormone levels

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