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Thread: Sex on TRT

  1. #1
    Novyman is offline Junior Member
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    Sex on TRT

    Hello, Im 30 years old and currently on TRT
    I have to take 0xyc0done and c0ntin because of a bad accident, stopping is not an option because without it i cannot walk or get out of bed. The combo of the 0.C. and the low T have made me useless in bed

    I was on Androgel for a while, but recently switched to test cyp injections for the last 3 months. over the last 3 months we've been in the the process of getting my levels to where they need to be, but they are not there yet, He has me doing 200mg once every 2 weeks, The first week after a shot, I can get a hard on but not maintain it. and after a week my levels must go way down because I cannot even get a hard on.

    I have a date in 48 hours, so im on the clock here and need to do something quick....and I was wondering if loading up the extra androgen I have, over the next 48 hours will help because i heard it kicks in (sex wise) very quick. I also have C1aIS and am thinking of taking that too, maybe at a high dose.

    I really dont care if this is dangerous, because i really like this girl and need to make a good first sexual impression and I have 48 hours to fix my erection problem. I will sort through reproductions of spiking my test like this later on. My question is will this work (Loading up the androgen and taking c1aIS? I believe taking extra cyp wouldnt work cuz it takes so long to work. also what dose of cc1aliss because at 20mg i still couldnt have sex for more then 4 mins....which was the biggest improvement ive had .

    Anyone with advice would really save my butt here. HELP!!!

  2. #2
    LT75's Avatar
    LT75 is offline Associate Member
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    You need to split the dosage to 100mg every week. I had a bad work accident myself and take things when needed. Only issue I get is you can bang away for a hour. Good thing is the girl can orgasm 2-3 times before my first.

  3. #3
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    No...loading up on test will not give you any added sex benifit in 48 hours!

  4. #4
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    I'll second fixing your injection frequency. I even inject twice a week. I don't know how to fix your temporary situation. Have left over androgel ?

  5. #5
    Novyman is offline Junior Member
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    yeah i have a little left over gel to play gonna split my dose to weekly, but my doc says thats still down the road, my docs cool with me weight lifting and wating my T levels as high as possible, but he works under another doc and cannot look bad putting my test too high. He tells me to give blood 2 weeks after last injection but before my first so that my T is low and he can keep bringing me up higher and higher. My question was more toward my sex situation and what I can do to not look like like I cannot perform when i see her.

    Does anyone have any exp with the pain killers and low T? and will the c1aIiS work?

  6. #6
    J DIESEL3 is offline Associate Member
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    Novy How many mg a day of oxycodone are you using?I understand you can't just stop taking the pain Meds but could you lower them for that night?

    I have had shoulder surgery and back issues so I use pain Meds from time to time not daily.Never had problems with erections or maintaining them however I have had a hell of a time finishing!!

    I have heard of guys using some type of shot when pills have failed..I have injected all over my body but a shot to the Johnson I don't think I could do it!

  7. #7
    Novyman is offline Junior Member
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    unfortunately im on a lot, and yes I can lower it for the date...and plan to, but without it I wont even get out of bed and walk to go out with this girl....Im waiting on a new surgery because my toes are literally curved down and stuck downward so i crunch them when I walk. Nerve damage from compartment syndrome in my leg.

    80 mg of the oxycontin 2x a day
    30 mg of oxycodone 3-4x a day

    Surprisingly, Im so tolerant...that my workouts dont suffer, nor do I get the tired effects. my workouts, theyre actually better because I can actually get to the gym otherwise my workouts would be...well I couldnt get from exercise to exercise. The ONLY problem here is that my thanngg is suffering. What are your thoughts on a crazy high dose of c1alis? do u think the 20mg just wasnt enough and doing a little or lot more might do some good? Its too late for me to try the ED injections.

    Soon ill be off the pain meds once my foot is corrected and this will all be in the past.....but for many of you may know E.D. is hell, and can ruin a new relationship.

  8. #8
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is online now AR-Hall of Famer
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    200 MG eow may not be enough. It wasn't for me. My doc raised me to 200 e/w and it keeps my levels at about 800

  9. #9
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    For healing and rehab purposes, you may wish to investigate TB500

  10. #10
    J DIESEL3 is offline Associate Member
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    Yep that's a pretty good dose! I know a guy a couple years older than you that is even higher than that because of neck issues.

    Anyway I just don't know enough about the Cialis to guide you..I'm sure someone here will read this and help you out.Best of luck getting this taken care of man.

  11. #11
    Torqued is offline Junior Member
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    Has your doc been checking your estradiol levels?

    Might want to check out this thread, it may be relevant/helpful as your symptoms could be related to too high or too low estradiol

  12. #12
    J DIESEL3 is offline Associate Member
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    ^^^^^ that is a very good point

  13. #13
    Shol'va's Avatar
    Shol'va is offline Productive Member
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    You know you could just hold out till your off of everything and besides if she is into you she will wait. It sounds like you are so over thinking all of this you may not even get your johnson to co operate even if you took cialis. And to me that would be worse than waiting. I mean for you and her to be all ready to go and johnson says he wont co operate? It's not worth the shame and humiliation you will feel if he wont work and she either thinks it's because of her or that you just aren't into her.

  14. #14
    61er's Avatar
    61er is offline Junior Member
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    I'm an occasional user of Cialis. It always delivers. 10 mg should be fine. 20 mg if you want to be certain.

  15. #15
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
    BuzzardMarinePumper is offline Knowledge Member on Prostate Cancer
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    This was a bandaid for me but still the 1st time was a quick draw. I have all kinds of shoulder surgery and need more + knee surgery + I have a hip implant that is about time to re place. I am on 5 .1mg of Xanax 5 x's a day and 10 mg of Oxycodone 6 times a day 2 50 mg Viagras about 7:00 pm lasted me enough for the 1st quick draw and each time after that was longer and better so I just got her primed before we did the deed. I took another 50mg about 4:00 am and was good to go for the am a couple of times . I am 53 and seldom date I don't think this would be healthy as I am sure my Blood presure was through the roof but it did accomplished what I think you are trying to do and the Doc can call Viagra in but would be hard on a Sun ? Just tried and proven and 53 so you should do a lot better ! My doc wrote the script use as needed . . . . lol and wrote it for 100 for 6 mths I think ? I have not ran out my TRT is more important to me than spending to me with females and spending $ $ $ $ on them .

    However my TRT has taken care of my issues down there . I have morning painful woodys and for no reason at all during the day; even at the gym sometimes and that is embarrassing. It is for a 53 year old man doing bench and for no reason; attention !
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 12-16-2012 at 12:23 AM.

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