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  1. #1
    Novyman is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2011

    what is my doctor thinking?

    I was on Androgel , he had me on the highest dose of Androgel legally allowed in the US and he switched me over to Cyp injections because I asked to be switch due to worry of second hand exposure of the gel

    My bloodwork was very high on the Andro, dont remember the exact numbers but the reg T was in the 1400's

    So he started me low on cyp which was 100mg every 2 weeks and told me to give blood right before my injection of 100mg..which had left a 2 week gap
    bloodwork was VERY low

    He then was about to adjust me to 200mg every 3 weeks, but as he works under another doctor he called me up and said do 200mg every 2 weeks, and give blood still 2 weeks from a shot. Blood are coming next week.

    Now I KNOW i need to be on weekly injections...but before he allows that, he wants to see my numbers improve. Won't my blood always be low and up/down if he keeps testing me 2 weeks after an injection? I would think the higher he brings it up, the bigger the crash would be and the more my levels would go down for the blood work. I REALLY feel the diff the second week without a shot, and then when I do one...the new week is back to how it should be (Sex interest, a little oily skin, good workouts, energy)

    I assume my levels are going up and down and up and down....this cannot be good.

    So basically my question is....will I ever see improvement in my levels with these bi-monthly injections if he keeps upping my dose of cyp, then having me wait the 2 weeks to give blood before I inject again? Everytime I suggest to split my dose to weekly, he tells me not to and tells me twice a month is good and in fact - some of his patients are on up to 3 week or monthly injections. When does your doc have you guys do blood? as far between injections when they are at the low like that? Anything you guys got would be great

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    South Fla
    "...will I ever see improvement in my levels with these bi-monthly injections if he keeps upping my dose of cyp, then having me wait the 2 weeks to give blood before I inject again"?


    Your serum levels are going to peak and wane and never be consistent.

    He's seating you on a hormonal roller coaster.

    You need to go weekly or better yet twice weekly to keep serum levels smooth and consistent.

    He's also increasing your likelihood for increased E2 levels as well with this injection protocol.

    Did you discuss half life of Testosterone with him because he obviously doesn't understand.

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Exactly what GD said.

    It's time for you to educate your doctor, unfortunately.


  4. #4
    J DIESEL3 is offline Associate Member
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    Mans that sucks going up and down like that !

    I would just stay on the t gel if you were hitting 1400total t if he won't let you self inject.Or let u get at least 1 shot per week at his office but that would suck dealing with that week after week.

  5. #5
    Novyman is offline Junior Member
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    My Dr is a resident at my local hospital which is a "learning college hospital" he works under another Doctor and is supervised in everything he does, but he knows Im into bodybuilding and he knows I want my Test levels as high as possible, (He's a young guy, we've had many talks and he seems to really like me...not in a gay way...I hope...) However, he cannot let my levels get abnormally high, because he'll catch scrap from his DR. Im hoping he gets me up to max dose and then tells me to split my injections to weekly after the "frequent" blood work as kind of a way to get around prescribing me lots of test....but this is wishful thinking because the other option is he's just an idiot...its the talking about 3-4 week injections with other patients that scares me....I cannot exactly ask him what his motives are, because he couldnt exactly admit to the first option there.

    In other news, props to my local pharmacy and the new pharmacist for screwing up my prescription and giving me a 10m vial instead of my usual 1ml vials....and then recording I was given a 1ml vial....I guess this is the good karma I get for having to deal with these every 2 week injections.

    J Diesel - I do self inject and can do whatever the hell I want, but im trying to do this as prescribed....otherwise if it was up to me I'd run a cycle with all my T hitting it hard and then do my black market/nolv/clomid thing while I stockpiled (Not doing this btw but just sayin')
    Last edited by Novyman; 12-15-2012 at 02:10 PM.

  6. #6
    Novyman is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2011
    As for AI's what would you guys suggest....


    Or maybe that A-HD they sell at the local sup. shops - but does that stuff even work?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Novyman View Post

    My Dr is a resident at my local hospital which is a "learning college hospital" he works under another Doctor and is supervised in everything he does, but he knows Im into bodybuilding and he knows I want my Test levels as high as possible, (He's a young guy, we've had many talks and he seems to really like me...not in a gay way...I hope...) However, he cannot let my levels get abnormally high, because he'll catch scrap from his DR. Im hoping he gets me up to max dose and then tells me to split my injections to weekly after the "frequent" blood work as kind of a way to get around prescribing me lots of test....but this is wishful thinking because the other option is he's just an idiot...its the talking about 3-4 week injections with other patients that scares me....I cannot exactly ask him what his motives are, because he couldnt exactly admit to the first option there.

    In other news, props to my local pharmacy and the new pharmacist for screwing up my prescription and giving me a 10m vial instead of my usual 1ml vials....and then recording I was given a 1ml vial....I guess this is the good karma I get for having to deal with these every 2 week injections.

    J Diesel - I do self inject and can do whatever the hell I want, but im trying to do this as prescribed....otherwise if it was up to me I'd run a cycle with all my T hitting it hard and then do my black market/nolv/clomid thing while I stockpiled (Not doing this btw but just sayin')
    It appears you didn't read my or kel's post.

    Your protocol is wrong and you won't achieve the results you are looking...rather you will go in the other direction if E2 increase which is stands to do with your protocol.

  8. #8
    Novyman is offline Junior Member
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    I read the post....just saying....I split my injections up and just did it today so its gonna be week to week, just woulda liked to talk to the doc first

  9. #9
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Agree with the guys above. Your doctor doesn't know what he's doing, and there's much learning needed on your end.

    I don't want to sound like the broken record around here, but please invest a few hours and really read up with the stickies here, and get yourself familiar with the variables associated with having a successful HRT protocol. We need labs before we talk any AI, so please post them up (on this thread) when they are complete.

  10. #10
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Sometimes in cases like this you just have to take things into your own hands. As long as he is writing you the prescription just inject 1x a week.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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