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  1. #1
    A_Grant is offline Junior Member
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    TRT -> Question for the old timers!

    Hi guys,

    I was wondering how many of the old timers (ppl that did a lot of cycles) are on TRT. If cycles are done properly and enough time is waited in between them, is it possible to continue to produce healthy levels of testosterone naturally?

    What is your position on TRT? I understand that it is a viable option, but it IS a lifetime commitement to supply synthetic hormones to the body, so if it can be avoided...


    Oh, one last thing, I know test levels are bound to decrease later in life, so I was reffering to ppl being on TRT at a young (30-40) age.

  2. #2
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by A_Grant View Post
    Hi guys,

    I was wondering how many of the old timers (ppl that did a lot of cycles) are on TRT. If cycles are done properly and enough time is waited in between them, is it possible to continue to produce healthy levels of testosterone naturally?

    What is your position on TRT? I understand that it is a viable option, but it IS a lifetime commitement to supply synthetic hormones to the body, so if it can be avoided...


    Oh, one last thing, I know test levels are bound to decrease later in life, so I was reffering to ppl being on TRT at a young (30-40) age.
    If you cycle properly, take proper time off run correct pct and use hcg on cycle. You will have much better chances of not ending up on TRT but it is a risk for anyone running cycles.

  3. #3
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Who is it you consider an OLD timer? What age is old? I'm sure I dont fit because I'm only 50.
    Only problem is I didnt cycle when I was younger.

  4. #4
    A_Grant is offline Junior Member
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    Yeah, I should clarify

    By old timer I meant someone that did somethinmg like 10 cycles. Of course test levels drop as you get older. Lovbyts, at what age did you start cycling?

    Basically, my question could read as follow: Is it possible to recover from 10 cycles if ran properly (hCG , PCT, proper recovery time etc...).

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Yes, you can recover but it's always a crap shoot to some extent. But remember this, every aging male who has an interest in their health will be on TRT eventually. Yes, you can avoid it if you choose to slowly allow your body to debilitate due to a slow regression of Test production and resultant elevation of estrogen. And estrogen is the killer. Remember, the average mid-fifties out of shape male has a higher estrogen level than a similar female. Yes, test is synthetic but also Bio-Identical.

  6. #6
    APIs's Avatar
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    ^^Jesus Kel, lookin good! Anyway, I think it's a safe bet that anyone who cyles on a regular basis (proper PCT or not) is bound to have reduced Test levels later in life. Those who think otherwise are only kidding themselves IMO. Then again, like Kel says above, anyone in their 40s/50s who is a fat slob ends up in the same boat anyway. Both are then candidates for TRT so what's the difference if you really think about it?

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Interesting way to put it API! Like I've said here before, our generation is so fortunate to have this ability to live a healthier and hopefully longer and more productive life due to modern science.

  8. #8
    ctenosaura's Avatar
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    I started doing cycles when I was 21 to 26. I did long cycles no 6-8 weeks stuff. Competed in bodybuilding and powerlifting and then "was" clean for 25 years. Had two normal kids (no third eyes or extra limbs). I have no idea if my previous steroid use caused my to have low T. Started noticing my strength getting weak about 3 years ago but just thought I was getting old and started training lighter. Now, 3.5 weeks into my program (T-cyp + HCG ) and am noticing some gains in strength and size. That said, I will probably increase my poundage of weights lifted a little but not to the potential I get from the T-cyp because although I know my muscles can handle more weight now, I'm not sure my tendons or joints can. These tend to become less flexible and pliable with age and seems to be the thing people pull, tear, or hurt after the age of 50. That said, I do overall feel better.

  9. #9
    effinmo is offline New Member
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    Here is my story. In my 20s and early 30s i abused otc test boosters and PH with out proper pct or time off. I stopped and took a few months off and BW showed T- 380, waited another month and BW showed T-365. I went on TRT and immediately started cycling AAS. I did Blast and Cruise for 2 years with TestE and TrenA mostly! I did do proper PCT after each blast then went back to cruise at atound 100mg wk. I recently decided that it was worth a try to getting off TRT and getting natty levels back as best as possible even though i dont have a clue what my natty level was before the abuse because i did not do BW back then. I stopped cold turkey and have never used hcg . I took 8 weeks off then did 5 weeks pct with nolva and clomid and waited a month did BW and it showed T-620! I will continue to BW every month for a while to make sure T stays stable. Maybe i am lucky, but maybe this will give some hope to those out there that might think they are doomed to trt for life because of poor choices in life. Its worth every effort to be natty as long as possible I am happy i gave it a shot.

  10. #10
    A_Grant is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by effinmo View Post
    Here is my story. In my 20s and early 30s i abused otc test boosters and PH with out proper pct or time off. I stopped and took a few months off and BW showed T- 380, waited another month and BW showed T-365. I went on TRT and immediately started cycling AAS. I did Blast and Cruise for 2 years with TestE and TrenA mostly! I did do proper PCT after each blast then went back to cruise at atound 100mg wk. I recently decided that it was worth a try to getting off TRT and getting natty levels back as best as possible even though i dont have a clue what my natty level was before the abuse because i did not do BW back then. I stopped cold turkey and have never used hcg. I took 8 weeks off then did 5 weeks pct with nolva and clomid and waited a month did BW and it showed T-620! I will continue to BW every month for a while to make sure T stays stable. Maybe i am lucky, but maybe this will give some hope to those out there that might think they are doomed to trt for life because of poor choices in life. Its worth every effort to be natty as long as possible I am happy i gave it a shot.
    Glad it worked for you!

    I agree, if your test levels are in the healty range, it's best to stay natural (at least in between cycles).

    On the other hand, I understand that for some people, TRT is an effective treatment and greatly improve the quality of life. It also gives the opportunity to counteract the natural tandency of test levels to drop later in life. I'm 100% sure I will be on TRT someday, I just want to do my best so that it do not happens too soon!

  11. #11
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by effinmo View Post
    Here is my story. In my 20s and early 30s i abused otc test boosters and PH with out proper pct or time off. I stopped and took a few months off and BW showed T- 380, waited another month and BW showed T-365. I went on TRT and immediately started cycling AAS. I did Blast and Cruise for 2 years with TestE and TrenA mostly! I did do proper PCT after each blast then went back to cruise at atound 100mg wk. I recently decided that it was worth a try to getting off TRT and getting natty levels back as best as possible even though i dont have a clue what my natty level was before the abuse because i did not do BW back then. I stopped cold turkey and have never used hcg. I took 8 weeks off then did 5 weeks pct with nolva and clomid and waited a month did BW and it showed T-620! I will continue to BW every month for a while to make sure T stays stable. Maybe i am lucky, but maybe this will give some hope to those out there that might think they are doomed to trt for life because of poor choices in life. Its worth every effort to be natty as long as possible I am happy i gave it a shot.
    Outstanding Eff! Be sure to add in vit D3 to your protocol. Maybe 5k IU per day to start and check your 25 Hydroxy on your next BW. It will help boost your free T level. And virtually everyone is low....

  12. #12
    effinmo is offline New Member
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    Thanks Kel for.the vit D3 recommendation. I have been on 1000 iU for a while but it looks like i may be on the light side of that supplement i will up it as you suggested!

  13. #13
    kelkel's Avatar
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  14. #14
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
    Juced_porkchop is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by A_Grant View Post
    Yeah, I should clarify

    By old timer I meant someone that did somethinmg like 10 cycles. Of course test levels drop as you get older. Lovbyts, at what age did you start cycling?

    Basically, my question could read as follow: Is it possible to recover from 10 cycles if ran properly (hCG, PCT, proper recovery time etc...).
    yes it is

    Follow me on Twitter for advanced in-depth peptide, supplement and AAS knowledge, along with all things bodybuilding! Follow me-> @Juced_porkchop
    Last edited by Juced_porkchop; 12-28-2012 at 11:41 AM.

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