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  1. #1
    Oldhighlander's Avatar
    Oldhighlander is offline Associate Member
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    Latest blood work.I need some input

    Back ground.55 years old,6'4" at 265 (down from 347 in 15 months) on TRT for 15 months.Gym 3 times a week and compete in the scottish highland games.Currently test cyp every 3.5 days at 45 mg.

    tested on 12/9
    % free test 2.4 range 1.6 -2.9
    SHBG 21 nmol/l range 11-80
    test free 166 pg/ml range 47-244
    test total 685 ng/dl range 300-890
    estradiol 39.55 pg/ml range 7.63-42.6

    Everything looks good on paper but I felt much better when my total T was 805(when I really noticed a difference).The only problem was my estradiol was 67 but I didn't have any symptoms.That was back in June.With no changes I retested in September and was at 936( felt even better and stonger) and E went down to 62.Doc had me drop my dose and my T fell to 738 and E 22 when I retested in October.I think my E was to low.She dropped the dose again and retested in early December and you can see where I am at now.Since the T has dropped my E.D.has returned to a degree.I am in a very stressful time of my life now so maybe thats where the issue is.I told her I would like to get back to 800 again but If I did that I would have to raise my dose a little and probably need an AI.She said go ahead and raise the dose and retest and see where we are then we can talk about the AI.If you look at my previous posts you can see she wasn't really on board with an AI so I hope I don't go down that path again.Any input would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Numbers you posted look pretty good. I would like to see other labs, including your thyroid panels, DHEA, lipids, CBC's, vitamin D, etc. I'd also throw in a prolactin assay, as that can also be a culprit with ED. The more labs the merrier, as we need to see the BIG picture with your status.

    Any HCG ? If not, and you're secondary, then adding it into your protocol would probably increase your serum to your desired level, without having to increase your cypionate dosage.

    On the E2 ... IMO, I think you're destine to include a little AI. Your current E2 isn't through the ceiling, but you may respond a bit better by getting it down at least into the high 20's. I'd consider (especially if you increase your test) a small Arimidex protocol of .25mg x2/wk, administered 24 hours after your cyp injection(s). Talk it over with your physician and see what becomes of it.

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Agree Vette. The minimum amount of AI as you suggest would do wonders all around. It may get him right back where he needs to be and feeling good again!

  4. #4
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Jezzus Kel, for a second I though your avi was someone's open heart surgery pic!

  5. #5
    Oldhighlander's Avatar
    Oldhighlander is offline Associate Member
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    Thats all the labs I have except triglicerides.I was low in D but am supplementing and it is in a good range.Thyroid was checked from the start and it is all good.No HCG in the protocol.I haven't even mentioned it to my doc and I know insurance won't cover it.I am educating my doc along the way.She has been pretty good but kind of resistant to an AI and I am not sure how she would react to HCG.I really don't want to pin almost daily if HCG was thrown into the mix.Thats why I haven't brought it up to her.Just not willing to go there.I have had some shrinkage and a little discomfort early on but it has been gone for along time.I do understand why you suggested it though.

    cho/hdl ratio 3.7 range <=5.0
    hdl 45 mg/dl range > =40
    ldl calculated 111 mg/dl range <=129
    triglycerides 52 mg/dl range <=200
    vldl calculated 1 mg/dl range 10-30

    I just came off of BP meds and cut my dose of cholesteral meds in half because I my big weight loss and cleaning up my diet.Any idea as to why the big swing in E?
    What kind of bike is that vette?Kawasaki concours?I have an 85 FJ 1100.Was considering the kaw or the FJR but I do like my old FJ cuz its long paid for and it is more sporty then touring.But comfort is becoming an issue in my advanced age.

  6. #6
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Aug 2009
    Good eye, it's a Concours 14 with 1,352cc. Way more power than I really need, but it's fun to put the throttle down on occasion.

    BTW, you can get HCG at the RC's. Plenty of documents from Dr. Crisler and others for your doctor if it would make a difference.

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