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Thread: Hgh week 3

  1. #1
    Edwin23q is offline Banned
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    Hgh week 3

    Guys, just need your advise and help on thi.

    Been on hgh for 3 weeks now. First week I was taking 2iu's a day and the last 2 weeks 5iu a day split into 2 injections of 2.5iu each.
    In your opinion:
    Should I be experiencing any sides? Cause I'm not.
    Should I have 5iu's on waking up or keep it at 2.5 in the morning and 2.5 in the afternoon?
    Why am I not seeing any sides at 5iu a day.

    I'm taking Jintropins blue tops. Serial number comes up authentic on the Gensci web site. I know that doesn't prove a lot but unfortunately I have no other way to authenticate it other than my source is good and reliable. Oh and the pregnancy test came back negative so I know it's not hcg .
    Currently not on anything else.

    Thanks in advance.
    Age: 38
    Weight: 75kgs
    Height: 173

  2. #2
    Edwin23q is offline Banned
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    Forgot to mention that my diet is very clean and on average 4 days a week at the gym.

  3. #3
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You are taking generic blue to HGH so who knows what you are really getting but we can be 99.99% sure there is no hgh in it.
    You need to read up more. HGH is the #1 faked peptide and unless you have a doctors RX it's not worth risking. They are putting some bad stuff in it now days to mimic real hgh sides.

  4. #4
    MyteeJ is offline Associate Member
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    Sounds like you have fakes sorry about that.

    I have sides at only 1.5 IU.

    There was a recent discussion in the GH IGF area from a few days ago about this so check it out to see their experience.

  5. #5
    testluva's Avatar
    testluva is offline Associate Member
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    You should be waking up to swollen fingers in the morning. This was my first side effect when started HGH. Every time I up my dosage I feel this.

  6. #6
    brazilian86's Avatar
    brazilian86 is offline Associate Member
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    I been on HGH from doctor at 2,5iu a day for 8 days and have aching joints and sleepy all the time!
    Don't feel much tho. Doc says takes about a month to feel good and 2 months to notice any bodyfat loss.
    Your HGH seems fake bra.

  7. #7
    Edwin23q is offline Banned
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    I'm not sure mine are fakes or real but by the sounds of it No One is on real GH, lol. Everyone has their own theories.

  8. #8
    Edwin23q is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sorter View Post
    If you plan on using them for a long time and staying with that source, get them tested. a GH or preferably IGF test shouldn't cost that much compared to what it is worth. Labcorp does it for about 100bucks
    Thanks mate, might do that.
    What if I was ordering it from one of the distributors off the Gensci web site? You guys think they're fake too? I don't think I'll stick with my supplier as I'm having doubts about them although he is on the same stuff and looks 10/10 with the muscle time and no fat. He has been on it for 12 months though.
    I'm so confused its not funny. Lol

  9. #9
    stack5000 is offline Junior Member
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    Can HGH help with Erectile Dysfunction?

  10. #10
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sorter View Post
    LMAO, like what? Obviously you don't know how the rGH world works bud. Please, tell me what they put in there to mimic "real hgh sides"
    Well considering the majority of the HGH I used was straight from the pharmacy and I have been following the scams for years. You can start by reading here.

    Why does sorter remind me of Sworder???
    Last edited by lovbyts; 12-25-2012 at 03:21 AM.

  11. #11
    Edwin23q is offline Banned
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    Quick question on this, what would you recommend?
    2.5iu in the morning
    2.5iu in the evening
    5iu in the morning?

    Any benefit from splitting dosage at 5iu's?


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